"You Jump, I Jump Jack"

Things I'm Not Supposed To Do


"Ya! Why did you give me your clothes? They're too long!"
"It was either mine or Jonghyun's but he would notice if I took his clothes."
"Man...you should've just let me buy some guy clothes."
Minho looked at Minhee, "you just want an excuse to go shopping!"
"Well yeah! I'm a girl you know."
"That's not an excuse."
"I know~ I just like shopping," she giggled. "Oops, I mean...I don't like shopping...wait guys can like shopping. Look at Key!"
Laughing, Minho pulled Minhee along the streets of downtown Seoul. "Don't let him hear you say that."
"Why not? I tell Jaejoong that he looks like a girl all the time. Sometimes I even call him Jaejoong-noona."
"You're supposed to call him unni." Minhee grinned. "I mean oppa!"
A group of girl in high school uniforms looked over at him and tried to hide their laughter behind their hands but it was clear that they were laughing. Minho looked away embarrassed and pulled his hat down lower. Minhee laughed too and Minho playfully pushed her. "You said oppa...hehe."
Rolling his eyes, Minho replied "all because of what you said."
"Don't blame me! Who told you to say oppa? Besides, I'm a 'guy' remember? I should say noona," she stuck her tongue out at him.
Minhee gasped in mock-surprise. "You said the a-word! Whoa! Hehe I made you curse~"
"Hey I curse! Just not all the time..."
"How about not at all? I curse more than you. You make me feel like a pottymouth sometimes."
"Because you are one?"
"Ya!" she smacked his arm. "Am not!" 
"Are too."
"Nuh uh!" 
"You're such a little kid," Minho grinned. It's so cute...
"Nuh uh! Ah, darn it...I meant no." Fudgisicles man...
"Whatever you say Minhee."
"Shh! Not Minhee! Call me...Minki? I love that name!"
"Really? I didn't know that."
"Isn't it a cute name though? If I were really a guy and that was my name, I could use the stage name Monkey hehe."
"You are like a little monkey sometimes."
"Whatever you frog."
"I am not a frog!"
"That's not what everyone else says~ besides you doomed yourself with that one when you wore those frog pajamas on Hello Baby. Ah! Yoogeun! I want to see Yoogeun! He's so cute~" Minhee clapped her hands together in excitement. 
"He looks just like me."
"But he's so cute!"
"Are you saying I'm not cute?"
"Are you saying you're cuter than Yoogeun?"
"...good point."
"I thought so."
"Hey..." he trailed off, looking to the side. "You said you've been craving ddeokbokki right?"
"Yeah. Why d-ah!" Minho pushed Minhee over to a nearby stand and stopped right in front of it.
"Let's eat some!" 
She shook Minho's arm happily and he laughed. "Yay~"
The ahjumma running the booth told Minhee, "you're such a cute little boy! How old are you?"
"I'm twenty years old..."
"Oh I'm sorry! I just thought you might be in your last year of middle school. My son is that age."
"Oh really? Where does he go?" 
Minho watched as the two conversed, wondering if Minhee would realize that she was forgetting to keep her voice low. Oh well...I guess people can just think she's a feminine boy. It's not as if she looks masculine even in guy's clothing
"Is it really your birthday tomorrow ahjumma?! Uwa~ what are you doing tomorrow?" Minho caught the most recent part of their conversation.
"I'm running this booth! Someone has to keep feeding young kids like you! Otherwise they'll run around the streets without eating much."
She laughed, "I see. I hope you have a good day tomorrow then."
"Thank you! I'm going to let you guys have a discount because you're so nice," the ahjumma winked at us. "And so good-looking!" she pinched Minhee's cheek and Minhee laughed again before giving Minho the peace sign. Sometimes I think this is why Minhee likes Korea so much...she always talks to the ahjummas or ahjusshis and gets discounts (A/N: This really happens to me sometimes haha XD not in Korea though...I wish hehe)
It was lucky for the two of them that Minhee got a discount because they ended up eating a lot more than they expected. It didn't help that the ahjumma kept giving them food. Over time, other people came to the booth and ordered the 'devil' ddeokbokki so they asked what it was.
"It's the hottest ddeokbokki you will ever eat! It's my own recipe. I'd tell you what's in it but that's a secret," the ahjumma teased them.
"Minho, you should try it!"
"What? Why me?"
"Because I can barely eat mild ddeokbokki so you should eat it."
"Why does one of us have to eat it anyway?"
