Don’t You Forget About Me

Behind Those Hazel Eyes


Nobody’s Pov.

Man: “How do you feel?”

Giovanna opened her eyes at the sound of his voice; Edward was standing next to her, checking the heart rate monitor:

Giovanna: “How should I feel?”

Edward turn to look at Giovanna, she was throwing draggers at him with her eyes:

Edward: “I told you it was too soon”.

Giovanna slowly got up, took of the IV and started to walk towards the window, she could see the darkness of the night sky and how it shallows every single shadow, she let out a breath and touch her now bruise lips:

Giovanna: “I’ll give you four”.

Edward: “Four?”

Giovanna: “I’ll make them come back; I’ll give you four of them”.

Edward: “There are five”.

Giovanna turn to look at Edward and Donna as she enters the room, she reached up to her bruise lips again:

Giovanna: “I know but because of this, Ji-an is going to dead just like Elena”.

Donna walked over to stand next to her sister:

Donna: “I’ll be helping you this time; I have been waiting to get my hands around Marie’s neck”.

Edward just smile at the idea of having his creations back and destroying everyone and anyone who got in the way.

Marie couldn’t help but smile as she saw the girls helping her around the house or working at the café these past few weeks. She felt relief and content that everyone was safe but she wasn’t sure it was the safest idea for Da-young to date a human but she was no one to ruin her happiness:

In-an: “How’s Nico?”

In-an was taking off her apron and place under the counter as she asked for the little punk girl she had not seen in days as Marie locked the café’s door, she turn around to look at In-an and sigh:

Marie: “She doesn’t want to come out of her room”.

Marie knew Nicolette had suffer the most when Elena had died, Elena had been like a mother to little Nicolette when their mother had passed away. Marie and In-an felt that they couldn’t do anymore then what they had done these past few days. Nicolette laid on her bed, she couldn’t believe she had lost control of her emotions, if she would have the strength Jensen has, she would have remain calm and in control, now she couldn’t face the girls, not now, not yet:

Da-young: “Nico, can I come in?”

Da-young was standing on the other side of the door, she wanted to talk to Nico and tell her everything was fine but it was another failed attempt:

Da-young: “Please open the door”.

There was no answer, so she decide to go in there by force, she took a deep breath and walked right through the door.

A dim light candle light filled the pitch black room, he sat there, thinking or trying to remember, remember his life before he had become so full of hate and in need of power. All he would remember was a beautiful woman standing next to three beautiful blonde children, they were all smiling, and he would give his life to know who they were or what they meant to him:

Donna: “Edward?”

Donna slowly made her way towards him; he had his head in his arms and looked like he was asleep. Donna looked at him, she pitied him as she pats his head, he was her cover, her play toy to do with him as she pleased:

Donna: “Good night, Edward”.

She slowly walked out and he raised his head, he was foolishly sure that she would always be there for him and that she loves him deeply. However, Edward felt nothing when he saw her but when he saw that young blonde girl starring at him, he felt a strong pull in his black and burned heart:

Nico: “I’ll be fine”.

Da-young sat next to Nico who looked out the window, she looked compose and well-rested:

Da-young: “I just want you to know we are here for you and that you need to get out and help with dinner”.

Nico: “I don’t want too; I’m not ready to face them”.

Da-young took her hand and dragged her out right through the walls until they were in the kitchen where Marie had arrived and Mi Rin was cooking:

Marie: “Girls, you startled me”.

Da-young: “Ooops sorry, it was the only way to get her out of there”.

Mi Rin and Marie laughed and Da-young just shrugged and looked at a smiling Nicolette. The delicious smell reached Sa-rang who was reading one of Marie’s books:

Sa-rang: “I think the food is almost ready”.

Jensen: “I’ll set the table, is it just us?”

His tone was a little harsh but the girls knew he didn’t like the Big Bang member at all but he would tolerate them just for the girls:

Ji-an: “Yes only us, Jen”.

Sa-rang: “Jiyong is not coming?”

Ji-an had been a little unstable all day, she was moody and felt disconnected, like she was missing something. She tried to act normal however the mood swings gave it away but she wasn’t alone, Jiyong felt it too, he had called his sister about three or more times just to check up on them:

Ji-an: “No.”

In-an: “No wonder you’re in such a sour mood”.

Ji-an smiled at the sound of jealous on In-an’s voice, she got up and hug her sister from behind:

Ji-an: “In-an, me and Jiyong are like little newly born twins, we have to be somewhat close and the company and Marie’s apartment are not very close”.

In-an: “I know but …”

Ji-an: “If only you could read hearts too”.

Ji-an let go of In-an who was confuse by her statement, she looked at Sa-rang and then at Da-young for an answer:

Da-young: “I have no idea”.

Da-young got up and enter the kitchen only to bump into Jensen who was heading out into the living room:

Jensen: “Sorry Day”.

Da-young made a face at him and he laughed, she knew he was the only one allowed to call her like that, since he was like her brother, Jensen stop to ask Sa-rang to go with him to buy some wine and In-an went over to the phone, the phone she could heard it ringing, she slowly walk over to it but it went silent before she could answer:

Donna: “It was Moore”.

