Part 2?

Things I'm Not Supposed To Do


Minhee stood on one side of a room the size of a football field while Minho stood at the opposite side. "Where do you get these ideas?"
"Do you really want to know?"
"Not really."
"I didn't think so."
"I know better than to try to figure you completely out."
"...shut up Minho." He chuckled, she's even talking to me like normal for now. Minhee stuck her tongue out at him, "at least the blindfold is gone this time."
"True...but why are we doing this...whatever this is? I thought climbing the wall and touching the roof made us friends again."
"It did."
"So what is this?" Minho asked incredulously. 
"You lost trust in me right?"
"...yeah I did." 
"So you had to prove that you can trust me after all."
"I understood that. That's what the rock climbing was for."
"Don't tell me you forgot already?"
"Forgot what?"
"You lost trust in me so I lost trust in you. You got your trust for me back. Now I need to be able to trust you again." Minho understood with that explanation. He had been wondering why the rock climbing seemed so's not him trusting her again she's worried about but being able to trust him again.
It was one of Minhee's faults. She couldn't forgive people easily. She might say she does and act as if she does but what that person did is always in the back of her mind, making her feel doubtful. I don't want that...I don't want Minhee to doubt me. "Just tell me what I have to do this time and I'll do it."
"It's simple," she shrugged. "Just answer my questions honestly and depending on how much I like your answer I'll let you come closer to me. When I feel like I can fully trust you again, you'll be right next to me," where you belong Minhee added mentally.
"Okay." Why do I get the feeling she's going to ask something embarrassing?
"Did you wet the bed when you were younger?" 
I knew it... "Do I really have to answer that?"
Minhee glared at him, "if I could, I would've made you move backwards but you're already against the wall."
"Silly," he chuckled. "If it's that important to you, then I did."
"Until when?"
"...until I was ten."
Her hand flew to and Minho sighed as he let his head drop to look at the ground sadly. "Really?"
"I see...well that's not that bad."
"My brother did too. I just wondered if other guys have done it too."
"You wonder the weirdest things..."
"I know," Minhee grinned. "Okay, since you told me that, I'll let you move a few feet forward." He was about to walk when Minhee yelled, "ya! What are you doing?"
"You said I could move forward!"
"Yeah but you're not supposed to walk."
Minho looked at her in bewilderment. "What do you want me to do? How else do I move forward?"
"Look closely at the ground in this room. What is it?"
Reaching down to feel the texture of the floor, Minho felt slight weaving and pressed down to find out that the ground actually moved with his hand. "This place is full of trampolines?!"
"Yup and to get over here you're going to have to jump around."
"I won't question it anymore," he laughed. "I'll just jump." Minho jumped to the first square in front of him. Now that he had examined the floor, he could see the faint outline of each trampoline. 
Minhee snickered and he looked over at her, wondering why, but then he figured that it must look weird to hop around. "Next question: have you ever thought about Taemin in more of a platonic way?"
"What?! Why would you ask something like that?"
"I'm a 2min fan. Well I was...not sure anymore."
"Why not? Wait, I don't want to know that."
"Answer the question Minho~"
He groaned, "just once."
"It was a dream alright? Don't read too much into it."
"What happened in the dream?"
I knew she would ask that...darn... Minho scratched the back of his head bashfullly, "well...we, uh...we..."
"You guys didn't do anything R-rated right? Because if you did, you can keep that to yourself and I won't hold it against you at all."
"No! We only kissed and it was brief!"
"Right..." Hehe 2min fangirls would FREAK if they knew
"I don't think about him in that way!" I only think about you that way...
"It's okay. I would accept you no matter what." Not that I hope you're gay...although if you didn't like me back I suppose if you were gay it wouldn't be so Kakeru...he's gay so I understand why he's not attracted to me...if Minho was gay that would be such a shame...all the good guys are gay! Why?!
"-inhee? Ya Shin Minhee!"
"Huh? Oh sorry. Wait, you zoned out on me earlier so I take it back!" she stuck her tongue out at him and he smiled in return. 
'Ah that smile...Minhee don't get distracted!' she thought. At the same time, Minho was thinking 'she's so cute.' 
"Anyway," she started to say, "you can move forward again for that answer. I feel pretty happy about it."
"You would feel happy about it," he shook his head before jumping one more time. 
Minhee continued to ask embarrassing question after question until Minho had jumped three-fourths of the length of the room. "I know I've been torturing you with these questions so far..."
They actually weren't that bad. It's not as if I liked talking about those things but it wasn't so bad to tell her. I can tell Minhee anything...except how I feel about her
"Now I'm going to ask you questions I need to know the answer to."
"Okay," Minho said and she could tell he was worried.
"Why did you think that Changmin and I were dating behind your back? I know you didn't just blindly believe in it. Something had to have happened."
A lot happened. "I..."
"Minho, I know you don't want to tell me...but you have to tell me."