"Are you denying this lovely ahjumma's cooking? Aww, when she's been so kind to us...and her birthday is tomorrow...tsk tsk. Shame on you!"
"Fine! Just stop the guilt-trip." Minho saw Minhee exchange winks with the ahjumma and he shook his head. He bowed his head when he was handed the special order 'devil' ddeokbokki and took a bite right away. "AH! This isn't even ddeokbokki! This is like...wasabi rolled up to look like it!"
Minhee started laughing hysterically and had to lean onto the booth so she wouldn't fall over. However, she did re-gain her composure to take pictures of Minho freaking out. He glared at her for it but knew it was funny in retrospect. "I won't forget this Minhee."
"Well I know your tastebuds won't haha."
"Minhee?" the ahjumma asked.
"Ah, that's just what he calls me when he's mad. He teases me by calling me a girl name since I look like a girl and don't want to..."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, my name is Minki."
"It's just that my son likes an idol named Minhee. She's in that new group...Mystery?"
"Yeah, it's Mystery." Minho and Minhee glanced at each other, smiling slyly. "Do you like any idols yourself?"
"I like SHINee's songs but I don't know much about them."
Normally Minho would take this opportunity to leave but Minhee wanted to keep asking about it. "Yeah! The members are very attractive."
"Who do you think is most attractive?"
"The youngest one!" 
"Yeah, that's his name! He's so cute and pretty for a boy! Like you! It's too bad that you two were born as boys."
"Haha yeah. Ah ahjumma, sorry but we have to go now! This guy needs to go to the bathroom."
"What? No I don't!"
"Yeah you do! Bye~"
Minho and Minhee ran down the street to an alleyway. They panted and looked over at each other solemnly before bursting out into fits of laughter. "It is a shame you weren't born as a girl MinKI."
"Shut up," she said, still laughing. "You're just bitter she didn't pick you. I don't blame her after how you looked when you ate the 'devil' ddeokbokki." Minho glared at her and she laughed again. "Glares don't work on me."
Minho hovered over her, making her back up against the alley wall. "What about this?"
"Am I making you nervous?" Minho joked after hearing her gulp loudly.
He said huskily, "Minhee-ah"
Minhee had closed her eyes, making Minho worry. Then suddenly, she yelled, "no your breath stinks!" She pushed him away and started running again. 
Minho chased after her. "Ya! Come back here!"
[End of Flashback]
That day was a lot of fun...didn't we go back the next day with Taemin to bring that ahjumma a cake? We did...Minhee was so adamant about it since she was so nice to us...
"Why do you have so many pictures of me?" 
"Because you're important to me silly," Minhee replied. "You would actually ask such a thing?"
"I'm sorry..."
"I don't want to hear you apologize Minho...I just want you to know how much you mean to me," Minho looked over at her but she was looking away on purpose. Minhee cleared . "Let's just keep going with the questions. What else happened? Why were you so cold to me at the company building?"
"I..." she watched him expectantly and he couldn't help but fidget a little under her stare. Surprisingly, Minho felt more nervous than he had in a long time. "I went there to help Krystal look for you to return your phone but when I got there and saw her, she told me she already gave it back to you. She said that...that both you and Changmin were relieved to have your phone back because of the pictures on there. She said that the pictures were really cute..."
Minhee groaned and hid her face in her hands, "why are you so damn gullible?! It used to be so cute...now it's just not healthy for anyone."
Looking over at him, she sighed. How is he so attractive yet so cute like a little kid sometimes?! No sense...no sense at all... "Did anything else happen? Was that it?"
"Yeah..." she gave him a look. "Alright, something else did happen. Krystal and I overheard Myungdae-hyung and Hyesung-noona talking..."
Minho told her everything in detail, mainly because Minhee isn't one to let details just slip by even if Minho doesn't want to mention them. In return, she explained everything to him and, once again, Minho felt like an idiot. 
"I..." he sighed. What the hell have I been thinking this whole time? So many misunderstandings that I...
Minho got so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice that Minhee had moved from where she was standing. She flicked his forehead, "Kermin~"
"Ow...when did you-?!" 
"I never said that I couldn't be the one to move closer to you."
"But you said that..."
"Your trust in me increased right? So I moved closer to you. Besides, 'you jump, I jump Jack.' "
"What's with the jumping thing anyway? I understand the concept...but why jumping?"
"You're a frog!" 
"You and the frog thing," he rolled his eyes. Even that day at the ddeokbokki stand...in the alley back then...what was I going to do anyway? Even then, did I have feelings for her? 
