A Talk With Changmin

Things I'm Not Supposed To Do
*Minhee POV*
I could feel everybody in the lobby looking at me when I entered the SM building. Well, if I didn't know I had a scandal myself, the looks on their faces pretty much told me. Thank you for that! 
The elevator ride to managing offices floor felt like Hell. Why did the music at the time have to be F(x)? I like the group and I like their songs but, at the moment, I could care less for their main vocalist. 
As soon as the elevator doors opened, Hyomin-unni was there waiting for me. "Minhee! You better have the best explanation in your head already set for this!"
"Can I know what it is before you scold me?"
She paused and thought about it before saying, "yeah, sure, why not." 
Hyomin-unni...scares me. She went from pissed off to non-chalant in less than zero-to-sixty. In fact, she did that is less time than it takes to say zero-to-sixty.
Anyway...she handed me her cell phone and showed me each article written on me and Changmin that day...
"Well Minhee? What do you have to say for youself?"
"Ew?" Hyomin-unni smacked me in the head. "Ow! Unni, you made me lose brain cells!"
"You must've already lost a lot of brain cells since you let yourself get caught in public with Changmin!"
"Well if I did, that didn't bring them back!" She brought her hand up to hit me again and I wrapped my arms around my head. Hyomin-unni can hit hard! I heard her sigh as she lowered her hand to her forehead and started rubbing her temple. "I'm sorry unni..."
"It's alright. Your members have been pleading your case for the past hour. They may tease you like crazy but they baby you even more."
"I know. Where's Changmin?"
"Getting yelled at by Myungdae-hyung," Changmin said, walking towards us with the man he just named at his side. Myungdae-oppa is just as scary as Hyomin-unni...if not scarier. After all, I've never seen him mad but DBSK sure has.
"With good cause. It hasn't been long since his last scandal."
I snorted as I thought about Changmin's last scandal and Hyomin-unni pinched my side, "ow..." I whispered and she glared at me. 
"I've heard Changmin's side of the story and it matches the other members. You?" Myungdae-oppa asked Hyomin-unni. 
"Minhee just got here. We can listen to her side together."
"My side? I innocently went to go get breakfast for myself and some of DBSK-oppas and Mystery-unnis. Changmin tagged along because he didn't think I would buy his food. It's that simple."
"It's not that simple to the public Minhee." 
"Yeah, well, apparently the public likes to believe everything they read like mindless drones!"
"Yeah, you're sorry. I get that but that doesn't solve anything. Do you know what this will do to your reputation? Casseopeia liked you before but now that they think you're Changmin's girlfriend, they're probably going to overflood your personal pages and Mystery websites. Sorry won't fix any of that!"
"I know..." I couldn't help it but my eyes got teary. Sure, my reputation is whatever but my mistake will affect Mystery-unnies too...Hyomin-unni took out a handkerchief and handed it to me. "It's allergies..." I tried to lie and she smiled.
"Right, your darn allergies again."
"Can I talk to Minhee alone?"
"Are you going to get photographed alone again?" Myungdae teased Changmin and he rolled his eyes. "I'm just kidding! Fine, go use my office. We're going to discuss the situation with the SM lawyers waiting for us in Hyomin's office. Go there when you're done talking."
"Alright." Hyomin and Myungdae left the two of us alone and Changmin stared at me, waiting for me to stop crying. 
"I'm not crying," I said.
"Okay. Your tear ducts are just overflowing."
I looked up at him, "you know I never agreed to talk to you."
"And you think I care about that?"
"No, but it's rude."
He rolled his eyes again and dragged me to the office. "Just come on." Changmin sat me down on the couch and took a seat at the other end. "So, what happened this morning after breakfast?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're bothered by this scandal more than I thought you would be. This isn't like you Minhee."
"You don't know me."
"Minhee, be serious here!"
"Alright! I had a nightmare the other night. You already heard about that."
"Yeah and?"
"I had a nightmare...that I helped Krystal confess to Minho."
"What? Why would you dream about that?"
"Probably because I agreed to help her with him?"
"I know!" 
"How could you?" Changmin had a look of disgust on his face. 
"I wasn't thinking!"
"I said I know!"
"Did anything else happen in your nightmare?"

