K-Drama Pacified...or not

Things I'm Not Supposed To Do


A/N: Another chapter with multiple POVs! Hope it's not too confusing! Oh, also after one more day, I'm closing the polls hehe
*Key POV*
...did Minhee just say that her boyfriend is gay? "Why were you hugging like that then?"
"Because we're best friends."
"I thought Minho was your best friend! You're replacing him?!"
She sighed, "Kibum-ah," Oh, it's been a while since I've heard her call me that. "A person can have more than one best friend."
Minhee does have a point there..."I think you and I should talk."
"Now? No way!" 
"What?" RUDE! 
"I just told you that Kurai is one of my best friends in Japan and as you can tell she just came here from there. I'm going to go greet her! Our talk can wait!" before I could say anything, she ran off towards Changmin and the girl I now know is Kurai.  As Kurai pulled away from Changmin to greet Minhee, I suddenly understood a little better why Changmin and Minhee fight so much -_-
"I'm sure you know she has a habit of running off like that." Kakeru told me.
I looked him over. If he did like Minhee, then he could give Minho a run for his money. Kakeru's looks were no joke. He might even be better looking than me! ...yeah right! Well, I'm not that vain but I am really handsome. I am The Almighty Key for a reason. "Yeah. How well do you know each other?"
"Why do you want to know? Finding out info for Kermin?"
"Kermin? Minhee's frog?"
"Oh! Sorry, I mean Minho-ssi...that's what I call him when Minhee and I talk about him. Sorry again. I'm not trying to be rude. Just being myself!"
Who is this guy? "It's fine. Does Minho know you call him that?"
"I met him earlier! He seemed a little surprised," he replied, laughing. "It just slipped out...oh wait I said it again a while ago....and now..."
I was going to ask him if he said anything else to Minho when Minhee came back with Kurai. "Kibum, this is Kurai. Kurai, this is Kibum. I know you recognize him," she giggled. Minhee giggled? Don't tell me she's getting hyper just because her friend is here...that would be like her to do that. I guess they're really close too.
"Nice to meet you," Kurai said bowing and I bowed back. 
"Are you really Changmin-hyung's girlfriend?"
"He asked me and I said yes so I'd say so."
Minhee playfully hit Kurai, "silly!"
"What? It's true."
"Ah, Key!" Minhee yelled.
"What?" I yelled back surprised.
"I have to go to practice now...so do you think you could keep Kakeru and Kurai company?" 
"What about me?" Changmin asked from behind them. "And you have practice again? I thought you were done." 
"I'm still being punished so I'm not done for the day. I haven't even slept at all in two days," she pouted at Kurai. "Help me!"
"No way! I've only met Hyomin-unni a few times and she's scarier than you!" 
Minhee sighed, "well I'm going to leave now so can you show them around Kibum? Please!"
"Why not Changmin-hyung?"
"Because I'm worried he'll just jump her and Kakeru will be left alone. Besides, she just got off a plane so he needs to back off. She's mine anyway."
"She is not yours!"
"OW! Kurai, did you see that? He pinched me!" 
"Now, now, children..."
I laughed, watching them all interact noisily. I missed Changmin-hyung and Minhee. Without their constant visits to the dorm, it's actually been a little quieter...just a little because it's normally loud.
"I'll show her around." After all, it'll give me a chance to ask about Minhee's feelings for Minho.
Minhee hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I missed you, you damn diva." Then she pulled away and clapped her hands. "Oh, by the way, you'll have no luck trying to get anything out of Kurai! She keeps all my secrets!" Minhee stuck her tongue out at me and ran away again. Sometimes, I want to super-glue her to the floor so she can't say annoying things like that and just go!
Glancing at Kurai, I saw her smirk. "Sorry but she's right. I don't open up to just anyone."
I sighed. This is going to be a long day...but I accept the challenge kekeke.