"At least you're not a dinosaur like Jonghyun."
Minho mused on that for a second and tilted his head, "well I guess that is a good point."
"Yeah...anyway, let's keep jumping frog boy!" she jumped to the next trampoline square and kept going until there was a few feet distance between them. 
Minho ended up chasing Minhee and, being the overcompetitive person everyone knows him to be, overzealously tackled her once he caught up. "Choi Minho! Ugh! This is not how you're supposed to play on the trampolines!"
"I guess I missed that class."
"Yeah, the one called common sense. I noticed you missed it a long time ago." Minho poked her side and she yelped. "Why'd you poke me?!"
"You forced me to do it."
"I made you poke me? When you're on top of me? I doubt that one."
When Minhee said that he was on top of her, Minho became even more conscious of the position they were in. If she turned just a little bit more, they would be kissing. 
Minho was about to say something when Daejung had entered the room, yelling "are you two okay?" He got close enough to see them clearly and his eyes widened. "Oh...sorry. I saw you two fall and since neither of you were getting up...uh...I'll go...you two can continue doing, uh, well doing whatever it is you two are doing. Oh! That is, continue as long as you two don't do anything past what you were doing...I'm going to go..."
Minho and Minhee exchanged looks and started laughing hysterically. Minho rolled away, still laughing and now holding his stomach, while Minhee was hiding her flushing face with her hands.
About three minutes had passed when Minho stood up and held his hand out to Minhee. "I think we should get up now," he chuckled.
She didn't say anything at first and just stared at his hand. Minho felt like time was moving so slowly while waiting for her reaction so when she looked up and smiled at him, the corners of Minho's mouth naturally curved up as well. She took his hand and he pulled her up to bring her into a hug again. 
"You hug a lot now, Choi Minho. I feel like I might've missed out on a lot during this time..." she murmured into his chest. Minho mustered enough courage to kiss the top of her head so lightly Minhee almost didn't feel it. 
"You did." 
"I did? Okay, I'll make it up to you then...but know that you missed a lot with me too, so you also have some making up to do." 
"Okay." His grip tightened on her and she laughed. I have no problem with that...because I have no plans of letting you go
A/N: The quote on the picture is my ringtone! XD 
So I've been reading the comments...and it seems like you guys might be getting frustrated with how fast Minho and Minhee's relationship progresses...but since the story was voted to be extended, it'll seem really slow so maybe you guys have changed your mind? Let me know! 
Sorry it's been a while since I've updated! I haven't updated my other stories either...darn quizzes, tests, and midterms jumping out of nowhere...but I think I did well and won't be tested for a while so updates! ^_^ thanks for reading everyone~
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i kinda don't likr kakeru in this chapter.he's annoying,really..<br />
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and for minhee and minho.please admit it,you like each other,but yet you boyh hiding it.make a move!give hints!<br />
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but i think minhee gave him a little hint :<br />
"You always understand..." she hugged his waist and snuggled closer to him. "Ah...why are you so comfortable?" --> i think it's a hint that she likes him,hehehe.but they need mooooore hints.lots and lots of it.. :p<br />
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this chapter was great!!it's mario w - let me love you isn't it?i missed that song..<br />
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update soooooon~~
I'm kind of despising Kakeru right now... He purposely walked in on Minhee and Minho's [almost] kiss because he was JEALOUS. About the ending of the story... drag it out, but also make it good. Maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and Minho and Minhee finally kiss the second to last chapter and the last chapter is just short recaps of what Minho and Minhee went through to discover their love ^^
yah! kakeru! why do you have to ruin things?! Minhee and Kermin ALMOST *makes kissing sound* aish! this guy!<br />
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ahahah..<br />
yeah, what just happened?
More more more! Lol, I feel like a whining 6 year old :D
Hahahaha! I soooooo expected that it wouldn't continue. Awwwe too bad, it was so close a well as. xD
awh that's "2nd 2min" *minho n minhee*moment hehe. . .:-) like like like
@Vengeance hahaha XD thanks~ I'm glad you thought it was cute and sweet. Sorry that what happened between Minhee and Kakeru isn't clear yet but soon!<br />
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@-GODofTHUNDER thanks for commenting! haha~ does their slowness frustrate you? XD<br />
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@minniebubble12 thanks~ I thought you would find it cute hehe ^^ Minho's such a chicken huh? He better watch out or Onew will eat him XD