I'm good, I'm gone

Behind Those Hazel Eyes


Nobody’s Pov.


Her hands were cold, her eyes hurt from crying, and her heart ache because of his voice. Ji-an couldn’t believe what had happen, she moved her hand up to her lips as she started to cry again:

Guy: “Miss, are you okay?”

She turned away from him and with a broken voice answered:

Ji-an: “Yes… I’m fine”.

Before the stranger could speak again, she took off; she was running faster than Mi Rin. On the other side of the cold street, Mi Rin zoomed by unnoticed her amazing speed allowed her to go unseen. She stop to look around but there was no sign of Ji-an.

Da-young: “Did you find her?”

Mi Rin: “No”.

In-an: “Where could she be?”

In-an was worried, she barely know her way around the city, and now Ji-an’ the timid Ji-an was lost. She couldn’t hold it in anymore, she released her tears.

Sa-rang: “We’ll find her”.

The girls had grown too attached to each other; they felt the pain of one another to point where they fell in love at the same time:

Jiyong: “We’ll find her”.

A teary In-an turn to find Jiyong and the rest of the guys standing there, to In-an, he seem like an angel with the white coat he was wearing:

Seunghyun: “The more people looking for her, the faster we’ll find her”.

Da-young: “In-an, he’s right”.

In-an looked at Da-young’s pleading eyes, she couldn’t say Da-young missed Ji-an as much as she did but the little one had always close to Ji-an, closer than In-an had ever be.

In-an: “Thank you”.

With that they all went their separate ways. Meanwhile at the YG Café, Giovanna carefully watched how they clean and took the body away from there.

YG: “What happened here?”

She didn’t even flinch at his voice; she just turns to meet his eyes:

Giovanna: “Ji-an killed someone”.

He let out a chuckle and looked at her:

YG: “I thought you had them under control”.

Giovanna: “I do but the… the young man made the horrible decision of kissing her”.

YG: “Where are they now?”

Giovanna: “At home”.

YG: “All of them?”

Giovanna: “Yes all of them”.

Yang Suk loved to tease Giovanna, he knew she was a tough cookie but she could be worse if you messed with something in her possession.

YG: “I’ll wait here until they are done you can leave now”.

Giovanna started to walk towards the door but remember something:

Giovanna: “YG how’s Chae-rin and Dong-wook?”

She sensed him tense up at the question which made her smile:

YG: “They are perfectly fine”.

She knew better, she knew that Chae-rin’s powers where getting better and stronger and Dong-wook had been practicing his abilities.

Giovanna: “If you don’t stop them from practicing, the girls will find out they are not the only one”.

Yang Suk knew she was right, he couldn’t allow them to know there were more like them.

Giovanna: “Oh and one more thing, keep the Big Bang boys away from them or else”.

Her threat made him laugh.

YG: “Or else what?”

Giovanna: “Or else Seunghyun and Jiyong will find out…”

YG: “Enough. I’ll keep them away from the girls”.

And with that Giovanna her heels and head towards her black shiny new car, the smile on her face she couldn’t hide it. While she was smiling, Ji-an could barely see through the tears as she walk into a small very dark café.

Ji-an: “Can I please just sit here?”

The lady looked at her; her eyes were full of suspicion:

 Lady: “Do you want anything to drink?”

Ji-an: “No, I have no money; I was just cold and lost but…”

Lady: “Go ahead take a seat”.

Ji-an: “Thank you”.

The café was very dark, its walls were red velvet while the counter tops were steel and black as for the chairs; they were black made to match the tables.

Lady: “Here you go”.

Ji-an looked at the cup in front of her then at the lady:

Ji-an: “Oh no, I have no money Miss…”

Lady: “Marie, call me Marie and it’s on me, child. Drink it; it will warm you up faster”.

Ji-an: “Thank you, Marie”

Ji-an took the warm cup between her hands and smelled in the sweet and delicate aurora the honey let out. She slowly took a sip and allowed the warm liquid to take its course.

Ji-an: “Thank you again”.

Marie, who was now behind the counter, gave Ji-an a small grin as she went back to work, Ji-an felt like something was different about her. She took the tea cup from the matching plate; she held the cup and started to concentrate on the plate. The plate slowly started to rise; it was now right in front of her eyes. A strong gasp sends the plate crashing down into the table and shattering into pieces.

Marie: “You…You…”

Ji-an quickly got up and headed towards the door:

Marie: “No stop, don’t go”.

Ji-an was about to turn the door knob when ice slowly started to take over the door. Ji-an felt the cold through her fingers, she quickly let go and turned towards Marie, who’s eyes were now blue and her hands were covered with ice:

Marie: “Please stay awhile”.

Her fingers were freezing in the early morning frost, she could only rub them together as her breath appear before her allowing her to feel hopeless and lost after two day search:

Jiyong: “We’ll find her”.

She turn to look at him, he was standing next to her looking forward. She took the time to look at his features; she wished she could always have him this close and that he would hold her in his arms and tells her everything would be okay:

Jiyong: “In-an, everything will be okay”.

Something inside Jiyong told him, he needed to reassure In-an everything was going to be fine and that he would never leave her even if she pushed him away.

In-an: “Thank you. Now let’s go find my sister”.

In-an was about to turn away when Jiyong stopped her, he took her hands and put a dark color glove on each hand. He slowly intertwine his fingers with hers and started to walk with her, In-an could only smile.

