The Supreme Deity



On the battlegrounds, the 8 women posed strongly and beautifully, successful in their mission. Together they stand, divided they fall. When they were in unity, they were formidable force. Beauty, brains, and brawn.

The Crimson family had just been slain through hand-to-hand combat. Despite their victory, the girls knew that their job was not over yet. It was far from over. They had more challenges coming their way.

“The deity.” Yubin said. “He’s coming.”

“How’d you know?” asked Hyori.

“The ground is shaking again. They said they’d create someone powerful, more powerful than all the strongest men combined. He would be called the Supreme God. The storms come as soon as he descends and the earth shakes as he walks.”

“I heard he’s destructive. I want to know how much of that is true.” Bom’s coquettish voice sounds from behind Yubin.

“You’re brave.” Yubin  said. “I like that.” Yubin reloaded her gun and prepared for the signs of the Supreme Deity’s arrival.

As she described, the earth would shake. Thunder and lightning ruled over the skies and the darkness got even darker, the night got stranger. People were running, hurt and confused over the events that had transpired.

“What’s that?” asked Amber. They all widened their ears and heard the haunting cadence of heavy marching. The girls all looked at the direction that Amber was looking and with great horror came face to face with an army of zombiefied, hypnotized, brainwashed people. They had no distinct uniform but what was distinct about them was the unified way they marched and the crazed, lustful look on their faces that yearned for carnage.

“They have no weapons.” Ji Yeon said. “This should be easy for us.”

“I wouldn’t think that.” Hyori said.

“Why not?”

Hyori did not have enough time to answer. From the dark of the night came fog. Thick smoke surrounded them, suffocating them. The girls’ eyes were too strained to open and see what was coming through the smoke.

“What is this ?” Amber asked.

“He’s here.” Yubin said. She drew her other gun and reloaded it, holding a gun in each hand.

As Yubin said, the fog seemed to have lightened and from it emerged a man’s figure. He stood at around 6 feet and had a sturdy build. His shoulders were square and the way he stood was firm. He had short gray hair with bangs to the side of his face. In a black suit with silver buttons, the Supreme God stepped forward and stared down at the girls. The zombie army marched closer and backed him up.

“I am...” he began. “The ruler of many.” Yubin stepped forward bravely and grasped her guns.

“We are not afraid of you. We know where you come from.” she spoke. The Supreme God seemed to be insulted by Yubin’s feistiness that he flashed his palm and blew her away with his power. Yubin fell backward, helped up by Yuri.

“My army has powers unimaginable. “ the Supreme God warned. “Your powers are no match for them.” feisty tomboy Amber was pissed off with his pride over his army and charged at him with her small pocket knife. The Supreme God saw this and flashed his palm, sending a wave of electricity over her body, making her convulse for a short while. When her seizures were done, Amber got back up and massaged her injured shoulder.

“Might as well just give up now, ladies. At this rate, you are outnumbered! Better surrender now before you meet your grisly demise. “

“Not a chance.” Yuri smirked. The Supreme God seemed to be swayed by the costume and movements of Yuri. “This is our city, we save it.”

“Well. You are pretty stubborn. I guess you leave me with no choice.” The Supreme God arched his eyebrow at his young army trumpeter. The young man knew what this was automatically. He understood that the sound of the trumpet meant that battle was to begin. Heralding the trumpet was a sign of danger.

“ATTACK THEM!” demanded the Supreme God. The zombie army charged at the 8 women. Yubin and UEE punched and kicked them, knocking them out then shooting them dead. Bom used her most powerful weapon, the sword, to defend herself. She spun around, stabbed and decapitated some zombies. Hyori and Dasom, the ladies in red, teamed up and shot some zombies. Nonstop they were making it rain with bullets and flood in blood. The Supreme Deity looked on, raining lightning and thunder electricity forces on them.

“Thunder! Lightning!” yelled Yuri. Good thing though, that she was wearing reflective jewelry. Knowing this, she shielded Ji Yeon, who was behind her.

“Good job! How’d you do that?” aked the nurse.

“My jewelry’s reflective. It’s its power.” Yuri smiled. Zombies continued to charge at them. Yuri used her golden daggers while the ever brutal Ji Yeon sliced through a forest of attacking zombies.

“Go. TO. HELL!!!” Ji Yeon screamed, equally crazed to kill as the zombies.

Amber was left alone without any assistance. The 17 year old inexperienced fighter was surrounded by zombies and did not know what to do. She had only one weapon-the pocket knife and was suffering from an injury. The zombies were already coming. Amber had  no idea what to do so she did what any normal person would do-RUN!

“OHHHH GODDD DAMMMMNNN!!!” Amber said as she rushed far away from them. What she didn’t know was that they were faster than the average human being. The zombies caught up with Amber and some jumped on her, ganging up on her. These zombies were heartless and never held back on clawing, biting and scratching at Amber.

“GUYYSSS!!! HELPPPP!!!!” Yubin was fighting zombies right in front of her and when he heard her yelping for help, she rolled her eyes.

