Her Decision?

Things I'm Not Supposed To Do


A/N: Do you guys like the new banner? It's amazing right? ^_^ My best friend bokayjunkie made it~ she also made the equally amazing, outstanding, unbelievably cool banner for Crossing The Line! ^_^ my best friend spoils me :)
Also, her work is the best! She doesn't have an account on here so if you'd like to see her other work or contact her or whatever, she does have a tumblr! 
http://bokayjunkie.tumblr.com/ (the gifs at the top are her work as well!!!)
Please comment on the awesomeness of the banner! 
I also hope you guys enjoy the new chapter and don't hate me if you get frustrated with the characters a little haha~ some friends that read the story tell me that Minho and Minhee are extremely frustrating XD
*Min Hee POV*
Oh god...why did I say that? Why isn't he answering?! Say something! This is killing me!
"We're best friends silly ha ha ha..." I know I must've sounded awkward but I couldn't think of anything else to say. Of all the things I could've said, I had to ask him if we're more than friends. 
He smiled weakly and I knew he was still thinking about it so I socked his arm playfully. "I'll race you! First one to Beok-Sun Park wins~" I didn't even say start and ran off. 
"Ya!" he yelled, running after me. 
I wanted to run away so bad that I didn't see it coming...I should've seen the flashing stop sign but I didn't...
Just kidding! Even I'm not so ridiculous as to not pay attention to the surroundings just because I want to avoid the awkwardness of the current situation. I stopped and I swear you could hear my sneakers squea!. Minho didn't stop in time though and practically slammed into me. I propelled forward and Minho had to grab my shoulders to pull me back. 
He hugged me tightly to his chest and didn't let go even though there weren't any more cars driving by in our direction so I pushed him away, stuck my tongue out, and ran again.
If I don't run now, I don't know if I'll ever be able to escape him. His face, his voice, his strong arms, the warmth of his chest, everything especially his sweetness.
How can I not forgive him when he asked in such a cute way? But at the same time, I don't think I can forgive him for doing it that way. 
I guess I can't be too angry about it...it's not as if he knew what that sticker really meant to me. What that day really was.
That day...
It was the day I realized that I can't be without him. I need him by my side. I want him by my side. When did he become such a big part of my life? When did...when did I fall in love with my best friend?
That day I at least admitted it to myself. Minho, did you know? That's what that day meant to me. It was the day I stopped denying that I love you
I was sure of it when I saw the rainbow. It reminded me so much of you. As much as I want to reach out and grab it, keep it for myself, it's untouchable. So close and yet so far away. Faint and yet I can see it so clearly...
For once, I outran Minho and got to the park first. Seeing the playground, I climbed to the top of it and waited there for him.
When you got there, you looked up and me and asked, "why...why did you run?" 
"Because it was a race, duh. Being so competitive, you know what a race is right?"
"I know that! But why...nevermind."
Minho can't tell right? He doesn't know that I'm really running from him right? 
"What are you doing up there? You hate jungle gyms."
Ah, he's completely right. I get absolutely terrified. Roller coasters, airplanes, bungee jumping are all things I love despite the height but jungle gyms? Forget it! They're scarier! There are no seatbelts on jungle gyms.
"I do..."
"Then get down from there! What are you thinking? You never go on those things and you're up there now? Then earlier with the car, you're such a dangerous person!" he scolded me while laughing.
"I get it!"
"You clearly don't. You just like risking your life huh? Looks like I always need to keep an eye on you."
Don't say things like that. Please don't...
Then I'll become hopeful that you'll be by my side forever as long as you feel like you need to protect me but that's not how I want you to be with me at all. I'm not that kind of girl. I won't pretend to be anything just to keep you nor do I want to but that smile makes me doubt myself all the time.
"So if I fall, would you catch me?"
"Are you planning on falling?!"
"I already did." 
"Nothing~" I sang and sat down at the top of the slide. "Ne, Minho?"
He started walking over to where I was. "What?"
"If you had to chose...which one would you pick? An apple or a mandarin orange?"
"Mandarin oranges. I thought you know that already. I love oranges."
I chuckled, "yeah, I do...you've always been a Mandarin orange kind of guy."
"Why are you asking random questions today?"
"I always ask random questions." 
"Yeah, you do."
