Now I Realize

Love To Dance, Dance To Love

''Two hot chocolates please.'' Sunbae ordered us drinks. ''Are you sure you're not cold?'' He asked for the tenth time.

''Ani, it's really warm in here.'' I smiled. I wasn't in the mood to eat so he suggested we just get hot chocolates to keep warm in the chilly weather. 

''Here you go.'' We were handed our drinks, and we took a seat on the comfy couches in front of the fire place. I took a look around, and noticed that everyone around us were couples. I felt extremely awkward being there with Leejoon sunbae.

''This place is really cozy.'' I smiled as the warm drink slid down my throat, and warmed my insides.

''If you think this is nice, you should come with my family to Europe on Christmas. We have a huge log cabin right in front of the Swiss Alps. People pay us just to ski near it.'' 

''Oh, geurae?'' I didn't know how to respond to that. ''That sounds really nice.''

''It is. I'm sure you're used to it though. Being born in Colorado. I bet you're a skiing pro, huh?'' Actually I've never even been skiing, or snow boarding. However, my adoptive parent's kids, and I used to sled down tiny hills with garbage can lids.

''Yeah, I was never really into the whole outdoors thing though.'' I lied.

''What were you interested in? You never really talk about yourself much.'' He looked deep into my eyes. I never liked looking into peoples eyes in fear that they could see through me. Read my inner thoughts.

''Well, I just...-''

''Wah! You're such a modest person.'' He smiled. ''I think that's so cute.'' He pulled a lose strand of hair behind my ear.


''Hmm?'' He smiled.

''Your drink..'' His hot chocolate was slowly spilling all over the floor.

''Omo!'' He smiled stupidly. ''Exuse me over here!'' He snapped his fingers. A staff member came running with a towel.

''Shouldn't you have just gotten a napkin and clean it?'' It bothered me that he just snapped his fingers, and people came running. He might've been treated like a prince at home, but that's not how things worked in the real world. I knew too well how cruel life could be sometimes.

''What?'' He didn't seem to understand the concept of cleaning his own mess.

''I should be getting ready for my afternoon classes now.'' I slid my sleeve back to check my watch.

''Oh, geurae? I'll walk you back-''

''Gwaenchanha, I have to stop at a friends to pick up some books. How about I call you when I get to class, so you know I got back alright.''

''Ne'' He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. ''I'll be waiting for your call.'' He ran off.

''He kissed me?'' I touched my cheek. I didn't know whether to be flattered, or upset. Was it bad to just let guys kiss me like that? Shrugging it off, I grabbed my chocolate, and stepped into the cold air. As soon as I did my bones stiffened, and my lips cracked. ''First thing on my list is a winter coat!'' I shivered. By the end of my long walk to my dorm my nose was numb, and running. Along with my fingers that were going to snap if I dared to bend them. I pulled the front door open, and to my surprise found Jay sitting on the couch quietly. That never happened.

''Oh, you're home?'' He said flatly.

''Why do you care?'' I snarled. My body was still shivering from the cold I just experienced.

''I don't''

''Good'' I said before going into my room. That's when I felt it. That odd feeling you get when you just know somebody went through your things. I looked around, and noticed it right away. My curtain was definitely not that off center before. I turned around, and saw my closet door open.

''What the hell?!'' I stormed inside to see what he messed with. Everything seemed to be in place except...

I jumped, and reached my box of photos off the top shelf. The lid was falling off the side. Instantly my heart started pounding in my chest, and I felt tears sting my eyes.

''Did he see..?'' I couldn't handle the anger. He went through my personal belongings, and saw things that nobody was supposed to know about. I stomped back into the living room with the box in my hand. ''How could you?!'' The tears were already falling down my face.

A giant grin grew on his face. ''I guess we're even now.'' 

I threw the box on the floor. ''I'm sure you had a good laugh with your dumb friends huh?'' I wiped my running nose that was now leaking from my tears not the cold. ''I know we don't get along, but I would never go through your things, and laugh at something like that!''

''Like what? All you have are stupid pictures of going on an airplane. Hardiharhar!'' He fake laughed.

''Oh! So you're going to pretend like you didn't see them!''

''See what?! Why are you making a big deal?! Just get over it nobody cares about how ugly you were!'' He didn't even look at me. His eyes remained on the television.

''Please don't bother acknowledging me ever again, because to me you're dead.'' I slammed the door behind me, and fell to the floor. I've never told anyone about my life because I was too embarrassed. Now the person I hate most in this world knew all about it, and was probably going to use it as fuel against me.

Jay's POV

''Oh, you're home.'' I said as she walked in. I had to draw the least attention to myself. I was sure she would notice I was in her room. She was such a neat freak it was hard to keep everything in the same neat order.

''Why do you care?'' She was shivering hard from the cold weather.

''I don't.'' I said dully.

''Good'' She stepped into her room, and my heart started beating heavily. She wasn't going to notice right? I left everything in perfect order. Ever single artice of clothing was put back, the curtain was hung back up-

''How could you?!'' I guess I was wrong. I looked up, and was shocked to see her crying. I know we played mean pranks on eachother, but I never wanted to make a girl cry. Instead of apologizing like I should have done I mouthed off like an idiot.

''I guess we're even now.'' She threw the box on the floor causing all the pictures to scatter. More than I saw before when I looked inside.

 ''I'm sure you had a good laugh with your dumb friends huh?'' Her tears ran down her face like a stream. She wiped her red nose that was running.  ''I know we don't get along, but I would never go through your things, and laugh at something like that!''

''Like what?  All you have are stupid pictures of going on an airplane. Hardiharhar!''


''Oh! So you're going to pretend like you didn't see them!'' She yelled.

''See what?! Why are you making it a big deal?! Just get over it, nobody cares about how ugly you were!'' I couldn't even look at her. I couldn't face the fact that I made her cry.

''Please don't bother acknowledging me ever again, because to me you're dead.'' She slammed the door. Instantly I jumped to my feet to pick up the pictures. I didn't even want to see them if it bothered her that much.

''What a drama queen.'' I picked up the last stack, and realized what she was hiding. I saw a ten year old Scarlett laying in a hospital bed with no hair. She had tubes running through her body.

''She had cancer?'' I breathed. Guilt took over my body. I was such an to her! No wonder she was so up tight. By the looks of it she didn't have much of a child hood. I examined the photo. Every aspect of it. Then felt even more guilty for looking at her picture. I shoved it in the box, and shut the lid.

''Argh!!'' I pulled my hair, as I dragged my feet to my bed. I couldn't even handle how much of a jerk I was.


Teehee just so you guys are sure, Scarlett didn't have cancer. Jay came to the wrong conclusion. Lol I hope you liked this update guys. ^_^ 

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Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Aigoo! Gwaenchanha -patsback-
Yah. Y u no subscribe to TGAFA?>< Aigoo, well, anyways, update again sooooon!
omn omn omn how cute the worried Jay Park :3
B2utifulGirl #5
Omo!!! They just had their first kiss this can't happen!!!
No she can't dieeeeee!! Jay go and find herrrrrrr!! :P