Little Broken Hearts

Behind Those Hazel Eyes


Ji-an’s Pov   

The elevator doors open again but I couldn’t move the papers were crushed in between my arms and my chest; the tears in my eyes were so close to overflowing. I didn’t understand why his eyes had such a painful affect on me, why did it make me feel like my chest was about to break:

Gio: “Ji-an?”

I looked towards the open doors where Giovanna stood, she looked worried, her eyebrows almost met each other and her lips were in a flat line:

Ji-an: “I’m…I’m broken”.

Giovanna kept her eyes on me I could tell she was just as confuse as I was. Why had he affected me so much? Why did he have to appear before me now?

Gio: “Ji-an, what do you mean you’re broken?”

I lean off the wall, stood up straight, I fixed my blazer and the papers in my hands then I took a very deep breath:

Ji-an: “Nothing, I was just… I was just scared of this thing”.

Gio: “Oh well next time take the stairs, I forgot you don’t remember elevator and how they work”.

Giovanna stepped away from the doors and I walked out of the metal box that seemed to be filled with my sorrow. However, I couldn’t let Giovanna or the girls know, I couldn’t allow myself to be so selfish and think only for my pain and what I wanted:

Gio: “Here we are…the desk over there is yours and I’ll be inside those doors if you need me”.

Ji-an: “Thank you Giovanna”.

Gio: “Thank you for what?”

Ji-an: “For everything, everything you have done for us”.

Giovanna hugged me and looked into my eyes; a small smile decorated her face:

Gio: “I would do it again without any second thoughts or regrets”.

I gave her a smile, a smile that for the first time felt real like it was coming from my heart.

Gio: “Let’s get to work”.

She went inside her office and I headed over to the desk, I sat in the chair and stared at the thing in front of me:

Man: “It’s a computer”.

His voice starred me; I quickly got up and bowed like Giovanna had taught us:

Hyun Suk: “Is Gio here?”

Ji-an: “Yes sir, she’s inside her office”.

Hyun Suk: “Good, I want her to meet someone”.

My new boss quickly made his way to Giovanna’s door followed by a young woman, I knew her she was the same woman that was holding onto Seunghyun’s arm. She looked at me and gave me a forced smile as she followed my boss inside.

Ji-an: “Who is she?”

Mi Rin: “Talking to yourself already”.

 Mi Rin was standing at the door with a new set of clothes, her arms crossed and a smile on her face:

Ji-an: “More like thinking out loud”.

Mi Rin: “If you say so”.

She moved from the door to the chairs next my desk as I took a seat I looked at her as she sat down:

Ji-an: “Shouldn’t you be dancing?”

Mi Rin: “Yeah but the main guy isn’t here, he’s out somewhere”.

Ji-an: “The main guy? You mean the artist?”

Mi Rin: “Yea, the artist. Apparently he’s in a boy group but he’s getting ready for his solo, something like that. I don’t really understand all this”.

Ji-an: “So when they speak to you, do you just nod your head and pretend to understand?”

Mi Rin: “Pretty much”.

Her comment made me laugh, after that my work day went by very quickly. Next thing I know I’m in Giovanna’s car heading down to the café to meet the rest of girls. We heading towards the doors when we heard something break, Giovanna rushed in to find two boys holding onto the colorful haired boy while In-an was hiding behind the counter.

Jiyong: “You left without a word!”

Daesung: “Calm down, Jiyong”.

Jiyong: “Let go of me!”

I rushed over to In-an along with Mi Rin, Mi Rin helped In-an up and I stood in front of her as Sa-rang and Da-young came over to my side. In-an had protected us, it was my turn to protect my sister:

Gio: “Calm down, Jiyong”.

Jiyong: “Gio, stay out of it”.

Gio: “No, these girls are under my responsibility and I will take care of them no matter what”.

Jiyong seem to calm down just a bit when he heard the tone in which Giovanna had spoken to him, Daesung and Taeyang let him go and Seungri came over to him:

Seungri: “Are you okay, hyung?”

Jiyong: “I’m fine”.

His eyes said something else and I could tell, he looked right at me:

Jiyong: “Why?”

I couldn’t answer the question without giving our secret away. I just looked at him which cause his voice to raise:

Jiyong: “Why!?!”

Seunghyun: “Stop it, Jiyong. Stop it now!”

Jiyong: “No, I need an answer. I need one now!”

Seunghyun turn to look at me, his eyes were cold but I could see he wanted to know the answer to Jiyong’s question too:

Daesung: “We should go”.

He went over to Jiyong and put his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder:

Taeyang: “Daesung is right, we should go”.

Jiyong: “I’m not leaving until one of these ungrateful girls answer me”.

Jiyong was not going to move from his spot until we gave him an answer. To me, it seemed like they all wanted an answer’ the same answer Jiyong was looking for. However, they wouldn’t speak their mind or say anything:

In-an: “He’s not leaving”.

I turned to look at her, she looked scared like if he was going to hurt her’ I had never seen her like this, she looked weak:

Da-young: “Ji-an, what are we going to do?”

Da-young’s whisper reached my ears as I thought quickly about what to do. I couldn’t tell them the truth, so I was going to tell them a lie. My stomach felt sick as I open my mouth, I knew that they deserve to be told the truth but I had to protect the girls and even Giovanna.