*Krystal POV* 
Yuri-unni didn't want to at first but I convinced her to take me to practice with her. We were the first ones there. The door opened and I was hoping to see Minho but it turned out to be the last person I wanted to see. Minhee. 
She bowed to Yuri-unni, "annyonghaseyo Yuri-ssi. Krystal-ssi," she said my name with some disdain. 
I ignored her and I could hear her laugh. "Okay then." She moved to the other side of the room and started stretching. 
How could she just act like nothing happened? We declared war on each other and she hasn't done a thing...I know Vic-umma told Yumi and Yumi told Minhee that I was lying to Minho about her and Changmin but still nothing! 
Does she not care anymore? Has she given up on Minho? ...or does she think I'm not someone she has to worry about?! I'll prove that one wrong right now.
I stood up and Yuri-unni shook her head at me but I ignored her. This is something I have to do right now. "Minhee!" 
She sighed and just said "what?" She didn't even look at me!
"Why did you agree to be Eunhyuk's partner? You're just a back-up for Kamiko-ssi. A shoddy replacement. Someone people go to when they have no other option. Definitely not anyone's first choice. You're such a failure. No wonder your family doesn't support your decisions."
The look on Minhee's face let me know that I had pricked a nerve. "I'm sorry. I didn't hear everything you said. Would you care to repeat it or would that be too difficult for you?"
I huffed. How dare she imply that I'm stupid?! "No one wants you! You're pathetic! You just get used and you're a complete and total failure! Who would want you in their family?" 
Finally looking at me, Minhee stood up and smirked. "Let me start off by saying this: maybe I wasn't Minho's or Eunhyuk's first choice for this dance or for whatever else you're suggesting but as I recall - and I always recall correctly - you weren't even considered at all. I'm pretty sure that when Minho was trying to figure out who to ask, your name didn't even cross his mind and, like you said before, I know Minho best so we both know I'm right."
"Also, Krystal-ssi," she waved something in my face. "You dare try lying to Minho again and I'll send this out to as many people as I can. You and I both know that I have wide connections." Minhee pressed a button on whatever she was holding and I heard my voice yelling. She recorded me?! "You wouldn't want fans to know about this side of you right? Even think about lying to Minho and hurting him again, I will destroy you with a single regret. Do you really not get how lying hurts him? Yet you say you like him..." she scoffed at me. "What do you know about liking someone?"
"Ah, ah, ah!" she cut me off. "If I were you, I would choose my words carefully from now on.
I glared at her but knew it wouldn't help so I went back to where Yuri-unni was sitting and pouted. How did she know I would say anything incriminating? 
A few minutes later, Minho walked in with Eunhyuk-oppa. He looked over at me and I could see the disgust in his expression all the way from the door. He went over to Minhee and she ignored him to talk to Eunhyuk-oppa. What's going on? She just threatened me over Minho but she's not even greeting him? Odd...
That's how Minhee acted the whole time. Every time Minho-oppa went near her, she moved away like they were magnets with the same charge. You could tell he was disappointed...and that he cares for her so much...will he ever look at me that way? Will he ever look at me period? I wonder if he'll be mad at me forever...please forgive me Minho...
Minhee was right. What do I know about liking someone if I was willing to hurt them for my own benefit? Purposely lying and harming the person you love in the process because of your lies...is not love. They knew that while I had no clue. 
I couldn't watch the two of them any longer and left the room silently when they took a break. I thought I was alone and let my tears flow freely. I tried to bite down my sobs but I didn't have much luck and my body shook with each one. Someone had come along and knelt down next to me. "what *hic* do y-you w-want?"
The person handed me a towel and bottle of water wordlessly. I didn't want to accept at first so they sighed and forced me to take the two things. Hesitantly, I drank some of the water and wiped my face with the towel. I wondered why that person was staying next to me...why...why was Minhee being so kind? 
"Minho found out, didn't he?"
"Is that why you're here? To gloat?"
