Chapter 4

The Royalties:The Battle Has Just Begun(Sequel to The Royalists)


Omma! Can I have a word with you?” I asked her.

She nodded and we walked to a different room.

“Can you please explain to me why those boys are in our house?”

“Because their noona and parents are on a business trip and I felt bad that they had to stay home alone.” she explained.

I didn't buy it. “They have maids and butlers.”

“But it's not the same.”

“You know Heechul will flip when he finds out that 6 other boys are living in this household.” I warned her.

“Maybe that's why I did it...” she said before leaving.

I gawked at her.

Is she serious?!


I walked back into the dining after calming down. I sat tried to find a different seat farther from the boys but there was none that was set up. I had no choice. I had to sit next to L.Joe...

“So boys, how was your night?” My father asked.

“Great. Thanks for the hospitality.” CAP said.

“Oh it's no problem! Stay as long as you like.” my mom said, looking directly at me.

I scoffed.


“_____-sshi, you're not gonna eat?” L.Joe asked me.

“I suddenly lost my appetite. I'm leaving.” I said and got up.

As I walked past the boys, a hand grabbed my wrist.

“Noona, you promised to play with me. Eat or you won't have any energy!” Ricky pouted, with his oh-so cute, big, brown eyes.

I sighed. How can I say no to that face?!

“If she doesn't want to eat then let her be.” a voice snarled.

I looked up. It was Changjo that spoke. My eyes widened. I finally heard his voice.

His brothers glared at him.

I sat back down and ate my food quietly.


“ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT!” Ricky and I yelled while sitting in the garden.

I won.


My finger went the same direction as Ricky.

“OH NO! Redo, redo.” Ricky quickly said.

I shook my head as I flicked his forehead.

“Ow...” He closed his eyes and pouted. I automatically felt bad and rubbed his forehead.

“Mianhe...” I said.

“Can I join?” a deep voice asked. We looked up and saw L.Joe.

“Sure.” we chorused.

He sat down next to Ricky and then gave him a look.

“Well...I guess it's my cue to leave...bye noona! Bye hyung!” he yelled running and waving his arms like crazy.

“Ah, he's too cute.” I said to myself.

“All the noona's fall for him. I wish I had that charm...” he said.


“When did you stuff that note in my sleeve?” I asked him, getting to the point.

“Oh...when you and Chunji were talking at dinner.” he told me. “Which reminds about our dinner date tonight?”

“I don't think Heechul would like that very much.”

“He's not here, is he?”

I looked at him. So he's one of those bad boys...?

“He's in my heart.”

He chuckled. “That was cheesy...”

“I know, but it's true.”

“Okay...fine, how about just a dinner, not a date?”

“If it's the two of us, then it's obviously a date.” I matter-of-factually said.

“No, a boy and a girl can go to dinner and still be just friends.”

“That's not what you think.”

“No one has to know that.” he winked.

I got up. “But I do.”

He grabbed my wrist. “Come on, please? I'm trying my hardest here. Can you at least give me a chance?”

“Try harder.” I said and walked away.

My heart belongs to Heechul, and only him. No one can change that, not even L.Joe. Remember my words.


I was watering the plants on my balcony.

I shook my head at the laziness of the girls. But chuckled when I realized I couldn't be a normal girl if it weren't for them.

I hummed the tune that Heechul played for me on the piano when I noticed a butterfly on the flowers.

I smiled and admired it. It flew away as I leaned my arms on the railing. It was such a nice day today. If only Heechul was here to spend it with me. I sighed. I hope he's doing okay.

I closed my eyes. Please be safe.

One of my bracelets started to fall down my wrist. It started to fall and I leaned down to try to catch it, but it was too late.


I realized that half of my body was over the railing. I tried to get my full weight onto the balcony again but then I slipped because of the water that was on the ground from watering the plants. I gasped and I started to flip over the railing. [a/n man...i STILL at describing things.]

“AHH!” I screamed as I held on to the balcony for my life.

“_____!” I heard a voice under me.


“Let go!” the voice yelled.

“N-no! I'm scared.”

“I'm here! I'll catch you!”

I shook my head.

Trust me.

I closed my eyes and slowly let go. I fell down into someone's arms as we fell to the ground.


I stayed unmoving, taking in what had happened.

I looked up and was gonna thank my savior when I realized who it was.


I rolled my eyes slightly. Out of all people...

But he did save my life, and I really appreciated it.

“Thanks so much...I owe you. Really.” I said getting up and helping him.

“Owe me?” he smirked.

I froze.

“'s about that dinner date tonight?”




L.Joe to the rescueee!

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mizukki #1
Chapter 20: Oh mer gawd.
Still another jyp empire!?!?
But nice story!!
pinkmuffin #3
Chapter 20: Amazing! But please not another one with JYP Empire! I wouldn't survive another sleepless night!
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 20: waaa.liked it...and when L.joe dragged ricky and when L.joe rubbed his eyes when they get sure it was arghhhhhhhhh cuuuuuuutttteeeeeeeee...!!!!!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 17: waaaaa...shinee...and suju also...ooohhh poor heechul and the others then...who will come to help...i think woolim will come..
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 16: yah author-nim i have finished with my evil laughing but you havent???!!!
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 13: author-nim want to join your evil laugh...can i *puppy eyes*
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 12: so i think you need to make 'you' fall in love with L.joe...she had suffering so much...
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 8: yay...time to meet Infinite again...kyaaaaaaaaaaaa