In-an: “Are you sure?”

The girls looked confuse about In-an’s question towards me:

Ji-an: “Yes, it’s the only way”.

In-an: “I have your back”.

Ji-an: “And I have yours”.

I looked at the girls who looked a little confuse and annoyed, I could tell they didn’t understand what we were talking about but they soon will, I hope they forgive me.

In-an: “Girls, whatever Ji-an does, we have to back her up”.

Da-young and Sa-rang looked at each other and then at In-an and nodded their heads, Mi Rin just gave a small smile:

Jiyong: “I’m still waiting for an answer”.

Seunghyun: “Let’s go already”.

I took a deep breath; I glance over to Giovanna and smile at the girls:

Ji-an: “You want an answer; I’ll give it to you”.

Gio: “Ji-an, what are you doing? “

I step away from the girls stood in front of Jiyong almost holding my breath as Seunghyun stood so close to me and Jiyong, I could feel his eyes on me as I locked my on Jiyong’s face:

Ji-an: “You wanna know why?”

Jiyong just looked at me as if trying to figure out what I was about to say:

Ji-an: “We left because we no longer need you, any of you”.

Jiyong looked confused, I smile, the fakest smile I could pull off.

Ji-an: “See we know what we were doing on that inland, we also know who we are but we need a way out and what better way than five handsome heroes to rescue the damsels in distress”.  

I started to laugh to make it more real but deep, deep inside it hurt me to speak every word of this lie to them.

Seunghyun: “What!?!?”

Seunghyun’s harsh tone was a blade through my heart but I kept going and this time I looked at him:

Ji-an: “We needed to leave that place and you guys were the mode of transportation’ that was it, what did you really think it something other than that?”

Seunghyun didn’t say a word, he just looked down and then at me but he didn’t say anything which killed me, I knew I needed back up:

Da-young: “Well now that you all know the truth, I hope you guys will leave us alone”.

I turn to walk away but someone grabbed my arm and spun me around, I was so close to his face, I could feel his breath.

Seunghyun: “You played with us to get back here? You used us?”

In-an: “We used you, get over it and let her go”.

As In-an said this, his grip on my arms got tighter, he was angry and he was not the only one:

Taeyang: “We were your getaway tickets?”

Daesung: “You girls are really something”.

Seungri: “Were you girls ever even sick?”

Da-young: “No. My health is perfect and theirs is too”.

I could only heard them go back and forth, I couldn’t see what was going on, Seunghyun wouldn’t allow me, he was getting closer and closer:

Jiyong: “I can’t believe you girls used us and to think we actually care for your safety”.

Jiyong’s voice brought out of the daze Seunghyun’s eyes had me in:

In-an: “Well that’s not our fault you’re so easy to trick”.

That’s when I noticed how close he was to my lips; if he were to kiss me I would kill him.

Gio: “It’s been a long day, let’s go girls”.

I pushed him as hard I could, he stumble a little and looked back at me with hurtful eyes. Deep down I knew I wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss me but I was no ordinary girl, I was a monster.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello everyone! So its getting very windy here, hows the weather over in your side of town my subscribers? Hope everyone is doing good and have a good weekend hopefully I'll try to update twice early next week before Thanksgiving weekend...Thanks for reading,subscribing, and commenting! :D 

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Nuest17exo #1
Chapter 19: I can't explain my happiness!!!! WHO. IS. WATCHING. THEM?!?!? Wow. Thank you for leaving me with that huge question. I really love it. A lot.
Thanks for updating and please update soon!!!
Nuest17exo #2
Chapter 18: NO!!!! They can't kiss |:( GET OUT OF THE TRANCE RIGHT NOW!!!!! Those two are taken!!
I get it!!! The things behind the HAZEL EYES that are (?)
Please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #3
Chapter 17: Awe~!! Poor Seunghyun! He isn't her partner...
Wow. Miss Busy Bee, you are very surprising in each and every chapter. You're such an amazing author!! Thanks for updating and please update soon!! Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #4
Chapter 16: *sobs*....Ji-an...... Seunghyun!!!! Is he gonna kiss her, then she'll miraculously wake up?!? *smiles* hehee~ the girls have finally opened up to them after that evil "child(Giovanna)" died!! (She did right?)
This story really shows the different feels and emotions towards the reader. Good job:) thanks for updating and please update soon!! Thanks for calling me out too!! Tell me whenever you need some inspiration, and I'll be more than glad to help and
comment:D smile. Fighting~ !
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 15: I think you should update as soon as you can and that the twist at the end.... Is AMAZING!!!! Well done. *applause* you're in the top 3 of best authors whose stories I've read on AFF.
Daesung's doing a great job at figuring out whys going on.
Where will the girls go though?
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 15: Update please! I LOVE the twist of the story!
huskyvoicemale #7
Chapter 15: taeyang!!! ^^
Nuest17exo #8
Chapter 14: PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! My favourite girl is Da-young but my favourite couples are JiYong+In-an and Seungri+Da-young. You're welcome. I'll be waiting~ I love your story!! Smile:) Fighting~!
Nuest17exo #9
Chapter 13: You're welcome:) Finally!! Someone poured their heart out. Who's next? Argh~!! Oh well. Can't wait for te surprise!! Fighting~!
gemmaflame #10
Chapter 14: UPDATE! !! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! !!