"No although that is tempting, that's not why I followed you."
"Then why did you?"
"Minho yelled at you, didn't he? He's awfully scary when he's mad."
"...he did."
"And he rejected you cruelly right? He probably even hit the wall or did something violent before telling you to stay away from him and never talk to him again. He can't control himself that much when he's pissed off."
"Look, you-"
"I'm sorry."
"I knew you were lying to Minho and purposely didn't stop it all because I wanted him to be mean to you. I knew he would find out eventually and how he would take it...I knew he would reject you in a mean way somehow. I knew he would make you cry...and I wanted him to...I wanted you to cry...but nobody deserves that..so I'm sorry I did that to you."
I shook my head, "Who declares war and apologizes for attacking? You...are really weird."
"I know."
"But you know Minho-oppa so well...even down to hitting the wall, you got everything."
She chuckled, "oh really?"
"Yeah..." I knew I should've apologized to her but I couldn't bring myself to. I wanted to cry again...I did everything wrong. Minhee isn't a failure...I am. How could I let myself go so far? How could I let myself be so desperate? Minhee is in love with Minho and she didn't do anything like what I did to him...she looked out for him instead. Even if she's not talking to him now, it's clear that she still cares. "You really love Minho huh?"
"Huh?" Minhee glanced at me for a split second and looked down at the floor, pulling at the carpet. She had a small smile on her face. "Yes, I love Minho." 
"I don't think I did." She looked back up at me and stopped picking at the loose threads in the carpet. "At least...not in the right way."
"There's no right or wrong way to love somebody. There can be the right or wrong thing to do in the name of love but there's no right or wrong way. Love is love."
"I guess so."
Then she stood up, "it looks like you'll be fine after all." Minhee held out her hand to me and this time I took it without hesitation. She pulled me up, smiling at me. "Don't take this wrong," she told me. "This doesn't mean we're friends now. It just means...I understand how it feels to be heartbroken like you are right now...Minho was wrong to turn you down the way he did and I was wrong to just let it happen to you so...this is me feeling guilty understand?"
She really is in denial about things! "Right." 
Minhee started to walk away but a few steps later, she turned back to look at me and told me, "seriously though, lie or hurt Minho in any way again - even if he hurts you too afterwards - and I'll ruin you." How she said that with a grin on her face astounded me but I had to admit, declaring war on Minhee was hopeless. Not only does she have a good heart but she's evil. That recording means I can never cross her from now on.
I watched her go back into the practice room and my phone chimed. I had a text message but from who? Ah, it's Yuri-unni. "Are you okay?" she asked me. I smiled at the phone and texted her back. 
*Yuri POV* 
I saw Minhee walk in and I couldn't tell what happened from how she seemed. No wonder she's a Mystery member. Each of them are a literal mystery! -_- my phone went off in my hand. "I'm fine unni. Thank you for everything you've done so far."
Looking back up at Minhee, I wondered just what happened. Last time those two talked, Krystal called me fuming and couldn't stop ranting about Minhee but now...did she not go after Krystal like I thought?
At that moment, a guy walked in. Wow...his looks could challenge Minho's and Eunhyuk's like nothing! Who is he? Is he a new trainee?
He scanned the room quickly and then found what he was looking more and it was more like he found who he was looking for. He back-hugged Minhee and she sighed. I expected her to push him away. After all, Minho's in the room! "What is it now?"
"Kurai and Changmin left me alone! Then Key left when he saw that one guy with the puppy eyes. I think people say he looks like a dinosaur?" Who's Kurai? Haha is he talking about Jjong?
"Yeah! That was it!" 
Minhee laughed, "no wonder Key left you." I held in a giggle. "I would leave you for Jonghyun too...well if he didn't have a girlfriend. Actually, no, he's funnier than you."
He gasped. "How could you say such a thing? I should be the most important man in your life."
"Wrong! That's my brother and then my grandfather and then..." 
