Junsu's Replacement

Love To Dance, Dance To Love

Seobin's POV

''That will be 10,000 won.'' I smiled to the girl purchasing a birthday cake. ''Thank you, have a nice day.'' Once she walked away I sprinted to the kitchen.

''Is she gone?!'' Gibeom whispered.

''Yeah, she left.'' Apparently Gibeom had a huge crush on this girl for months, and didn't have the courage to talk to her. ''You know she might actually like you if you just talk to her.''

''Psht. How would you know?'' He scoffed as he adjusted his chef hat. 

''Yah! I happen to be a girl, and if you'd just talk to her I can tell you if she's interested or not.''

''Yah! If I come in here one more time to catch you two slacking off, you're both fired!!" Jinhyuk roared through the kitchen door.

''Oh shutup old man! You're not firing anyone!'' Gibeom shot back with that temper of his.

''Come Gibeom-ah let's finish these sugar treats.'' Sunwoo, the master, calmed him down. Sunwoo was the only person Gibeom looked up to, or even listened to.

''Seobin get out there we have a boat load of guys coming in. Try to look cute will you?'' He pushed me threw the door, and I saw Jay, and his friends walking in.

''Andwae!'' I ran back into the kitchen.

''Get out there!!'' Jinhyuk pushed me back out. I watched them take a seat by the window. It was Jay, Chansung, Wooyoung, Junho, and that toothy guy I saw last time.

I dragged my feet over to their table, and swallowed my pride. They all sat silently, and examined my every move as I got closer to their table. I shook my head, and plastered a big smile on my face. ''Annyeonghaseyo.'' I bowed. ''Welcome to Antique Bakery. What sweets would you like to sweeten your stomachs today?''

''Pwahahaha!!!'' All of them doubled over in laughter except mr tooth guy. I really should learn his name, and Chansung.

''Fine! If you don't want to eat then I'll just leave.'' Jay grabbed my wrist as I turned to go.

''Sorry, we'll stop. It's just...you look so proffessional in your uniform.'' He played with the collar on my shirt, and bursted out laughing again.

''Just order your food already!!'' I stomped my foot.

''Ok, ok! Just get me a banana split.'' Chansung sighed. ''Taecyeon what do you want?'' 

''I'll have a slice of cheesecake.'' After I took down all their orders I ran back to the kitchen.

''Gibeom! Just murder me now. Come on right on the neck.'' I handed him a huge knife.

''Bwoyah?!'' He put the knife away.

''My roommate, and his friends are out there!'' I whined. 

''So, I thought you said you liked him.'' He shrugged.

''Yeah, but...still.''

''Why is this a big deal?'' Gibeom was right. Why was it a big deal? I already told Jay the truth, so why did it matter if he knew I worked at a bakery.

''You're right. I was just overreacting.''

''Here are the orders.'' Sunwoo did his magic, along with Gibeom, and they managed to scrape together 5 orders.

''Thanks.'' I grabbed the giant tray that held five heavy plates.

''Seobin be careful with that!'' Jinhyuk ran behind me.

''Don't worry I've got it, see?'' I started dancing with the tray in my hand just to annoy Jinhyuk. I did a triple turn, I stuck my left leg into the air, and balanced on my toes. Nothing was going to make the tray fall. Not even-

''Oh excuse me m'am.'' A customer scooted next to me, and made me lose my concentration. The five desserts came splattering to the floor. However the banana spilt found its way onto my head. 

Jay's POV

''Chansung are you sure she works here?'' I asked as we made our way into Antique Bakery. It was a cute little place, pretty far from the school, but extremely close to the garage my crew practiced at.

''Yup, unless she got fired or something.'' We took a seat by the window, and waited to be served.

''Who are we talking about?'' Taec was left in the dark since he didn't go to school with us.

''Jay's roommate Scarlett works here.'' Wooyoung explained.

''What?! Your roommate's a girl?! What's that like?'' Taec smiled.

''It's not what you think. Scarlett, and I are polar oppisites. There will never be anything between us.'' Which completely .

''That hasn't stopped you in the past.'' Junho laughed. ''Remember that nun you lied to. You even got her to-''

''Yah! You promised to never mention that!'' I did somethings I wasn't proud of, yes. Haven't we all?

''I don't see Scarlett.'' Chansung craned his neck.

''Oh, isn't it that girl from last time?'' Taec finally remembered. ''The weird one. Naw I don't think Jay would be interested in her...she was strange.''

''There she is!'' Wooyoung pointed toward the kitchen, and I saw her. She slowly made her way over to our table, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

''Annyeonghaseyo.'' She bowed. To me! Scarlett bowed to me! ''Welcome to Antique Bakery. What sweets would you like to sweeten your stomachs today?'' I couldn't hold it in. I broke out in uncontrollable laughter. I even think I spat on Taec. 

''Fine! If you don't want to eat then I'll just leave.'' I grabbed her before she stormed off.


''Sorry, we'll stop. It's just...you look so proffessional in your uniform.'' I grabbed the collar on her shirt, and bursted out laughing again.

''Just order your food already!!''  She stomped.

After we got that over with she went back to get our desserts.

''She's pretty cute. Last time we were here she had jam all over her face.'' Taecyeon thought out loud. Psht. Did he really find her cute? I guess that outfit suited her. Even her usual ballet bun looked cute with that outfit on. She looked like a cute little chef.

''Oh! Here's the food!'' Chansung grinned.

''That was really fast.'' Wooyoung sighed.

''Bwoyah?'' After her boss yelled something at her she started dancing ballet. Everyone in the bakery was watching her.

''Woah! She's a really good dancer.'' Taec breathed.

''Yeah, she's a ballet major at my school.'' I smiled proud of my little Scarlett impressing my leader.

''Does she dance hiphop?'' He asked.

''Hell no! She would die before even listening to anything besides classical music.'' 

''It's a shame. She could've been our replacement for Junsu.'' Just then she dropped all the food, and the ice cream landed on her head. I rushed over to help her. That's when I started thinking. 

What if I got her to dance with my crew?

A/N: Yay! Another chaoter completed. I hope you liked it, and plz tell me what you think! To all my subscribers thank you so much I love you guys. Saranghaeyo!

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Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Woot! An update! *dances around* Aigoo, I love Gibeom!<3
Urgh, Joon joon joon. *sighs*
Aigoo! Gwaenchanha -patsback-
Yah. Y u no subscribe to TGAFA?>< Aigoo, well, anyways, update again sooooon!
omn omn omn how cute the worried Jay Park :3
B2utifulGirl #5
Omo!!! They just had their first kiss this can't happen!!!
No she can't dieeeeee!! Jay go and find herrrrrrr!! :P