
Things I'm Not Supposed To Do


The Ninth Thing I Shouldn't Have Done: Doubting
Because of SM Town now being so soon, I haven't really seen anyone. I haven't been able to go to class lately too. I think Changmin-hyung and Minhee couldn't go either but since I haven't talked to them, I don't really know. 
Changmin-hyung is in China with the rest of DBSK promoting their upcoming new album and SM Town while Minhee...I actually don't know what she's been doing. I haven't talked to her at all. I expected her to call by now but she hasn't. I expected her to call me endlessly until I listened to her. That's the kind of person she is! But she hasn't called me at all...not even once.
Why hasn't she called? My phone log that's usually plastered with Minhee's name is now full of a different name: Krystal. She keeps calling me lately. It kinda irritates me...I would think Minhee's calling but it turns out to be Krystal asking me to hang out or tutor her since she's going to take the entrance exam for my school. 
In fact, that's where I'm going right now. I'm supposed to meet Krystal at SM in one of the study rooms but I don't feel up to it. I can't say no to her request though. How can I say no when she wants to go to college? I even told fans to study well and go to school so I should support my dongsaeng too right?
I guess I got to the designated study room first so I decided to walk around the floor until Krystal arrived. That's when I heard what I'm been wanting to hear for so long: Minhee's voice. 
But it wasn't exactly the way I wanted to hear it. Someone was playing a Mystery song and it was Minhee's solo. She didn't have many singing solos since she's the main rapper for Mystery but when she did, I always liked her voice. She and I were in similar situations after all. She's not expected to sing at all but she wants to because she doesn't want to be just a rapper and I don't either. 
Now that I think about it...that's how Changmin-hyung and Minhee became "secret" friends. The first time DBSK and Mystery were paired up, Minhee admitted to us (the Min group) that she was afraid of singing with Changmin or any of the DBSK members. Changmin laughed at her and asked why so she said that she has no confidence in her singing compared to them. 
Even some of Minhee's own fans think she can't sing so Changmin-hyung offered to work with her on her voice. Could that have been their start? If they're dating, is it a result of the time they spent together working on Minhee's vocals? Then there's all that time Mystery and DBSK spent together in Japan and even now...I hate thinking about this!
The person who was playing the Mystery song noticed me at that moment and I felt slightly thankful to him. "Annyonghaseyo. You..." he tilted his head at me, examining my face. "You look familiar...ah! Kermin!"
"What?" Isn't that what Minhee named her plush frog after I gave it to her? How does he know that name? As I take a closer look at him too, I slowly realize that he looks familiar too. 
He held out his hand to me. "My name is Kakeru. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand and he grinned at me. "You don't remember me, do you?"
"Not really. Sorry."
Kakeru shrugged, "it's alright. Most people remember the girls before us guys anyway. I was in Minhee's Japanese dance group."
"Oh! I remember now! You were the guy she hit."
Laughing sheepishly, he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah...haha she's a violent one." How well does this guy know her? "It was nice meeting you Minho-ssi but I have to go now. Duty calls! See you!" With that, he ran off before I could ask any of the questions on my mind.
I thought that all the guys from Minhee's dance group were debuting in Japan. What is he doing here in Seoul? I wonder if he's seen her recently...they must be close for him to know about Kermin but then again Minhee does talk a lot...she could've told one of her previous members in Japan and they could've told him.
Kakeru...has Minhee told me about him before?
I decided to go back to the study room and wait there. Not too long after I sit down, someone covers my eyes and leans their head on my shoulder. "Guess who?"
Taking their hands off, I looked to my side and saw Krystal. "Who else would it be but you?"
She laughed and took a seat next to me. "I'm making sure you know who you're waiting for."
Instead of answering my question, Krystal smiled and waved a math book in my face. "I got stuck on a few problems."
I smiled back, "right, let's look at them."
I felt guilty that I couldn't concentrate as well as normal though. It's like I can't control my mind for long after talking to Kakeru. Not that I'm thinking about him! Just to make it clear, since he mentioned Minhee I can't stop thinking about her. How much I think about her is already bad for me but after talking to him I can't seem to think about much else. 
As Krystal worked on the problems, the day the scandal got out kept replaying in my head and each time it felt like things were getting more and more confusing. The questions just keep multiplying. 
Why did Minhee go see me that morning? Was it really Changmin-hyung she wanted to talk about? If it was about them, wouldn't they have told me together? Why just Minhee?