"Well! I see where your alliance lies!" Kakeru huffed and I immediately thought it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
"With my family?" Minhee asked, chuckling. "Yeah, I see no problem there."
"But what about me?" he now pouted at her and she pushed him away from her. 
"What about you?"
"You don't care about me."
"I do."
He grinned, "do you love me?"
"Kakeru," Minhee said in a warning tone. "Don't you have to work?"
"Oh right...well I guess I could watch over your practice now. Director Seok did tell me to try and watch as many as I could because he'd like some feedback."
Eunhyuk patted Kakeru on the back. "Is that why you came in here and you forgot?" he asked teasingly.
"No, I came here for Minhee." he hugged her again and she rolled her eyes. I didn't look at Minho because I had a feeling the sight would scare me and when I finally looked now, I found out I was right. Minho was clenching his towel so tight that I thought I could see it dripping sweat even though there wasn't much on the towel.
Eunhyuk didn't look so happy anymore either. In fact, he looked kinda worried. Was he worried for Minho or dancing in front of Kakeru? That reminds me... "Excuse me, who are you?" I asked him.
"Oh, you're...Kkap Kwon!" 
Minhee did a face palm and Kakeru chuckled bashfully, "I really need to fix that habit," he told himself and then to me, he said "I'm Kakeru, SM's newest choreographer. Currently, I'm working on Mystery's first concert I hope to work with SNSD and all the other SM groups as well." 
Kakeru bowed and I did the same back before replying, "I'm Kwon Yuri of SNSD. Good luck with the concert and I hope to work with you as well."
"So formal," Eunhyuk commented. "Kakeru, you didn't introduce yourself so nicely to SuJu when you first met us!" 
"She's a lady! You have to be nicer to the ladies. Being a gentleman is only right you know?"
"So you're only nice to women?" Eunhyuk threw his towel at Kakeru and Kakeru threw it back. Then they started whipping each other with the towels. Minhee and I caught each other's eyes and she smiled. I peeked back at Minho, who was standing by himself and looking like he's about to go on a rampage. I felt a little guilty...the scandal with Changmin-oppa and now this guy pops out of nowhere. 
Maybe I should help Minho...I didn't want to get involved before but since Krystal and Jessica already included me...that and I talked to Minhee that one day...
"Annyonghaseyo Yuri-ssi," Minhee said as she walked by. 
"Wait," I called out after her.
"Yes Yuri-ssi?"
"About Krystal..."
"Oh...sorry I took back my word but-"
"That's not it! I'm glad you changed your mind!" She had a puzzled look on her face. "I think that someone shouldn't come up with secret plans to make someone fall in love with them. It's not honest that way."
"I see...you're a good person Yuri-ssi."
"Thank you. So are you going to go after Minho now?" 
She blushed. "I, well, I, you know...maybe I...," Minhe sighed. "I have no idea what to do now."
The flustered look on her face gave it all away though. She's so in love with him...
"I wish you guys good luck."
"Eh? We're not a couple..."
"Yet. I've heard things about you Minhee. When you want something, you normally get it."
"Oh god...is that what people say about me? I sound evil that way."
"Aren't you?" 
Looking at me in shock, Minhee slowly smiled and laughed. "Just a little." A minute passed by with us just laughing or smiling contently. "Yuri-ssi, could you not tell Minho anything about this?"
"Of course I won't."
"Thanks...I don't think he's quite ready to find out yet."
"Are you guys talking now?"
"No, like I said, he's not ready yet."
Is it really Minho that's not ready? Or Minhee herself?
She was going to leave right after practice (with Kakeru no less) when I stopped her and took her aside. I asked her to accompany me to eat and she obliged. "Umm...was there something on your mind?"
"Oh!" I still haven't come up with how to ask her about Kakeru. That's why I haven't said anything yet... "Uh...about Kakeru, um, is he dating someone!" Ugh...I was so excited I came up with an idea that it sounded more like a statement than a question. "I mean, is he dating someone? I kinda like him..." A little white lie won't hurt right? Wow, I told her being honest is better but I'm telling her a tiny lie. I'm a bad example right now...