From afar Sa-rang couldn’t help but stop, stare and smile, she really wanted In-an, who had become more than a leader to her, to be happy and some how she felt Jiyong was good for her, at least she hoped he was. Sa-rang also hoped that one day she would find someone just like her and she could always be happy and in love with him. She was about to continue searching for Ji-an, when her hands met with little pink flowers, she looked up and they started to fall on her face.

They were everywhere, she started to concentrate on the flowers flowing down around her, she saw how they came to a stop around her on her mental command. She couldn’t wait to show the girls what else she could do. Sa-rang stared at the frozen flowers around her, she felt blessed to be able to do something that looked so beautiful.

Taeyang: “Sa-rang?”

Her concentration broke at the sound of his voice, she knew he had seen her and now he was going to ask questions, questions she couldn’t answer:

Taeyang: “How did you do that?”

She looked over her shoulder; he was still there right behind her. Da-young wanted to be close to him but this was not the time to be kissing men but oh but how she would kill to kiss him.

Seungri: “You can’t ignore me forever”.

Da-young started to walk faster, excusing herself as she went through the busy street.

 Seungri: “Da-young stop running away from me”.

She stooped and turned into the alley, she walk right though the wall, she stood on the other side as she heard Seungri’s voice:

Seungri: “Where did she go? I lost her. What the hell!”

Da-young could hear the anger in his voice however she was not ready to face him and tell him how she really felt about him. She waited until she heard him leave and slowly started to go through the wall only to see she was not alone.

Da-young: “I can explain”.

Giovanna: “No need, I saw Seungri follow you here, he just exit the alley and he looked furious now I understand why”.

Da-young: “Have you found Ji-an?”

Giovanna: “I was about to ask you the same question, why don’t we look for her together that way Seungri won’t bother you again”.

Da-young just nodded and started to walk in front of Giovanna, she wondered how the others were doing:

Da-young: “Can I borrow your phone?”

Without any real answer, Giovanna passed Da-young her phone, she could hear it ring but she couldn’t find it underneath all of her clothing layers.

Daesung: “Look in your purse”.

Without looking at the person she took her phone out of her purse, only to figure out she had missed a call from Giovanna:

Mi Rin: “Great just great”.

Daesung: “Did something happen?”

Mi Rin: “Yea, my mother called me… why I’m telling some stranger about my life?”

Daesung: “Maybe because I’m not some stranger”

His warm breath tickles her nose as she looked up at him, he smiled at her with his heavenly smile, and she thought her legs were fast but her heart was winning the race:

Daesung: “May this stranger have a kiss”.

Mi Rin couldn’t move even if her head told her to move now as Daesung slowly move close to her lips. When he was so close that Mi Rin could feel his breath on her lips:

Daesung: “I don’t usually do this but I can’t really stop myself with you”.

Mi Rin: “Please…”

Daesung stopped getting any closer when he thought she was about to tell him not to kiss her, Daesung felt his heart break a little, he always had the idea that she wanted to be close to him like he did since the day he saw her on that awful inland. Her soft but lovely whisper made him advance until their lips met for a shy kiss. Mi Rin looked at him and said:

Mi Rin: “Kiss me again”.    



Here is the last chapter I will update this year, I hope to see all of my subscribers and maybe even some new ones next year. Let me know if y'all like the story so far or if you have an questions or just wanna comment. I do really wanna know who's your favorite girl so far? and what couples do y'all wanna see more? I would like to thank all those who comment, all of subscribers both new and old and all of the slient readers for taking the time to read this simple story. Thank you.... and of course as a Chirstmas gift I'll be writing Big Bang Christmas Scenarios ( for the 1st time) called Merry Christmas Baby.... Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Years! :] 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 19: I can't explain my happiness!!!! WHO. IS. WATCHING. THEM?!?!? Wow. Thank you for leaving me with that huge question. I really love it. A lot.
Thanks for updating and please update soon!!!
Nuest17exo #2
Chapter 18: NO!!!! They can't kiss |:( GET OUT OF THE TRANCE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Those two are taken!!
I get it!!! The things behind the HAZEL EYES that are (?)
Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #3
Chapter 17: Awe~!! Poor Seunghyun! He isn't her partner...
Wow. Miss Busy Bee, you are very surprising in each and every chapter. You're such an amazing author!! Thanks for updating and please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #4
Chapter 16: *sobs*....Ji-an...... Seunghyun!!!! Is he gonna kiss her, then she'll miraculously wake up?!? *smiles* hehee~ the girls have finally opened up to them after that evil "child(Giovanna)" died!! (She did right?)
This story really shows the different feels and emotions towards the reader. Good job:) thanks for updating and please update soon!! Thanks for calling me out too!! Tell me whenever you need some inspiration, and I'll be more than glad to help and
comment:D smile. Fighting~ !
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 15: I think you should update as soon as you can and that the twist at the end.... Is AMAZING!!!! Well done. *applause* you're in the top 3 of best authors whose stories I've read on AFF.
Daesung's doing a great job at figuring out whys going on.
Where will the girls go though?
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 15: Update please! I LOVE the twist of the story!
huskyvoicemale #7
Chapter 15: taeyang!!! ^^
Nuest17exo #8
Chapter 14: PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! My favourite girl is Da-young but my favourite couples are JiYong+In-an and Seungri+Da-young. You're welcome. I'll be waiting~ I love your story!! Smile:) Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 13: You're welcome:) Finally!! Someone poured their heart out. Who's next? Argh~!! Oh well. Can't wait for te surprise!! Fighting~!
gemmaflame #10
Chapter 14: UPDATE! !! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! !!