Time To Pretend

Behind Those Hazel Eyes


Nobody’s Pov

A glass door leads to a small outdoor patio where Giovanna sits in an old style wooden chair, sipping on strong black coffee.

 Gio: “You’re up early, Mi Rin”.

Mi Rin stood behind Giovanna with a beautiful yellow skirt and a cup of coffee in her hands:

Mi Rin: “I couldn’t sleep so I decide to get up”.

Giovanna turned towards Mi Rin and patted the chair next to her; Mi Rin went to take a seat on the wooden chair next to hers

Mi Rin: “So when are we going to start…”

Gio: “Working?”

Mi Rin nodded her head and turn to look at Giovanna.

Gio: “Soon, I called a friend of my and he needs help”.

Mi Rin continue to drink her coffee while trying to remember when was the last time she work but nothing came to mind. She wanted to ask Giovanna about her old life and how she was before everything happened. Then she remember something that boy said to her as she lay in that hospital bed:

Daesung: “You’re so beautiful but there’s something about you that scares me”.

Since she had left the hospital with those words in mind, those words haunt her dreams, her thoughts and every time she remember his sweet smile and child like laugh, she could feel herself smiling:

Gio: “Mi Rin?”

Mi Rin snapped out of her thoughts and turn to Giovanna, only to find the rest of the girls sitting almost around her and the small breakfast table:

Da-young: “Mi Rin, are you okay?”

Mi Rin: “I’m fine”.

Da-young: “Well, you’re smiling like a ”.

Mi Rin moved her hands up to and felt the smile on her lips, she quickly covered it.

In-an: “Does that boy always make you smile?”

Ji-an: “Giovanna, can you please teach In-an how to stop reading everyone’s thoughts”.

In-an send a hateful glare towards Ji-an who just kept on drinking her orange juice.

Sa-rang: “Giovanna, there’s a man here to see you”.

Gio: “A man?”

Sa-rang: “Yea, his name is Yang Hyun Suk, I think”.

Gio: “I have been waiting for him. Come on, girls there’s someone I want to introduce you to”.

The girls fixed their clothes and even their hair as they took a breath, to go meet someone other than Giovanna and the boys. They wonder who he was and how Giovanna knew him:

Gio: “Girls, this is Mr. Yang Hyun Suk, the President of YG Entertainment and an old friend of my.”

He took at the five girls in front of him; he could tell by the way they were dress that each of them had different personalities. He scanned them from head to toe:

Hyun Suk: “Gio, is this your idea of a new girls group?”

Hyun Suk turn to face Giovanna, she let out a small laugh, she shook her head:

Hyun Suk: “Then what is this?”

Gio: “Remember I told I was going to host five girls who wanted to work in the entertainment business”.

Hyun Suk: “You did mention something about it, are they those girls?”

Gio: “Yes, these girls are going to be working for you under my direction”.

Hyun Suk took a seat and put his hand under his chin, he seem to be thinking about something or more like he was planning something:

Hyun Suk: “What can they do?”

Gio: “What do you need?”

Hyun Suk smirked at Giovanna and then looks at the girls, who were extremely nervous and tons of questions in their head which were making In-an a little bit nervous:

Hyun Suk: “Can one of them dance?”

Gio: “Yes, Mi Rin can”.

Mi Rin looked at Giovanna, she was surprise to know that she could dance or whatever that was or maybe was about to learn how to dance:

Hyun Suk: “Which one is Mi Rin?”

Mi Rin: “That would be me, sir”.

Hyun Suk: “So you can dance?”

Mi Rin: “I guess so”.

Gio: “She can but she’s just a little shy”.

Hyun Suk: “I guess that okay since we only need her to practice just in case the one of our main dancers gets hurt”.

Gio: “That’s good”.

Hyun Suk: “Remember how I am going to open a small private café for my stars, well I could use three more of them”.

Gio: “That’s why you have In-an, Sa-rang and Da-young to work there”.

Giovanna pointed at each of them, they, one by one, bowed towards their new boss.

Gio: “Girls, you will be working for him starting tomorrow”.

Everyone had a job expect for Ji-an, she knew, deep down, she really couldn’t do anything without hurting someone. Even with these gloves on her hands, she was still a dangerous monster that could kill with just one touch:

Hyun Suk: “What about her?”

Hyun Suk’s voice caught Ji-an by surprise, she thought that they had forgotten about her and had moved on:

Gio: “She will be my personal assistant”.

Giovanna better than anyone knew what Ji-an could do and wanted to keep her close, not only to protect others but also to protect Ji-an of herself.

Hyun Suk: “Okay then, I’ll see you girls tomorrow at work”.

Hyun Suk’s words left the girls without any sleep; they couldn’t believe that they were going to blend in so quickly. In-an was laying in her bed as she heard a small gentle knock follow by Da-young’s head:

Da-young: “Can I come in?”

In-an nodded her head as Da-young made her way towards the bed, she took a seat near In-an’s covered legs:

In-an: “What’s wrong?”

Da-young: “I thought you could read everything’s thoughts”.

Ji-an: “I can but I want you to tell me”.

Da-young: “Well, I nervous about tomorrow what if we don’t fit in or blend in?”

Ji-an: “We can only try our best, now come on let’s get some sleep”.

