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Love To Dance, Dance To Love

Jay's POV

I'm glad to say that Scarlett wasn't too sad about her falling out with Leejoon. I was kind of thinking she would be depressed for a little, but all she did now was school, work, and dance. 

''I'm going to the dance studio. Do you want me to stop by the store after?''

''No, you could stop by Antique Bakery, and bring back some cakes.''

''Um, how about no.'' She grabbed her bag, and was about to leave. 

''Wait!'' This was the perfect time to ask her if she would dance with my crew. I'm never nervouse around girls cuz...well look at me. But for some reason when Scarlett looked at me I felt so self consious.

''What Jay, I'm about to leave.''

''Hold, I'm coming with you!'' I grabbed my Nikes, and my phone. 

To: Taec

Message: Yo, I'm going to try and convince Scarlett to dance with us ;)

''Who are you texting?'' Scarlett scoffed.

''Why does it matter to you?'' Aish, her jealous side was so go damn attractive! Seconds later I felt a buzz in my pocket.

From: Taec

Message: Cool, fighting! And don't wink at me >_<

Seobin's POV

Jay coming with me to the dance studio didn't sound like a big deal, but it actually was. It was a major deal!! I already felt self consious around him, now he was going to watch me while I practiced! I always felt like a boring person around him. Like he could have more fun if someone else was around.

''Aren't you going to stretch?'' I was on the floor reaching to my toes, and he was doing back spins on the hard wood.

''Sure I guess...'' He plopped down awkwardly, and was imitating everything I did. I could always count on him to make me laugh. He was pretty flexible, but I knew he wasn't used to stretching like this. 

''You look ridiculous.'' I chuckled. He was trying to do a split. ''Get up, you'll hurt yourself.'' I reached out my hand.

''So, I found a solution for my money issues?'' He got up, and talked while I started dancing to Motzart.

''Oh? What is it?'' Over the years of baby sitting kids I've learned to hold a conversation, and perform a routine at the same time.

''Well, I found a replacement for Junsu, but I have to get them to agree...'' He was doing some cool bboy moves on the floor while he talked. ''What would you tell them if you were in my situation?'' I stopped dancing to give him my full attention. He was sitting on the floor, so I collasped loudly right in front of him.

''I would say...'' I reached down for his hand. ''Listen...I'm really in need of your help, and I don't think I'll be able to live another minute with this uncertainty.'' Fake tears were developing in my eyes. ''You're the only person that I would even consider to dance with my crew because're the best. If you're a true friend of mine then it should be easy for you to say yes.'' This extremely dramatic performance I just pulled off deserved an Oscar award. I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore. ''How's that?'' I realized I was still holding onto his hand, and quickly let go. Unfortunately I had my hair up so my ear fire was extremely noticable.

Jay's POV

''How's that?'' She let go of my hand and was...laughing? I took her seriously...her tears...everything. I completely fell for her. She was so close I just wanted to kiss her. She looked so sad I wanted to comfort her. I thought I heard violins playing depressing music in the background. 

''Jaebeom...waegeurae?'' She slowly stopped laughing. No girls ever made my heart tug so much from holding my hand. Scarlett's special...

''Scarlett!'' I grabbed her hand. ''Listen...I'm really in need of your help, and I don't think I'll be able to live another minute with this uncertainty. You're the only person that I would even consider to dance with my crew because're the best. If you love me the way I love you then it should be easy for you to say yes.'' Sure I adlibbed the last part a bit, but who cares.

''J-Jay...I was only joking...'' She was the shade of a tomato. She looked shocked, but not in a bad way. The was a good thing right?

''Well I'm not, I love you Scarlett. I'm 100% serious right now.'' I searched her eyes for what she was going to say next but couldn't find an answer.

''You love me?'' She was biting her bottom lip to hide the smile I knew she so desperately wanted to show off. 

''Now is when you say...I love you too Jay.'' I was kind of wondering how this conversation was going to end.

''You want me to dance in your crew?'' She stared at me with those big brown eyes completely at a loss for words.

''Yeah...can you stop repeating everything I say. You can just tell me you don't feel the same way.'' I grabbed my stuff, and headed for the door. I made a huge mistake. I went out of my comfort zone, and confessed to her, and I was wrong about how she felt about-

''Babo! Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that? I do love you the way you love me, and that's why I'd be more than happy to join your dance crew!'' She grabbed me from behind, and gave me a back hug. I guess I was rubbing off on her.

A/N: I'm totally happy with how this turned out!! 100%. It's totally worth 10 points out of 10~ lol thanks to all the commenters!! Yes ChinkyKayla! You Elisir007, and strawberryboo are my regulars and I am so thankful to you for always supporting me. *insert 90 degree bow here* I love you all, and I no longer have to worry about SRS (silent reader syndrome anymore ;)

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Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Aigoo! Gwaenchanha -patsback-
Yah. Y u no subscribe to TGAFA?>< Aigoo, well, anyways, update again sooooon!
omn omn omn how cute the worried Jay Park :3
B2utifulGirl #5
Omo!!! They just had their first kiss this can't happen!!!
No she can't dieeeeee!! Jay go and find herrrrrrr!! :P