Giovanna: “What did he want?”

Donna: “To give me an update”.

This was music to her ears, Giovanna had sent a team out to spy on those beastly girls and their safe keepers, and she even had a couple of them keep a watch on the human boys:

Giovanna: “What’s the update?”

Donna: “They seem to be acting like a normal family, Sa-rang and Jensen just exited while the rest stayed in”.

Giovanna: “Family? Don’t make me laugh”.

Donna: “They think you’re dead”.

Giovanna: “Even better, what about those pesky human boys?”

Donna: “Doing their thing, working and visiting the girls regularly”.

Giovanna turns to look at Donna and walk closer to her until they were face to face:

Giovanna: “How did they take to their new dance coach, Dom?”

Donna’s short brunette hair started to become even shorter and lighter as her facial features started to take a male like shape, her slim figure became manlier until she transformed into a well-build and charming young man and her voice became rougher:

Donna: “They took to me well except for Jiyong”.

Giovanna: “That stupid little boy never likes anyone but you look nothing like yourself Donna”.

Dom quickly transformed into Donna who had a smile on her face:

Donna: “The perks of being a shape shifter”.

They both turn to look at the night sky and the lights of the city shining back at them, they both walked quietly back to the house:

Jensen: “Do you like summer or winter?”

Sa-rang: “Spring”.

Jensen: “Why spring?”

Sa-rang: “Because it has a little bit of both summer and winter”.

Sa-rang was a bit confused, not only about the question but about her feelings, she felt a strong pull towards Taeyang but she couldn’t deny her attraction to Jensen:

Jensen: “Sa-rang let me show you something”.

Jensen place the wine bottle on the floor and took Sa-rang’s hand, she looked at him confuse, he told her to look up as they were doing these, a van slowly pulled up and from it five well-covered guys stepped out heading their way but stop at the sight:

Jensen: “You see the old ice on the window pane”.

Sa-rang nodded her head and they continue to watch:

Jensen: “Look.”

Sa-rang looked up to see the ice turning into water, she saw them coming off the window and heading towards them, she closed her eyes and lifted her hand to block her face, then she heard Jensen laugh when she opened the water droplets where floating over their heads:

Sa-rang: “How?”

Jensen: “Our powers together”.

The five young males looked in amaze but one of them was more than amaze, he was jealous, Taeyang could feel his blood boiling, his muscle clutching as Jensen pulled Sa-rang closer right into his chest:

Jensen: “Sa-rang, May I?”

Sa-rang just stared at him as he got closer to her, she was torn. She wanted him to kiss her however it felt wrong, she felt something telling her not to allow it but it was too late his lips were on hers and surprisingly she was kissing him back:

Marie: “Jensen and Sa-rang!”

They broke apart Jensen’s face was red while Sa-rang couldn’t look at Marie:

Marie: “Do this on your own time, not in front of the guest”.

Sa-rang turn to look at the direction where Marie was facing, her heart sank when she saw Taeyang starring at her, Taeyang felt like someone had took his heart and crushed I, he felt weak and Sa-rang could see it in his eyes, she ran up the stairs without looking back to be greeted with an empty apartment and Ji-an on the floor in a pool of blood:

Sa-rang: “Ji-an!”

Everyone heard her shriek and run upstairs, Jiyong was the first one to arrive to find Sa-rang holing a badly wounded Ji-an:

Jiyong: “I should have been here”.

Jiyong took Ji-an out of Sa-rang’s arms and send a white light from his mouth to hers, her wounds started to heal quickly until she opened her eyes gasping for air:

Ji-an: “They took…They took them”.

Seunghyun: “What happened?”

Ji-an: “Jiyong, they took them!”

Marie: “How? What?”

Daesung and Seungri held onto Marie who looked like she was about to collapse any second now, Taeyang, Jensen, and Seunghyun looked at the destroyed apartment, there was broken glass everywhere, blood stains, books and others things where on the floor:

Ji-an: “I tried… but it happened so quickly, they took Mi Rin first, I tried to get Da-young and Nico as In-an was struggling, they shot me with… with… I don’t know but they took them.”

Marie: “They shot you with V9”.

Jiyong: “V9? Who are they?”

Jensen: “V9 is tranquilizer; it could put to sleep about 12 healthy horses with one shot… Ji-an they shot you seven times plus the bullets … I have no idea how you continue to walk after the first one hit your system”.

Seunghyun: “Who are they?”

Jensen: “Rangerson’s minions, he must have control them”.

Sa-rang: “What are we going to do?”

Seungri: “We need to get them back”.

Daesung: “How?”

Taeyang: “We must fight”.

Marie: “That’s too risky”.

Seunghyun: “We’re human but we are not weak”.

Jiyong: “They’re right; we meet all the help we can get”.

Ji-an just sat there, listening and letting everything sink in but most importantly allowing her to rethink her plan:

Ji-an: “I know what we have to do”.