“SAVE YOURSELF! YOU HAVE WEAPONS, DON’T YOU!??!” Yubin ducked and resurfaced, kicking the zombie attacker in the face before shooting its head off.

“I DON’T!!! YUBIN!!! PLEAAASE!!” The zombies were all over Amber and one of them jumped on top of Amber, pounding her stomach repeatedly. Amber tried to kick his stomach off but he wouldn’t budge. Instead, he flashed his claw and tried to squeeze Amber’s injured shoulder.

“OH NO YOU DON’T!” Amber finally gathered her strength and quickly grabbed her pocket knife. Mustering what little strength she had, she struggled through the  piling zombies and stabbed through them. Distracted, her main attacker lightened up his weight on her, allowing her to stab him over and over. When the zombies had died, they toppled all over her, their dead bodies piling up on her.

“GET OFF ME, YOU BASTARDS!” Amber pushed them all off and stood up and to her great surprise, three more zombies were standing in front of her.

“Oh dear.” she said. She took a deep breath and readied her knives. All of a sudden, the zombies’ mouths started to bleed. The three fell down before her, revealing their assailant.

“You’re welcome.” UEE said in sign language. The blind assassin had come to her aid.

“Woah. You are too wicked.” Amber chuckled. She and  UEE smiled but had no time to be nice because more zombies were coming. The two women got ready but before the zombies could even touch them, their heads came off.

“Another sneak attack?!” Amber exclaimed. It revealed Bom and Ji Yeon, the slicers.

Yubin and Hyori were fighting the zombies hand-to-hand and ending their lives with the bang of a gun. Yubin was almost captured, the zombies having their hands on her ankles. Yubin was down on the ground.

“Eat this, you goon!” Yubin rolled around and shot them with two guns. As she stood up, another zombie was waiting right behind her but she seemed to know. She punched him backwards, spun around, gave him a series of kicks, making him topple over. UEE sensed the zombie bump her on the back and with her walking cane, she hit the zombie in the eyes and stomach before jumping up to kick it. Two more zombies came and UEE used her simple wooden cane to wade them off, following it up with gunshots. UEE was really continuous when it came to killing them that she bumped into Hyori and pointed her gun at her.

“UEE IT’S ME!” Hyori put her hands in the air in shock. UEE put her gun down gently and realized that it was her teammate she was about to kill.

Hyori and UEE had no time to chat as zombies were slowly closing in on them. They loaded their guns and rained bullets, not regretting nor looking back. They enjoyed every single zombie-slaying moment of it.

Yubin propelled herself using the zombie’s body and came face to face with the Supreme God whom she had been yearning to kill since their meeting.

“WHO ARE YOU!” Yubin fired her gun at him. The Supreme God blocked it off with his force field, burning the bullet to a speck of dust.

“I AM MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU!” He flashed his palm at her, knocking her down with electricity. Yubin got back up and attacked him, having the same thing happen again.

“YOU SHALL BOW DOWN TO ME! YOU SHALL WORSHIP ME! ALL OF KOREA SHALL WORSHIP ME!!!” cackled the evil  god. He used his powers to force Yubin to bow down to him. Weakened, the Soviet spy fell on one knee but refused to surrender to the Supreme God’s will.

The rest of the girls saw this sight and knew they had to team up and work together even harder.

“We’re in this together.” Hyori said. “Band together.” The 7 girls stayed close to each other, falling in line horizontally. They faced the remaining zombies, having annihilated the majority of the army. There was only very few to kill.

“When I say fire, fire!” Hyori commanded.

“When I say kill, make organs flow!” Bom commanded.

The zombies were coming. They were only very few so it wouldn’t be so hard for them.



UEE, Hyori and Dasom fired endlessly at the zombies. Bom, Ji Yeon, Amber and Yuri rushed their way, stabbing them and decapitating them. Ji Yeon brutally made blood gush out, smiling and laughing while doing so. It felt so good to kill someone so bad.

“That should do.” Hyori said as she looked at the zombie bodies that lay dead.

“Come on!” Dasom cried. “Yubin needs help.”

“I am not bowing down to you no matter what!!!” Yubin fought though the pain was too much. The Supreme God was really forcing Yubin to worship him.

“Hey! Want more followers?!” yelled Hyori. The Supreme God abandoned Yubin, making her fall completely on the ground. The 7 women stood by each other and bravely anticipated his actions.

“You women are just so stubborn, aren’t you.” he scolded. “You just won’t die!”

“It’s not that we can’t die.” Dasom said. “It’s because we refuse to.”  With this statement, she pointed her gun and urged the girls to do the same. All of them got ready to fire at him.  Those without guns charged at him but were blocked by his force field.

“Don’t give up girls! Just keep shooting him!”  Hyori commanded. The girls were almost out of ammunition .