"Well...I kinda...I wroteMinholovelettersandsaidIwouldrevealwhoIwastohimatmidnightduringthispartybeingthrownforMysterywhenreallyIwasgoingtoletKrystalgosoMinhocouldthinkitwasallKrystalandfallinlovewithherbutafewminutesbeforemidnightIkissedhimandgavehimanotethatsaidIloveyoubutbeforeIgavehimthenoteItoreoffthepartthatsaidgoodbye

"...I don't know whether I should be happy or get my head checked because I understood most of that. What does that have to do with what happened this morning?"

"I told Krystal that I can't help her anymore."


"Because...just because! I don't want to tell you!"

"Why not? Just tell me! You've already told me this much!"







"No! Seriously we need to stop having that kind of argument because it sounds erted."

"It only sounds erted to the erted."

"You're erted too."

"Not as much as you."

"I doubt that."

"What would you know? Wait! You can't distract me this easily! Why did you tell Krystal you can't help her?"


"Because what?"

"Because, okay! Just because!"

"No 'just because!' Tell me the reason."


"I can keep going all day Minhee."

"That's disgusting."

"What? No! Not that way! Stop that!"

"You said it!"

"Stop trying to distract me!"

"It's not my fault if you're so easily distracted."

"Tell me!"


"Tell me or I will tell Minho about your little nightmare."

"...you wouldn't."

"I would!"

"I will dial right now!" 


"I'm dialing." Then he actually started dialing! The tall freak became a blackmailer! 

"Don't! Changmin, no seriously. Don't."

He had been laughing but stopped when he saw the look on my face and closed his phone. "I'm not okay? Just don't make that sad face. You look ugly that way. Well...uglier."

"Gee, thanks."

"You're welcome."

"You actually meant that, didn't you?"

"Of course."

This time, I was the one to roll my eyes. "I don't know why but I'll tell you why I told Krystal why I can't help her anymore. Admitting it to one more person should be good for me anyway" 

Changmin grinned and looked at me expectantly. "I'm in love with Minho. How can I help someone else be with him when I want to be with him myself? I love him Changmin." I chuckled to myself, "I love Minho."
