"I know...I just..." he sighed. They stood there for a minute silently. Then, Minho took a deep breath and tried to explain, "I read the articles and you had told me not too long ago that 'today is a new day' and things will change because of something but you wouldn't tell me what. You only said you'd explain later so..."
"You thought I was going to tell you that the tall freak and I were dating?" ...this idiot
"Honestly? Yeah."
"Why?! That's just..." she groaned. "I wish people stopped with that idea. The fans? Yeah, it's okay but everyone that knows us on a more personal level..."
"I know! I wasn't thinking."
"I'd say." Minho could hear the irritation in her voice. "What about Krystal? What did Krystal even tell you?"
"How did you even know that she was lying to me?"
"I just know."
"She, well...the same day the scandal got out, she called me and said that you left your phone with her on accident and..."
"And she said that there were pictures of you and Changmin on your phone."
"There are."
"Wait, so she wasn't lying about that?"
"No, she lied. She never had my phone but there are pictures of me and Changmin on my phone."
"We may not say it that much and we'll deny it as much as we can but Changmin and I are good friends. We've helped each other a lot and he looks out for me sometimes. Changmin's like...he's like the older brother I wanted when I was younger. More annoying than I hoped but he's a good older brother and he's dating one of my other best friends."
"He is?"
"They've been hiding it from everyone but I knew from the beginning."
"Did she tell you?"
"No, I guessed."
"Of course," Minho chuckled. 
"Here, catch!" Minhee had taken out her phone and tossed it to Minho. "Look through the pictures if you'd like."
He caught it with little effort and looked over at her. "You really want me to look through your pictures?"
"I just think you should know who most of the pictures in my phone are of."
Quickly going through the albums on Minhee's phone, Minho noticed that although there were many pictures of Minhee with their labelmates and other groups' members, a large majority of the pictures were either of the two of them or just him. When did she even take some of these?
"If you haven't seen quite yet, all the pictures I have of Changmin are for blackmail against him. My favorite is the one where it looks like he's picking his nose."
Minho laughed because he had already seen it but moved one. He paused at the picture of the two of them from the last SM Town. Mystery only debuted a few months before it so they couldn't be in it just yet. SM wanted to wait before having them perform at SM Town but they were allowed to come along. Backstage, Minhee pretended to be a fangirl with a backstage pass (and she pretty much was if you asked most of the people there) and had a sign for most of the people in SM. 
In the picture, Minhee was holding up the Minho sign she made and Minho was laughing while looking at it. It was obvious that someone else took the picture but she saved it on her phone. He changed the picture and the next one was of the two of them eating secretly at a ddeokbokki stand. Minhee had to dress up as a guy for the two of them to be able to sneak out. There were many pictures of the two of them there.
A/N: SORRY!!! I said I would update the second part soon hopefully but didn't...fortunately though it's because I ended up making part 2 a LOT longer than I expected while I was typing it...for now, I'm putting up half of it. I might add it onto this chapter or make a 3rd part because of how long it's turning out to be haha XD Thanks for always reading and supporting the story! Also thanks to everyone that commented and wished me a happy birthday! I felt loved ^_^
P.S. The picture is...just because I liked it hehe
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i kinda don't likr kakeru in this chapter.he's annoying,really..<br />
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and for minhee and minho.please admit it,you like each other,but yet you boyh hiding it.make a move!give hints!<br />
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but i think minhee gave him a little hint :<br />
"You always understand..." she hugged his waist and snuggled closer to him. "Ah...why are you so comfortable?" --> i think it's a hint that she likes him,hehehe.but they need mooooore hints.lots and lots of it.. :p<br />
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this chapter was great!!it's mario w - let me love you isn't it?i missed that song..<br />
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update soooooon~~
I'm kind of despising Kakeru right now... He purposely walked in on Minhee and Minho's [almost] kiss because he was JEALOUS. About the ending of the story... drag it out, but also make it good. Maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and Minho and Minhee finally kiss the second to last chapter and the last chapter is just short recaps of what Minho and Minhee went through to discover their love ^^
yah! kakeru! why do you have to ruin things?! Minhee and Kermin ALMOST *makes kissing sound* aish! this guy!<br />
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ahahah..<br />
yeah, what just happened?
More more more! Lol, I feel like a whining 6 year old :D
Hahahaha! I soooooo expected that it wouldn't continue. Awwwe too bad, it was so close a well as. xD
awh that's "2nd 2min" *minho n minhee*moment hehe. . .:-) like like like
@Vengeance hahaha XD thanks~ I'm glad you thought it was cute and sweet. Sorry that what happened between Minhee and Kakeru isn't clear yet but soon!<br />
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@-GODofTHUNDER thanks for commenting! haha~ does their slowness frustrate you? XD<br />
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@minniebubble12 thanks~ I thought you would find it cute hehe ^^ Minho's such a chicken huh? He better watch out or Onew will eat him XD