Everyone became silent and turn to look at a puffy eyed Ji-an who looked straight ahead:

Jiyong: “No.”

Ji-an: “Yes, they think I’m dead and they don’t know I have a partner”.

Seunghyun: “What with that?”

Jiyong: “She wants to do a trade”.

Marie: “A trade?”

Ji-an: “They don’t want Nico; they want Sa-rang so let’s give them Sa-rang”.

Jensen & Taeyang: “No!”

Sa-rang: “They will give you Nico back; I’ll be a sort of tracking device”.

Taeyang: “You’re not doing that”.

Seungri: “Now that’s too risky”.

Marie: “Is that the only way?”

Daesung: “That’s dangerous”.

Ji-an and Sa-rang got up and walk towards the window together, Ji-an extend her hand out to Sa-rang and she took it, Sa-rang’s face was painted with pain and Ji-an’s eyes became hazel, she let go and Sa-rang fell to her knees and quickly got up:

Jiyong: “What just happened?”

Sa-rang: “Rangerson wants our powers…”

Ji-an: “We are only giving him a limited amount of Sa-rang’s, he going need more so he will come looking for more and we’ll be ready to give him more”.

Sa-rang: “Marie, get ready to make the trade tonight”.

The light of the moon come through the slightly cracked door, her eyes shine bright as she looked at the four girls laying in front of her with their hands tie with heavy chains:

Giovanna: “Stupid little girls, you thought you could beat me”.

The place was freezing, her cheek was against something hard and cold, she couldn’t move, her hands were tied with something heavy as heavy as her eyes lids. In-an could feel, she wanted to move, to see and to save the girls, she knew in her heart that she wasn’t alone, In-an felt a hand on her chin, it was a big and rough, she knew it belong to man but not who the man was.

He picked up the last blonde girl, her hair covered her face however, he was sure that In-an was the only blonde in the bunch, he flip the girl’s hair and saw her face:

Edward: “She’s not Sa-rang, she’s not one of them”.

He grabbed the back of Nicolette’s neck and picked her up:

Edward: “Get rid of her”.

Donna and Giovanna looked at the young blonde in Edward’s hands, they knew who she was, she was Edward’s youngest daughter and he didn’t even know it, Donna’s phone ringing took them from their thoughts:

Donna: “Marie, what a pleasant surprise”.

The conversation was kept short and to the point, Marie stated what she wanted and Donna was a bit taken back by the request however she knew that family always came first to Marie, after all little Emma was her niece and goddaughter:

Edward: “What did she want?”

Donna: “A trade.”

Giovanna: “A trade?”

Donna: “That girl for our girl”.

Marie knew they weren’t going to say no, she knew them like the palm of her hand, Ji-an looked out the window, she could still feel the bullets slicing through her flesh, she didn’t want anyone near her. Seunghyun and Jiyong sat at the table looking at Ji-an, Jensen, Seungri and Taeyang were cleaning up the last of the broken glass, Daesung brought Sa-rang and Marie some tea, then the phone rang. 


Hey there, enjoy the chapter! Comment, subscribe and upvote please... Have wonderful Easter weekend! Until next time... :) 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 19: I can't explain my happiness!!!! WHO. IS. WATCHING. THEM?!?!? Wow. Thank you for leaving me with that huge question. I really love it. A lot.
Thanks for updating and please update soon!!!
Nuest17exo #2
Chapter 18: NO!!!! They can't kiss |:( GET OUT OF THE TRANCE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Those two are taken!!
I get it!!! The things behind the HAZEL EYES that are (?)
Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #3
Chapter 17: Awe~!! Poor Seunghyun! He isn't her partner...
Wow. Miss Busy Bee, you are very surprising in each and every chapter. You're such an amazing author!! Thanks for updating and please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #4
Chapter 16: *sobs*....Ji-an...... Seunghyun!!!! Is he gonna kiss her, then she'll miraculously wake up?!? *smiles* hehee~ the girls have finally opened up to them after that evil "child(Giovanna)" died!! (She did right?)
This story really shows the different feels and emotions towards the reader. Good job:) thanks for updating and please update soon!! Thanks for calling me out too!! Tell me whenever you need some inspiration, and I'll be more than glad to help and
comment:D smile. Fighting~ !
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 15: I think you should update as soon as you can and that the twist at the end.... Is AMAZING!!!! Well done. *applause* you're in the top 3 of best authors whose stories I've read on AFF.
Daesung's doing a great job at figuring out whys going on.
Where will the girls go though?
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 15: Update please! I LOVE the twist of the story!
huskyvoicemale #7
Chapter 15: taeyang!!! ^^
Nuest17exo #8
Chapter 14: PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! My favourite girl is Da-young but my favourite couples are JiYong+In-an and Seungri+Da-young. You're welcome. I'll be waiting~ I love your story!! Smile:) Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 13: You're welcome:) Finally!! Someone poured their heart out. Who's next? Argh~!! Oh well. Can't wait for te surprise!! Fighting~!
gemmaflame #10
Chapter 14: UPDATE! !! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! !!