Christmas Eve Story

Love To Dance, Dance To Love

I checked the clock one last time. ''Ugh, 5:30!'' 

I've commited so much time to this essay, and I finally finished. It would've been easy for me to come up with a quick five page essay if I wanted to scrape by with a low C. However, I haven't recieved anything lower than an A, and I wasn't messing up my record. ''Now I just need to proof read..''

''Maybe, if I just take a small break...'' My heavy eyelids fell closed, and I rested my head on my textbook. At this point comfort really didn't matter. 

Jay's POV


I slapped my alarm clock to stop it from killing my ear drums. ''Ahh, I love Sundays.'' My tense muscles were in desperate need of some stretching. I checked the clock, and saw it was already 2PM.

''What time was Scarlett's flight for again?!'' I threw the covers off, and sprinted to her room. ''She didn't leave yet did she?'' Without hesitation I swung the door open, and gave a sigh of relief when I saw her passed out on her textbook.

''Psht. I didn't know she drooled.'' There was a small trickle of clear liquid falling from her lower lip, and the tiniest noise could be heard. She also snored.

''Yah! Don't you think you should be packing?'' I gave her shoulder a light push.

''I don't like fruit!!'' She yelled.

''Mwoh?'' It took her a few seconds to snap out of dreamland, and take in her surroundings. ''What kind of dream were you having?''

''What time is it?!'' She jumped out of her chair, and ran to her closet.

''It's 2. What time is your flight for?''

''I don't know. Check my phone, Leejoon texted me the flight info.'' She yelled from inside the closet. 

I rummaged through the mess on her desk, and found her Galaxy Note. Geez it was a big phone.

''Your flight is for 4:15-''

''Holy cow!! I just might make it if I don't get distracted!'' She came out of the closet dressed in a Hollister sweat suit, and UGG boots.

''Nice outfit.''

''Shutup I need to hurry, and turn this paper in!'' Her suitcase slammed on the bed, and she threw in every article of clothing in her dresser.

''You did it. Stop stressing, you'll be in Europe for Christmas, and I'll be at Taec's...''

''You're not going home?!'' She suddenly stopped what she was doing, and gave me her full attention. Those big brown eyes were popped wide open. She was hanging on to my every word, and it made me feel good inside. Like she actually cared for my well being which I was starting to believe she did.

''Ani. Christmas in Seattle isn't as fun as it sounds. I'm staying with Taec, and his family in Boston.''

''But don't you think your mom would miss you?''

''Yeah...but I mean it's just one Christmas.'' Why was she so interested in my plans?

''I think you should at least give her a visit. It would mean a lot to her.''

''How would you know? You've never met her...''

''No I haven't but...can I tell you a story?''


''Every Christmas I used  to work at a christmas tree market, and all the familys that came would always buy the biggest, most prettiest trees.'' She looked into the distance as she told me her story. It was so cute how she would smile about the memories. They brought her happiness.

''So my boss always used to let me take home one nobody wanted. I never really understood why people over looked the tiny shrivled trees. They deserved love too even if they weren't lucky enough to have long full branches, and stand up tall. Anyway, every year I would take one home. It was always the smallest so it wouldn't be missed. On Christmas Eve I bought Kimchi fried rice (idk what Koreans eat if they celebrate Christmas Eve so watevs ^_^) set a place for my mom, and dad, and I would eat in my room with the Christmas tree. It was the closest thing I had to getting presents under the tree, and if I could have any gift I would want to have one last meal with my family.''


''So if you have the opportunity to have a Christmas Eve meal with your mom take it.'' I couldn't stop staring at her after that story. She smiled as she told it, but I could see the pain in her eyes. I took for grantid the little things like eating with my family, or spending christmas with them, when she never had any of that stuff.

''Yah! Why are you looking at me like that?'' She smiled nervously. ''Was my story really weird?''

''Ani, it's just...every time we talk..I feel like I should be a better person..for you.'' Maybe I shouldn't have said that...she seemed kind of thrown off for a second, but quickly got rid of the awkwardness.

''Aigoo! I knew I shouldn't have told you that story! Look at the time I wasted ten whole minutes!'' She continued to pack.

''I'll visit my mom, arasso?'' I gave her a back hug, and ran out before she could say anything else.

A/N: TT.TT Poor Scarlett, spending Christmas Eve alone! Aigooooo. I can't wait to write Scarlett's romantic vacation with Leejoon. Do you guys think you know how it'll turn out? Leave a comment ^_^ thanks for reading guys!! Annyeong!

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Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Aigoo! Gwaenchanha -patsback-
Yah. Y u no subscribe to TGAFA?>< Aigoo, well, anyways, update again sooooon!
omn omn omn how cute the worried Jay Park :3
B2utifulGirl #5
Omo!!! They just had their first kiss this can't happen!!!
No she can't dieeeeee!! Jay go and find herrrrrrr!! :P