"You do?!" Why was she so surprised? She must've noticed my expression because she apologized. "sorry, it's just that he doesn't seem like your type." I only smiled in response. "Kakeru...he, well, he plays for the other team if you get what I mean. Man, I need to stop telling people..." she hid her face in her hands and groaned. "Poor Kakeru...I'm such a bad best friend. Just telling everyone!"
"No! No! You told me because you didn't want me to be hopeful when I don't have a chance! That's nice of you. I'm sure he'd understand."
"You think so?"
"I hate doing things that might upset him."
"That's how best friends are right?"
"That's true..."
We ate our meal talking like that. I was surprised she was pretty open to me considering I'm close to Krystal but she does have that recording so Krystal can't do anything. I'll have to remember that...don't cross Minhee...it seems dangerous.
I saw Kakeru the next day. He came in to watch SNSD's practice for SM and after introducing himself, he said we could ask him any questions if we'd like. I shouldn't have told Jessica that Kakeru is gay but I was in shock and had to tell someone. When she raised her hand, I tried to pull it down as fast as I could but he already saw.
"Are you gay?"
His eyes widened and then he put his hands on his hips, "now what would make you think that?" Kakeru responded in a flamboyant voice. All of us laughed and then he said, "but to answer your question, no I'm not. Just because I'm a choreographer doesn't mean I'm gay," he wagged his finger at us. "If I chose a profession just because of that, I could've been a wedding planner. Just kidding~" he grinned at Seohyun and Sunny and they giggled, quickly falling prey to his antics. 
"Are you really not gay?" I heard myself say. I covered my mouth right after but it was too late. I already asked. 
"Yes! I'm not gay," he laughed it off. "Would you prefer it if I were gay or something?"
"No, I only wanted to know."
"Okay then, so moving on..." he continued talking to the girls and Jessica gave me a 'what's going on?' look. If Kakeru is not really gay...why did Minhee say he was? Oh, don't tell me...she thinks he's gay when he's not?!
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i kinda don't likr kakeru in this chapter.he's annoying,really..<br />
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and for minhee and minho.please admit it,you like each other,but yet you boyh hiding it.make a move!give hints!<br />
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but i think minhee gave him a little hint :<br />
"You always understand..." she hugged his waist and snuggled closer to him. "Ah...why are you so comfortable?" --> i think it's a hint that she likes him,hehehe.but they need mooooore hints.lots and lots of it.. :p<br />
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this chapter was great!!it's mario w - let me love you isn't it?i missed that song..<br />
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update soooooon~~
I'm kind of despising Kakeru right now... He purposely walked in on Minhee and Minho's [almost] kiss because he was JEALOUS. About the ending of the story... drag it out, but also make it good. Maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and Minho and Minhee finally kiss the second to last chapter and the last chapter is just short recaps of what Minho and Minhee went through to discover their love ^^
yah! kakeru! why do you have to ruin things?! Minhee and Kermin ALMOST *makes kissing sound* aish! this guy!<br />
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ahahah..<br />
yeah, what just happened?
More more more! Lol, I feel like a whining 6 year old :D
Hahahaha! I soooooo expected that it wouldn't continue. Awwwe too bad, it was so close a well as. xD
awh that's "2nd 2min" *minho n minhee*moment hehe. . .:-) like like like
@Vengeance hahaha XD thanks~ I'm glad you thought it was cute and sweet. Sorry that what happened between Minhee and Kakeru isn't clear yet but soon!<br />
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@-GODofTHUNDER thanks for commenting! haha~ does their slowness frustrate you? XD<br />
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@minniebubble12 thanks~ I thought you would find it cute hehe ^^ Minho's such a chicken huh? He better watch out or Onew will eat him XD