Our Ballerina Hero

Love To Dance, Dance To Love

Jay's POV

''Jay are you going to eat all of my mango strips?'' 

''Yeah!'' It wasn't often that I got to eat them since the only place I've ever found them was at the convinient store by Taec's house.

''Dude, save some for me.'' He snatched them back. 

''Boys dinner's ready!'' Taecs mom probably made the best home cooked meals I've ever had. She was like my second mom.

''Come on.'' I rushed downstairs to dig into some delicious dinner.

''What'cha make this time-''

''Eomma, Jay and I aren't eating at home tonight.'' We what?!

''Of course we are!''

''Nope, we made dinner plans. Sorry mom.'' He gave her a kiss on the forehead, and dragged me out of the kitchen.

''Aish! Why did you have to do that! I've been looking foreward to her food since we got off the plane!!'' We walked out into the freezing Boston air, and it was refreshing. Once I've experienced winter in Seoul nothing seemed cold anymore. ''Where are we even going?''

''You'll see'' Taec flashed a toothy grin before jumping into his Dodge Charger.

''Ugh, it better be worth skipping your moms food.'' We drove through the city and the few times I thought we were going to stop I was wrong. We kept driving until we passed through the busy city, and got to a darker side of town. 

''Um, just where are we going? I'm not looking to get shot tonight.''

''Psht. Stop your whining. Trust me you'll like what you see.'' Finally he pulled over at an abandoned warehouse. Not exactly where I expected to be going for dinner.

''We're not getting food are we?''


I followed behind him as he climbed up the steps to the warehouse. He slid the door open, and I suddenly realized that this was totally worth skipping Mrs. Ok's dinner.

''Wah!'' Inside was a crazy dance battle that I was dying to jump in the middle of. Except I couldn't, this dancing was different from what I was used to. Every girl I saw dancing reminded me of Scarlett, their style of dance was ballet mixed with hip hop.

''Yah! What's this about?'' I had to yell to Taec to be heard over the music.

''This is how we're going to win the dance battle.'' He smiled. One girl was completely demolishing the competition with her skill. She wore a tutu but wasn't just dancing to the stupid Motzart that Scarlett blasts out of her room. Her moves were so precise, yet free at the same time. Her toes pointed, and her head spins fast.

''Wait..are you thinking what I'm thinking?''

''Ne, Scarlett is going to win us the battle...just like this.'' I took another look at the bboy ballerinas, and a smile spread across my face. 

''Scarlett is going to be hawt!''

A/N: Sorry for not updating lately! I hope you liked this chapter teehee bye guys ^_^

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Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Aigoo! Gwaenchanha -patsback-
Yah. Y u no subscribe to TGAFA?>< Aigoo, well, anyways, update again sooooon!
omn omn omn how cute the worried Jay Park :3
B2utifulGirl #5
Omo!!! They just had their first kiss this can't happen!!!
No she can't dieeeeee!! Jay go and find herrrrrrr!! :P