And what about Krystal and the cell phone? Why did Minhee go see Krystal? Do they even talk to each other? As far as I know, Minhee's only good friends with Victoria-noona so why Krystal? Why did she leave her phone behind? Has she ever done that before?
Then there's the pictures Krystal mentioned...why did Krystal know about them? Why has she seen them? How does Krystal know about Changmin and Minhee if I don't yet I'm their best friend? 
Why was Minhee crying that day? Is that why Changmin and Minhee were in Myungdae-hyung's office? When Krystal and I were leaving SM, why did Minhee come in a taxi? Where was she? Why did she leave? Was she the one that Hyomin-noona was calling? What did she want to tell me?
Thinking about it more in depth...didn't Krystal say that she saw Minhee and Changmin at SM before I got there? If so...why was Minhee coming back to SM in a taxi? Wasn't she already there according to what Krystal said? And she told me Minhee was with Changmin-hyung but she was alone in the taxi...
I looked over at Krystal. She noticed me watching her and stopped writing to lean in closer to me, her face less than a foot away from mine. "Why are you staring at me Minho-oppa?"
"Krystal, you gave Minhee her phone that one day right?"
"What does it look like?"
*Krystal POV* 
Oh crap! Why is he asking this out of nowhere? Does he know I lied? "It's...it's...it's black! It h-has a charm on it."
"What's the charm?"
"A butterfly?" I heard Minhee likes butterflies so it seemed like a safe choice.
"Minhee doesn't have a cell phone charm."
"Oh...well I'm probably thinking of someone else's phone then. I didn't really look at her phone."
"I thought you saw pictures on her phone."
Damn it... "I'm forgetful."
"What about her wallpaper? Do you know what it is?"
"A picture of Mystery?"
"It's a picture of her family. What about the phone brand?"
"No, Samsung. Do you know what's on the back of Minhee's phone?"
"The battery cover?"
He scoffed and stood up, walking away from me to the other side of the room. Minho paced for a bit before facing me again and yelling, "you didn't have her phone at all did you?"
"Did you?!"
"No, I-"
"So you lied to me?"
"Yes but-"
"Why would you do that? Why would you lie like that? What is wrong with you? Do you know what you've done? You made me think that, that, ugh!" Minho hit the wall and then leaned his head against it in frustration. I couldn't breathe. He was scaring me...I haven't seen Minho so mad before. "Why? Why did you lie?"
"Because I like you! I've liked you for a long time!"
*Minho POV* 
...did Krystal just...she just...Krystal confessed to me O.O She liked me? 
"I think I'm in love with you."
"Why does that explain why you lied to me?"
"Because I had to!"
What the is that? "You had to?" If looks could kill, she would've been dead five times over right then.
"How else would you notice me? I'm willing to do anything for you to just notice me and I did. I lied to get your attention. I didn't want it to be this way but it is. You spend so much more time with me now so I kept lying. I lied to keep the lie going, to keep you here with me."
"I can understand the feeling of liking someone so much and wanting them to look at you but...if it were me, I wouldn't lie to you."
Tears were starting to flow down her cheeks but I didn't care. "I'm sorry." Krystal latched onto my arm, desperately hugging it. "Please forgive me. Please..." she pleaded. 
I removed her hands and took hold of her shoulders so she would look me in the eye. "If you like me like you say you do, then don't talk to me anymore. Leave me alone. I can't stand liars!" 
She was sobbing now that I said that and as I walked away I felt some remorse. I wasn't that angry at her because I was concerned with Minhee. How could I doubt her so much? How could I believe Krystal?
I sprinted to the Mystery practice room as fast as I could. If she was still at SM, she would be there. "Minhee!" I yelled after opening the door. 
Everyone looked over at me. All of Mystery was there with a few Super Junior members. It must be some kind of practice for Mystery's first concert. I heard SuJu was going to be the guest for the 2nd night.
"We know who Minho wants to see," Shindong-hyung said. They all laughed and Minhee playfully pushed him. "Why aren't you going over to him?"
"We just finished."
"I still have practice though."
"You're lying."
Hana put a hand on Shindong-hyung's shoulder, "no, she really does."
"Oh...thanks for letting me know!" he said sarcastically. 
Minhee laughed, "sorry Shindonggie but why would you know anyway?"
"What if I wanted to do something?"
"You can go with Nari. You'd rather be with her anyway."