"Hey!" I pushed him down the other slide and he ran back up it, trying to pull me down. "Ya!" I screamed, "stop it! Minho, we're going to fall!" 
"It's a slide! If you fall, it's okay," he teased me and kept tugging.
"I don't want to fall!" 
"What if I fall with you?"
"...you won't." 
"Yes, I will."
I pretended that didn't mean anything. I can't let myself be hopeful anymore. Luckily, I didn't have to say anything because someone called me at that moment. "Eh? Yeoboseyeo? ...ah, annyonghaseyo~ why did you call me?" Minho stopped tugging on my sleeve and just stared at me so I looked away before he realized he was making me blush a little. "I see...sure, I can go."
"Go where?" he asked but I got up and started walking down the jungle gym. 
"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye."
"Where are you going?"
"Just...somewhere. Oh also Eunhyuk texted us. He said they chose to end practice early since we left."
"Alright. Do you want to get a taxi again?"
"No, I'm just going to walk."
"I can walk with you."
"I'll be fine," I told him, even though I knew he would be disappointed. "I'll see you later okay?"
"Call me?"
"...sure. Bye!" I ran off again and, as soon as I was sure I was out of sight, I stopped and leaned against the closest wall. I wish he didn't have to make this so difficult for me. As I looked down at the cell phone in my hand and the rainbow sticker on the back, I told myself I need to stop avoiding this...but I can't go back on my word either.
"Yes?" I turned around and there was Yuri-ssi. "Annyonghaseyeo" I bowed to her and she did the same back.
"So you were still nearby. I'm glad. Shall we go?"
About half an hour later, Yuri-ssi and I were at the SNSD dorm. I waited for her in their living room as she changed and got someone else from on the many rooms there. I thought back on why we were there...
While we were still in Japan a few weeks ago, Mystery was taking a break from practice when SNSD-sunbaes were walking out of their practice room close by. I bowed to them as they passed by and to my surprise, Yuri-ssi and Jessica-ssi stopped to talk to me. "Minhee!" Jessica called my name. "How are you?"
"I am good. You?"
Yuri-ssi was the one who answered, "We're all fine. Just a little tired but still fighting! I was wondering, well the two of us were wondering..."
Jessica nudged her, "just say it. Oh I'll say it! Can you help us with something?"
"With what?"
To be honest, I've been trying to forget the rest of that conversation particularly the part where I agreed to help. I stared down at the sticker and thought it was fitting that Minho put today's date. His phone has the date for when I decided to at least admit my feelings and now my phone says the date that I will put aside my feelings. 
...I kinda hate myself for this
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i kinda don't likr kakeru in this chapter.he's annoying,really..<br />
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and for minhee and minho.please admit it,you like each other,but yet you boyh hiding it.make a move!give hints!<br />
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but i think minhee gave him a little hint :<br />
"You always understand..." she hugged his waist and snuggled closer to him. "Ah...why are you so comfortable?" --> i think it's a hint that she likes him,hehehe.but they need mooooore hints.lots and lots of it.. :p<br />
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this chapter was great!!it's mario w - let me love you isn't it?i missed that song..<br />
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update soooooon~~
I'm kind of despising Kakeru right now... He purposely walked in on Minhee and Minho's [almost] kiss because he was JEALOUS. About the ending of the story... drag it out, but also make it good. Maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and Minho and Minhee finally kiss the second to last chapter and the last chapter is just short recaps of what Minho and Minhee went through to discover their love ^^
yah! kakeru! why do you have to ruin things?! Minhee and Kermin ALMOST *makes kissing sound* aish! this guy!<br />
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ahahah..<br />
yeah, what just happened?
More more more! Lol, I feel like a whining 6 year old :D
Hahahaha! I soooooo expected that it wouldn't continue. Awwwe too bad, it was so close a well as. xD
awh that's "2nd 2min" *minho n minhee*moment hehe. . .:-) like like like
@Vengeance hahaha XD thanks~ I'm glad you thought it was cute and sweet. Sorry that what happened between Minhee and Kakeru isn't clear yet but soon!<br />
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@-GODofTHUNDER thanks for commenting! haha~ does their slowness frustrate you? XD<br />
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@minniebubble12 thanks~ I thought you would find it cute hehe ^^ Minho's such a chicken huh? He better watch out or Onew will eat him XD