Da-young moved up towards the pillows and as soon as she laid her head touched the pillow, they both drifted to sleep:

Gio: “Come on girls! You don’t want to be late for your first day at work”.

Mi Rin was the first to appear downstairs, follow by Da-young, Ji-an, Sa-rang, and lastly In-an.

Gio: “Well, you girls look nothing like when you came here for the first time”.

Da-young: “Don’t you think this a little too tight?”

Sa-rang: “And these things a little bit too high?”

In-an: “Stop whining. We have to try and make the best of it even if we die in the process”.

Gio: “You girls will be fine. See Ji-an and Mi Rin are not saying anything”.

The three girls turn to look at Ji-an who was wearing pretty white flats and Mi Rin who was wearing white converse than back at Giovanna who looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

Gio: “Come on, let’s go”.

@ The YG Café

Gio: “Here is where you three will work at”.

All five girls were in awe. They looked at the medium size café that had colorful walls, a huge white chandelier, and metal counter top and tables, there were a couple of blue and purple sofas. The inside of the café was a beautiful mess of colors compare to the outside’s brick walls and steel sliding doors.

In-an: “What are we going to do here?”

Giovanna started to explain everything in detail as the three new employees just nodded their heads or ask simple questions:

Gio: “Remember from 10am to 5pm it open to the public and from 5:30pm to 4am to the artists only”.

Sa-rang: “The artist from Mr. Yang’s company?”

Gio: “Yes. You girls are usually going to come in at 5 to work with the artists only, which mean less people.”

In-an: “Then why are we here?”

Gio: “This first week I want you to get a feel on what you will be doing from now on”.

The girls bid farewell to Giovanna and the two other girls who were heading to the office building which was a couple of blocks down from there.

@ YG Ent. Building

Gio: “Here we are, Mi Rin, I’m going to take you with the dance team leader”.

Ji-an: “Where do I go?”

Gio: “Here take these papers up to my office, it’s on the sixth floor to the right, my name is on the door”.

Ji-an nodded as they went their separate ways, she decide to take the elevator while they took the stairs. Ji-an walked towards the elevator holding onto those papers like her life depend on it. She passed right by the smiling receptionist without saying a word and nearly running towards the open elevator doors. Once inside she didn’t know what to do, so she push a number and another one, she fell back a little when it started to move. It came to a stop at the fourth floor that’s when she remembered it was the sixth floor that she needed to be. She looked at the doors waiting for them to open so that they could close again, that’s when her eyes met his.

He looked back at her, the beautiful angel with light color eyes that had been haunting his dreams; she looked at him, the man she never thought she would see again. He was not alone, there was a girl holding onto his right arm and the blonde boy who was not blonde anymore but who she remember was called Jiyong at his left. The elevator doors seem to slowly close as she met his eyes again, his beautiful eyes where now filled with abandonment and anger and that hurt Ji-an. 



I'm back with whole new chapter for all for you! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend, I sure did. This weekend I got to see BIGBANG live, it was awesome and I will never forget it... let me knew if any of you my lovely subscribers are or saw them live... This week I got some new subscribers so thank so much for subscribing and to my old subcribers thanks for sticking with me, I hope I have not bored you yet... Best Wishes for everyone and don't forget to comment like Korneli406  and Nuest17exo .

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 19: I can't explain my happiness!!!! WHO. IS. WATCHING. THEM?!?!? Wow. Thank you for leaving me with that huge question. I really love it. A lot.
Thanks for updating and please update soon!!!
Nuest17exo #2
Chapter 18: NO!!!! They can't kiss |:( GET OUT OF THE TRANCE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Those two are taken!!
I get it!!! The things behind the HAZEL EYES that are (?)
Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #3
Chapter 17: Awe~!! Poor Seunghyun! He isn't her partner...
Wow. Miss Busy Bee, you are very surprising in each and every chapter. You're such an amazing author!! Thanks for updating and please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #4
Chapter 16: *sobs*....Ji-an...... Seunghyun!!!! Is he gonna kiss her, then she'll miraculously wake up?!? *smiles* hehee~ the girls have finally opened up to them after that evil "child(Giovanna)" died!! (She did right?)
This story really shows the different feels and emotions towards the reader. Good job:) thanks for updating and please update soon!! Thanks for calling me out too!! Tell me whenever you need some inspiration, and I'll be more than glad to help and
comment:D smile. Fighting~ !
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 15: I think you should update as soon as you can and that the twist at the end.... Is AMAZING!!!! Well done. *applause* you're in the top 3 of best authors whose stories I've read on AFF.
Daesung's doing a great job at figuring out whys going on.
Where will the girls go though?
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 15: Update please! I LOVE the twist of the story!
huskyvoicemale #7
Chapter 15: taeyang!!! ^^
Nuest17exo #8
Chapter 14: PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! My favourite girl is Da-young but my favourite couples are JiYong+In-an and Seungri+Da-young. You're welcome. I'll be waiting~ I love your story!! Smile:) Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 13: You're welcome:) Finally!! Someone poured their heart out. Who's next? Argh~!! Oh well. Can't wait for te surprise!! Fighting~!
gemmaflame #10
Chapter 14: UPDATE! !! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! !!