He hasn't said as word for the past few minutes and was just staring at me, blinking his eyes more than necessary. Was it that shocking? Thinking back on it, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't already know about my feelings for Minho. Heck, I'd be more surprised if he had no clue. 
When I thought that, the stupid tall freak reached his hand out and hit my head. "YA! Damn it! Does no one care that I lose brain cells every time they do that?!"
"Why are you telling me instead of telling Minho?!"
"Because I haven't had a chance to tell him yet you idiot!"
"Yeah 'oh!' " I rubbed my head gingerly. "Man...it's a good thing you can rebuild synapses. Otherwise, I would kill you right now. Dating my other best friend or not. Oh yeah...I'll help you explain the scandal to her."
Changmin had a panicked look on his face and he turned away from me. "W-what are you talking about?"
"Oh please, if you and Kurai think you could start dating without me noticing, you two make up the dumbest couple on earth."
"...at least we are a couple already unlike you and Minho! I already knew my feelings for her after a short amount of time but you've known Minho for how long and just realized it? That's pathetic shortie."
"...shut up."
"You're just jealous that my feelings were clear to me right away."
"...I wish I never introduced you two, you jerk."
"That's mean to her too."
"Eh, I could've just introduced her to Jaejoong-oppa and she would've gotten over it. He is hotter."
"What? I'm just telling the truth. At least you're top 5 in terms of hotness in DBSK."
"There's only five of us."
"Whatever," he scoffed at me. "So...did you really know about Kurai and me? Or did she tell you?"
I laughed, "she didn't have to tell me. The way she would moon around all over the place told me all I needed to know. You were practically the same too. You're both so obvious. It's kinda cute...on her part anyway, not yours."
"Why is it that you can notice that her and I started dating secretly yet you didn't know you're in love with Minho until now?"
I kicked him to hide the fact that my face was starting to burn up. "Shut up! I still don't know why I told you. I'm starting to regret it."
"Aww and it was such a nice bonding moment for us."
"Who wants to bond with a tall freak like you?"
"Yonjee did," he smirked.
"Don't talk about her like that."
"She's my girlfriend."
"And she's my best friend. Therefore, I beat you."
"No you don't."
"Want to bet? She would choose me over you any day."
"You're lying."
"Want to try it?"
"I thought so."
"So...just so we're on the same page here...we're only really talking right now because neither of us want to go to Hyomin-noona's office right?"
"Pretty much."
"Oh good," he said relieved. "I thought we were entering an alternate universe."
"No, that's where you are mistaken. The day we act congenial towards each other without a reason would be the apocalypse."
"Good point."
"I thought so."
"We can't avoid it anymore though."
"Not really. If we stay in here any longer, they're going to think we either killed each other or ran away."
"That's not such a bad thing."
"Killing each other?"
"No," he rolled his eyes. He rolls his eyes a lot at me...how rude...whatever. "Running away."
"Yeah, but if we did, then they would think we're running away because it's true and that's worse than death."
"Oh...you're right."
So we went begrudgingly to Hyomin's office. On the way, Changmin and I pointed out that something good might come out of this: they might take our couple performance out of the SM Town Night Concert. 
But it was like they knew we wanted that to happen and told us it was still happening...they even told us to work harder on the performance and make it amazing. We were teased with the fact that they had been entertaining the notion of changing our pairings but that would make people more suspicious.
After all, why would our couple performance be canceled if we weren't really dating? That was our punishment...we had to work with each other even more -_- how backwards is that?! 
At least we didn't have to have a press conference or something like that...it shouldn't be considered in the first place. Yeah, there's pictures of me and Changmin...and a recording of us fighting but we always fight! There's no definite proof that the recording is real or that the pictures are real. 
With the technology out now, that recording could've been taking our vocal impressions from our solos in songs and appearances on variety shows. Those pictures could be pure photoshop too! 
I know the recording is real and so are the pictures...but the netizens don't know that! Why did this have to happen? On top of that, Kurai did end up calling after we finished the meeting with the SM lawyers and our managers. Changmin panicked and I had to take the phone from him. 
She forgave us and understood it wasn't out fault...but she also wanted our couple performance to be canceled. I don't blame her. Who wants to see their boyfriend in a scandal with another girl especially their best friend? 
I bet I would freak out if Minho had a scandal with someone...Minho...why didn't I think of this earlier?! Does Minho know about the scandal? 
Hyomin-unni was in her office getting her bag and I was supposed to go back to the dorm with her. I was kinda "grounded" now but...Minho's worth breaking the rules for anyway. I ran downstairs and got a taxi to the SHINee dorm. He should be there...I hope he's there. 
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i kinda don't likr kakeru in this chapter.he's annoying,really..<br />
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and for minhee and minho.please admit it,you like each other,but yet you boyh hiding it.make a move!give hints!<br />
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but i think minhee gave him a little hint :<br />
"You always understand..." she hugged his waist and snuggled closer to him. "Ah...why are you so comfortable?" --> i think it's a hint that she likes him,hehehe.but they need mooooore hints.lots and lots of it.. :p<br />
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this chapter was great!!it's mario w - let me love you isn't it?i missed that song..<br />
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update soooooon~~
I'm kind of despising Kakeru right now... He purposely walked in on Minhee and Minho's [almost] kiss because he was JEALOUS. About the ending of the story... drag it out, but also make it good. Maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and Minho and Minhee finally kiss the second to last chapter and the last chapter is just short recaps of what Minho and Minhee went through to discover their love ^^
yah! kakeru! why do you have to ruin things?! Minhee and Kermin ALMOST *makes kissing sound* aish! this guy!<br />
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ahahah..<br />
yeah, what just happened?
More more more! Lol, I feel like a whining 6 year old :D
Hahahaha! I soooooo expected that it wouldn't continue. Awwwe too bad, it was so close a well as. xD
awh that's "2nd 2min" *minho n minhee*moment hehe. . .:-) like like like
@Vengeance hahaha XD thanks~ I'm glad you thought it was cute and sweet. Sorry that what happened between Minhee and Kakeru isn't clear yet but soon!<br />
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@-GODofTHUNDER thanks for commenting! haha~ does their slowness frustrate you? XD<br />
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@minniebubble12 thanks~ I thought you would find it cute hehe ^^ Minho's such a chicken huh? He better watch out or Onew will eat him XD