SHINee Talk

Things I'm Not Supposed To Do

****************************DEFINITELY NOT EDITED BUT I FELT BAD ABOUT NOT UPDATING SO LONG I'M PUTTING IT ANYWAY!!!****************************



The moment was ruined when Minhee's phone suddenly rang. "Ah! Quick, give me the phone!"

Minho smirked, "if you can reach it." He held the phone well above his head which is way too high for Minhee to normally reach. 

"Minhoooooo" she whined. 

"What? I'm holding it out for you to take."

The phone continued to ring as Minhee jumped up and down to reach the phone. Minho laughed as she failed each time to even get close to reaching. 

"This is why Changmin-hyung calls you 'shortie' huh? I can see the fun in it." 

"Choi Minho give me the phone right now!" 

"I told yo-oh it stopped ringing." 

Minhee glared at him, "now look what you did! I missed it," she pouted. 

"Who is it anyway? I-" The phone rang again but, this time, the ringtone was different.

Minho knew that Minhee always had eccentric ringtones but he had never heard this one before. He lifted the phone again and tried to angle it so he could see the name when Minhee hit his chest. 


Shocked by the tone in her voice and the sudden anger reflected in her eyes, Minho silently handed the phone to Minhee. 

"Thank you," she said out of politeness but then added "jeez...hello? You what? Huh? I can't understa-okay you know what, just tell me where you are and I'll go right now."

'Who is it that she was willing to yell at me and look at me like that for? Even earlier she didn't look this angry...'

Turning to him, Minhee sighed and said "I have to go take care of something. I'll take you home and leave okay?" 

"No, it's fine. It sounds like an emergency so I'll just call someone for a ride home."

"...are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay...see you later then."

Minho POV
Honestly...I didn't want her to leave. I lied when I said it was okay to leave. How can you see through me most times but not at this time?! 
Also...what was that? It's like...that wasn't even Minhee. I guess there still are sides of her I don't know...

I called Jonghyun-hyung and asked him to pick me up so I was surprised when Kibum showed up. 

"What are you just standing there for? Get in the car!" I didn't know what else to say so I just opened the door and got in. He drove away, silently, and I waited for him to ask me about what happened. 
Knowing Key, he's going to ask sooner or later. I'm a little surprised he managed to suppress his curiosity so far... "So...where did Minhee go? Why didn't she take you home? Did you two fight?" 
I take back my previous mental statement... "She had some kind of emergency."
"Oh...what kind of emergency?"
"I don't know. Why don't you ask her?" I must've been a little snappy judging by the look on Key's face after I said that. "Sorry Kibum, I..."
"It's okay. Just this once I'll let it go since you've been moping around lately."
"I have not been moping..."
Key scoffed. "You? Not moping? What else do you call what you've been doing? Walking around like a zombie, staring at the phone and jumping when it rings, and suddenly getting interested in a conversation if you hear a 'min' or 'hee' is. Not to mention y-"
"Alright! I get it." I sighed. "I've been moping, okay?"
"Glad that you realize that I'm right. Heck, I'm always right. You should know that by now."
Laughing, I nodded. "Sure, Key."
"I am always right! I'm the Almighty Key!" I kept laughing and Key smiled. "You know, you're not so Flaming Charisma when you laugh like that." 
I rolled my eyes and Key was the one to laugh this time. "Jonghyun-hyung isn't so Bling Bling all the time either."
He almost had to stop and pull the car over because he laughed so much. I would've laughed more too if I wasn't thinking about why Minhee had to leave like that.
When we pulled up to the dorm, Key had calmed down already and before I could open the car door he asked me "hey, about Minhee, are...are you serious?"
"What do you mean?"
"Minho you know what I mean. I'm not blind. I'm the eomma of SHINee remember? And on top of that, I'm almighty so I know everything."
How could he ask me such a question and then joke like that? Clearly I'm going to want to laugh. "Am I that obvious?" First Kamiko-noona, now Kibum...
"That's like asking if Taemin has aegyo."
"That bad?!"
"No you're worse but I was trying to spare your feelings."
"Thanks for telling me now," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"You'll thank me for the next thing I tell you." I highly doubt that... "Don't doubt me Minho." How'd he know I thought that?! "You were worried about the rumors between Changmin-hyung and Minhee right?" I nodded before realizing I did. "Those rumors were all about Minhee's friend. I met her earlier. Changmin-hyung is crazy in love with her! He looks at her like...she's his food or something."
The way Key describes things sometimes...ridiculous yet I'm betting it's pretty accurate for Changmin-hyung. We do joke that his real love is food so if he looks at a girl like she's must be love haha
"Anyway, that's not all." There's more? What else is there? Does this mean Minhee didn't tell me everything earlier after all? "You know that guy that's always hanging around her now? From their old dance team? The new choreographer? The one that got drunk with Onew earlier? The one that calls you KerMin? The one w-"
"I know who he is!" 
Key smirked. "Well, guess what?"
"Weren't you going to tell me?"
He gave me a blank look. "Well, yeah but I like saying that. So that guy...Kakeru, he's gay!"
I was about to respond when Jonghyun-hyung pulled up next to the car. He looked over, saw us, and waved before getting out of his car. Key and I took that as our cue to get out too. "Hey guys."
"What's up?"
"Where'd you go?" I asked him. "I thought you were going to get me."
"I would've but I had to take care of Kakeru. He suddenly said he wanted to go home earlier so I was with him at his place until..."
"Well," Jonghyun looked over at Kibum and gave him a look I couldn't decipher.
"Until what hyung?"
"Until Minhee got there."
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i kinda don't likr kakeru in this chapter.he's annoying,really..<br />
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and for minhee and minho.please admit it,you like each other,but yet you boyh hiding it.make a move!give hints!<br />
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but i think minhee gave him a little hint :<br />
"You always understand..." she hugged his waist and snuggled closer to him. "Ah...why are you so comfortable?" --> i think it's a hint that she likes him,hehehe.but they need mooooore hints.lots and lots of it.. :p<br />
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this chapter was great!!it's mario w - let me love you isn't it?i missed that song..<br />
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update soooooon~~
I'm kind of despising Kakeru right now... He purposely walked in on Minhee and Minho's [almost] kiss because he was JEALOUS. About the ending of the story... drag it out, but also make it good. Maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and Minho and Minhee finally kiss the second to last chapter and the last chapter is just short recaps of what Minho and Minhee went through to discover their love ^^
yah! kakeru! why do you have to ruin things?! Minhee and Kermin ALMOST *makes kissing sound* aish! this guy!<br />
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ahahah..<br />
yeah, what just happened?
More more more! Lol, I feel like a whining 6 year old :D
Hahahaha! I soooooo expected that it wouldn't continue. Awwwe too bad, it was so close a well as. xD
awh that's "2nd 2min" *minho n minhee*moment hehe. . .:-) like like like
@Vengeance hahaha XD thanks~ I'm glad you thought it was cute and sweet. Sorry that what happened between Minhee and Kakeru isn't clear yet but soon!<br />
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@-GODofTHUNDER thanks for commenting! haha~ does their slowness frustrate you? XD<br />
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@minniebubble12 thanks~ I thought you would find it cute hehe ^^ Minho's such a chicken huh? He better watch out or Onew will eat him XD