Reign of Evil




There were about 6 men and 1 woman in the operating room. This was the headquarters of one of the most dangerous mini-cults or groups in Korea. Recently they had been on a kidnapping spree, another one of their attempts to take over Korea and reign supreme over the lands once more. They had been attempting this ever since and had experienced a steady slew of failures but this time, they made sure their plan was fool proof and fail proof.



“Alright.” spoke their leader known only as Lady Jane. Lady Jane had red hair that was far too shiny that it looked like a wig. She was clad in a maid’s uniform, looking childish and coquettish while trying to be dangerous. She was the leader, assumingly. She spoke the most and was in charge of this meeting.

“Lady Jane.” spoke Adriana, the secondary leader. She was quite stocky like an amazon, had the same fake-looking red hair as her master. Adriana was wearing a short jacket up to her midriff and a pleated skirt extending way above her knees, quite y for someone as stocky as her. On her feet were knee-high boots with sharp, knife like heels at the end. The heels looked like they could kill someone just by kicking.

“Everyone to the desk.” Lady Jane ordered. The rest of Crimson gathered around the Round Table where they conducted their meetings. Every single member of Crimson was dressed as either phony warriors or dolls or maids, as if they were part of some cosplay convention. Everyone was enthusiastic to hear about what their great leader had to say but if there was anyone who was more excited about this, it was Lady Jane.

“Right now, the world is in need of a superior leader, one that shall lead it to greatness. One that shall restore the power and pride of Korea.” said Lady Jane. She turned the giant screen on and showed scenes of the city.

“Look at it! Lifeless! Horrible!”

“You’re right Lady Jane. You-” Raymond, one of the warrior-looking guys, spoke up but Lady Jane cut him off.

“Our country is a mess! We are nothing without a great God. A great leader. People are forgetting what it is like to bow down before authority. I mean look at us! We have no sense of faith or religion. We need to get ourselves together. We need someone to lead us to greatness.” Lady Jane exclaimed with all emotion.

“So what do we do?” asked Kristofer, another one of Lady Jane’s minions. Lady Jane paid attention to his question and smirked.

“Well,” she started. “We have kidnapped several men. Several great leaders. We have a mind control device set to brainwash the people, leading them to follow our great leader.” Lady Jane showed them the slide which was about their ideal leader.

“The Ideal Leader.” Lady Jane spoke before her minions. “Smart. Charismatic. Brave. Bold. Aggressive. These are the qualities we look for in a Great Leader. Our great leader shall be all of these. He shall lead us into perfection, a land that is ruled by ultimately our power. There shall be no one above us. We are the supreme.” Lady Jane bellowed.

“How do we create our army?”

“Army?” Lady Jane smirked and stepped down on the stage, headed for the glass case that was beside the stage. She unlocked it and presented to them a red pearl. The maid uniform clad leader walked proudly back on stage, displaying the precious red pearl in her hands that was glowing.

“This Red Pearl.” Lady Jane began, “Holds all the controlling powers I know. This Red Pearl shall be responsible for the brainwashing of the people, making them revere us and follow our every command. They shall m ake the perfect army.” Lady Jane cackled evilly, savoring every moment of her brilliant idea. Even her minions thought it was a great idea that they found themselves smiling.

“Lady Jane.” spoke Adriana. “When do we reveal the Great Leader?”

“As soon as possible. I won’t tell.” Lady Jane smirked. “ We shall take the world by storm.” Lady Jane walked towards the shrine of the Red Pearl and placed it on the red pillow. Lady Jane positioned it carefully, as if she was handling a diamond. The Red Pearl was now sitting in the middle of the pillow, shining beautifully in the light. The entire Round Table looked with amazement. The pearl began to glow and from glowing, light emitted and shone throughout the room, filling the room with rays of red.

“What’s happening?” Adriana asked.

“Just wait and see.” Lady Jane said evilly. “It’ll come out eventually. You’ll see. Don’t rush things, my dear.”

The Red Pearl had just been placed on the pillow and as soon as it had adjusted, it began to manifest its powers.  Outside of their headquarters, in the greater Korea, people were starting to wonder why the skies had gone red.

“What is happening?”

“What’s going on?!”

“What’s up with the sky?” Panic started to arise in the city when the sun was covered by a great red ball, representing the Red Pearl.

“What’s happening to the sun?” The Red Pearl was beautifully positioned, properly positioned where the sun was and began to emit harmful red rays. Heat and extreme light came from the red ball of flame, leaving the people no other choice but to be beaten down by it. Unfortunately for those who were hit by the rays, they fell to the ground and felt the wrath of the Crimsons’ powers.

As Lady Jane had promised, those hit by the rays would automatically zombiefy those that got hit, turning them into the Crimson’s slaves who would soon become their army. The fallen citizens began getting up, their pupils turned red, their expressions dazed and crazed, lusting for some violence around the area. Now in their evil trance, they spread out to cause havoc across the nation.


Hyori was just about ready to leave. She had already packed her things and had her car keys in hand when her phone began to ring. It was quite hard for her, walking with so many things in hand having to fish her phone out of her bag.

“Dammit. Of all times you could call why right now?” Hyori had managed to pick her phone out of her bag and answer the call that had been bugging her.


“Scarlet Macaw!” called the voice from the other line. “Chaos has broken out in Korea.” with this, Hyori dropped her things and along with them, her jaw had dropped as well.

“Chaos? What’s going on?” Hyori bent down to pick her things up and hurried to her car. “I’m coming over, we have to resolve this.” The y agent opened her car, started the engine and sped away.

“Careful. Careful, Hyori. Korea is in trouble.” Hyori was driving out in the dark, red sky faster than the speed of light. The zooming in her engine was put to a halt when she came to the main city and oversaw the calamities caused by brainwashed men and women.

“What in heavens name is this?” she spoke. Hyori looked on, seeing the damage The Crimsons had already caused the city. She realized that at this time, it was best to phone in the agency.

“Mr. Cho.” she said over the other line. “Call in the assassins. We’re going to fight back.” Hyori swiftly stepped inside her car and turned it around, heading back to the office.


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Chapter 19: Cool story!! XD like the Korean female version of the avengers or Sth!! ^^ love ur fanfics, my 1st read was spawn of the devil and I loved it xD! Ur language is powerful and descriptive!! :) hwaiting!! ^^
Lady Jane- as in the singer? As in Simon D's wife? O-O Hyori was so y. ♥ holy ____ zombified people? man that's awesome- well in a plot sense. Oh hi 2PM, well that was an unexpected cameo. Yes, the mind control motif. yeees. mehehehehe, it was a good read. I've read something similar- or watched something similar, but all in all it was enjoyable. :)
♥ -SPAAZZINGGG- BOM my beautiful butterfly doll awesome samurai. ♥ You really put effort into the backgrounds of these girls. I like it, I really do. Now back to the story ^^ Ohh Bom, yay, she chopped people's arms off.
The title 'The Target' made me burst into laughter. Sorry, I can't take things seriously nowadays. XDDD Anyway I like your selection of Korean ladies here. Woohh action!
yoonyultrooper #5
wow this is really creepy ... but so cool !!!!!! subscribed =D update thnks ^^ actually i came here for afterschool but im fine =]
Happy_Pig #6
Slightly creepy... but cool :D
hyeamazing #7
Always been a fan of your action-packed, horror, mystery etc stories. :)
Although I haven't been reading all cause of busy schedules.
Anyway, this is really good, update soon. :)
JYM017 #8
this is just so cool! :)
Cool. Update soon girl!
k-poplover2 #10
update soon i can't wait to read it