All of a sudden, Yubin got up, regained consciousness and found something unusual glowing inside of the Supreme God. Inside his body was a round red light that seemed to be the Red Pearl, responsible for giving him power. It acted like his heart-his evil heart. Yubin decided to go for a sneak attack so he wouldn’t know and wouldn’t fight back. The Soviet spy crept up behind him and using her gun,  placed it on his back. The Supreme God was just too busy fighting the girls off that he did not feel it.

“Wish me luck.” Yubin said. Using her gun, she drilled a hole on his back and it was too late before he was able to do something about it.  A hole was drilled on his back and the red pearl fell into Yubin’ hands. The girls were greatly surprised upon seeing it.

“What the hell is that?” Amber shrieked.

“It’s the Red Pearl. Where his strength comes from.” Yubin said. “We have to destroy it!”


With or without the Red Pearl, the Supreme God was still powerful. Hetried to attack the girls but they were better, faster  and stronger.  They attacked him repeatedly, shooting him and wounding him but he just wouldn’t die. He even mustered enough strength to hit some of them.

Yubin did not join in on the carnage. She had an agenda of her own with the Pearl. She looked at the Pearl and back at the girls as well as the Supreme God.

“Your death awaits!” Yubin pulled her gun and called on the Supreme God.

“Your highness!” Yubin mocked. “I believe I have something that is yours!” Yubin showed the Pearl, .

“Don’t you dare, you imbecile!”

“Mock me all you want.We’ll see who’s the imbecile!”

“DAMMIT YUBIN! QUIT STALLING! JUST DESTROY THE PEARL!” Amber shrieked. Yubin smirked and winked at them.

“What? Too scared to get it?!” Yubin teased. The Supreme God rushed towards her, eager to get his heart back. For as long as the Pearl was whole, he was still strong.

“NOW!” Hyori yelled. Yubin tossed the Pearl in the air and shot it10 times with her gun. The Pearl shattered and fell on the ground. Came crumbling with it were the Supreme God’s powers, dwindling away.

Yubin dashed over to her fellow assassins and all of them readied their weapons.

“Wait!” Before they began their attack, UEE pulled something out of her pocket. They looked on at her and was confused. UEE removed her aviators and put her prosthetic eyes into her sockets. She took out a typing and speaking device that she enabled with a badass action star voice.

“Now I can see.. Now I can speak.” UEE smirked and loaded her guns with bullets that never seemed to end.

“You are awesome.” Hyori smiled at UEE. Yubin ran to their side and once the 8 were complete, they waited for the Supreme God to get up . Once he was on his feet, the was weakened and surprised to see the women’s weapons pointed at him.  Each girl had her attack.

Yuri danced around in front of him, her snake movements making him dizzy. When he was dizzy enough, she threw her daggers, piercing him in the heart and shoulders, immobilizing him.

Dasom and Hyori positioned behind Bom and Ji Yeon, the sword women. Bom stepped forward and slashed his stomach while Ji Yeon stabbed him in the eyes with her knife arms.

“Now it’s our turn!” Dasom said. Yubin stepped forward and stopped her.

“Wait!”  Yubin said. “I want to have this. You girls have done enough. I believe I haven’t done what I should do.” Yubin walked closer towards the weakened Supreme God who, without his Red Pearl heart, was powerless. The Soviet spy fiercely walked towards the Supreme God who was now down on his knees, struck powerless by the eight women.

“Now it’s you who shall bow down before the Last Princess.” Yubin said in reference to her codename. Drawing her gun, she pointed it on the Supreme God’s head and pulled the trigger, killing him on the spot.

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Chapter 19: Cool story!! XD like the Korean female version of the avengers or Sth!! ^^ love ur fanfics, my 1st read was spawn of the devil and I loved it xD! Ur language is powerful and descriptive!! :) hwaiting!! ^^
Lady Jane- as in the singer? As in Simon D's wife? O-O Hyori was so y. ♥ holy ____ zombified people? man that's awesome- well in a plot sense. Oh hi 2PM, well that was an unexpected cameo. Yes, the mind control motif. yeees. mehehehehe, it was a good read. I've read something similar- or watched something similar, but all in all it was enjoyable. :)
♥ -SPAAZZINGGG- BOM my beautiful butterfly doll awesome samurai. ♥ You really put effort into the backgrounds of these girls. I like it, I really do. Now back to the story ^^ Ohh Bom, yay, she chopped people's arms off.
The title 'The Target' made me burst into laughter. Sorry, I can't take things seriously nowadays. XDDD Anyway I like your selection of Korean ladies here. Woohh action!
yoonyultrooper #5
wow this is really creepy ... but so cool !!!!!! subscribed =D update thnks ^^ actually i came here for afterschool but im fine =]
Happy_Pig #6
Slightly creepy... but cool :D
hyeamazing #7
Always been a fan of your action-packed, horror, mystery etc stories. :)
Although I haven't been reading all cause of busy schedules.
Anyway, this is really good, update soon. :)
JYM017 #8
this is just so cool! :)
Cool. Update soon girl!
k-poplover2 #10
update soon i can't wait to read it