"Of course I would."
Minhee gasped, "eh I would pick Eunhyuk over you anyway."
Shindong messed up her hair and she laughed before looking over at me. "Sorry Minho but I have to go."
"We can't talk before your practice?"
"I guess the two of us have bad timing for when we want to talk to each other." She grabbed her bag and shrugged at me. "Sorry." When Minhee reached out for the door, I was about to stop her when the door opened anyway. 
"Minhee, are you done yet? Oh it's Kermin again! Hello there~" 
Why does he keep calling me that? "Hello..."
"I'll see you around Minho."
"Bye." She took Kakeru by the hand and walked away without looking back. 
Eunhyuk-hyung came over to me and gave me a back-hug, telling me "it's okay Minho. I'll keep you company!"
I laughed but my smile was fake. This must be how Minhee felt when I left with Krystal...I shouldn't have done that either. "Who...who is that guy?"
Yumi looked up from packing up her bag. "Who? Kakeru?"
"Yeah, he's from your old dance team right?"
"I'm surprised you knew that!"
"He told me earlier when we ran into each other but he didn't tell me anything else."
Yumi-noona and Kamiko-noona looked over at each other with grins growing on their faces like the Cheshire cat's. "Why are you curious?" Kamiko-noona asked. 
"No reason...I just...I just want to know." 
"Uh huh Minho. I'll pretend that I believe you for now and answer your question. He's the newest choreographer for SM and his first projects are all the special performances for our concert."
"Really? Then..." why did he go off with Minhee alone?
"Then why...never mind."
"Did you want to ask about Minhee?"
"I think I'll let you take this one. You describe it the best way," Kamiko-noona said to Yumi-noona, who shook her head.
"Compared to how Emi puts it? I don't think so. Emi, would you like to tell Minho here what Kakeru is to Minhee?"
Hana-noona was shaking her head when Emi-noona smiled and said, "sure. Kakeru's the one that helped our little Minhee turn into a woman!"
"What?!" Eunhyuk yelled and most of us in the room (Super Junior hyungs and I) echoed that same sentiment while Mystery-noonas all started laughing. What did that mean?!
A/N: Ah it's been a while since the past update huh? Sorry! But it's all because I was saving the updates for today because it has now been a month since I started this story! I can't believe how far it has come now...I started this just because I was bored and my friends were too busy to talk to me but look at it! Hehe~
Anyway to celebrate it being a month, I've prepared 3 - yes 3 - updates for today! (That reminds me...sorry if it's the 16th where you guys are. It's still the 15th where I am haha) There will also be two more surprises to be revealed in the next update for the day~
As for the picture for this chapter, I just couldn't resist haha XD
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i kinda don't likr kakeru in this chapter.he's annoying,really..<br />
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and for minhee and minho.please admit it,you like each other,but yet you boyh hiding it.make a move!give hints!<br />
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but i think minhee gave him a little hint :<br />
"You always understand..." she hugged his waist and snuggled closer to him. "Ah...why are you so comfortable?" --> i think it's a hint that she likes him,hehehe.but they need mooooore hints.lots and lots of it.. :p<br />
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this chapter was great!!it's mario w - let me love you isn't it?i missed that song..<br />
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update soooooon~~
I'm kind of despising Kakeru right now... He purposely walked in on Minhee and Minho's [almost] kiss because he was JEALOUS. About the ending of the story... drag it out, but also make it good. Maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and Minho and Minhee finally kiss the second to last chapter and the last chapter is just short recaps of what Minho and Minhee went through to discover their love ^^
yah! kakeru! why do you have to ruin things?! Minhee and Kermin ALMOST *makes kissing sound* aish! this guy!<br />
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ahahah..<br />
yeah, what just happened?
More more more! Lol, I feel like a whining 6 year old :D
Hahahaha! I soooooo expected that it wouldn't continue. Awwwe too bad, it was so close a well as. xD
awh that's "2nd 2min" *minho n minhee*moment hehe. . .:-) like like like
@Vengeance hahaha XD thanks~ I'm glad you thought it was cute and sweet. Sorry that what happened between Minhee and Kakeru isn't clear yet but soon!<br />
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@-GODofTHUNDER thanks for commenting! haha~ does their slowness frustrate you? XD<br />
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@minniebubble12 thanks~ I thought you would find it cute hehe ^^ Minho's such a chicken huh? He better watch out or Onew will eat him XD