Decision made

Reconciled concert (repost)
Jaebin’s POV
When I got inside the house, Omma immediately pushed me to my bedroom’s toilet. “Hurry shower, or else you’d catch a cold.” I then took a hot shower and felt really comfortable. I opened the door to see Omma standing there.

“You feeling better?” She asked and I nodded. “If you’re not feeling well tomorrow, you can stay at home. I will tell Teacher Lee.” I nodded again and she left the room taking a last look at me. I walked towards my window and looked out. The new guy, Kim Jaejoong was walking to and fro in his house. I stood there and look at him entering the kitchen and from where I stood, I could see his kitchen clearly. He was cooking. I’d never really seen a guy like him cook. It’s amazing.

In less than 30 minutes, He walked to his living room, sat down and ate his dinner in front of the television. Suddenly, I felt his name ring a bell, but I just can’t remember where I’d heard it from. It can’t have anything that’s got to do with ballet as Omma knows more than me. It seems like I stood there for a long time as the next time I looked down, he was no long watching television eating dinner.

I then found him standing in front of his glass sliding door which was leading to his garden. He was standing there with the door closed, looking at my direction. Was he looking at me? I asked myself. I then saw him smiling and giving me a small nod. I gave him an awkward smile and pointed to the time and draw the curtains. That was really awkward.

End of Jaebin’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

I headed to the kitchen and place everything I bought in where I wanted before heading to cook. I made Kimchi fried rice since it was easy to make. When I was done, I went to the living room and sat in front of the television to eat. I felt someone looking at me so I ate faster and washed the plates.

I walked to the living room and couldn’t see anything. I then went to the garden door to have a better look. I looked up and saw the girl next door whom I met just now looking down at me. At first, she kept looking around. It seems like she was looking for something. However, when she realize I was looking at her, she stopped and looked directly at me. After an awkward second, I gave her a slight smile and a small nod. She then smiled awkwardly and pointed at her watch before drawing the curtains. She was a funny girl. I then headed upstairs, into my bedroom. Apparently it was huge. It was like I could put a normal piano in there and there was still a lot of space. I looked out of the window and realized her room was directly opposite mine. I could only smile and sat on my bed, trying to compose a new song.

However, I stopped when I heard a piano piece playing. I put down my paper and pen and listen to where the sound was coming from. I got nearer and nearer to the window. I opened it and realize that the music was coming from Park Jaebin’s house. It seems like she’s practicing as the light at the room beside hers was on and I could see a shadow moving. She must be a very good dancer to be the best in Korea.

I then dialed Dongho’s number. “I must have her to perform with me.” I said and hang up before Dongho starts talking again. I look and my watch. “It’s time for a shower.” I then walked to the bathroom and took a shower before returning to my room, listening to some classical music and going to bed. She is the perfect choice to make my debut concert most memorable.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than expected. I got ready and went to the kitchen and was about to prepare breakfast when my door bell rang. That’s weird who would ring my doorbell? I opened the door to see Jaebin. “My Omma say that since your new here, you are invited to our house for breakfast. My omma wants to be good neighbours with you.”

“Ok I’ll be there in a few. Thank you Jaebin.” I smiled and she gave a smile before walking back to her house gracefully. From the way she walks, you can already see that she’s a ballerina. No wonder she’s the best. I grabbed my phone and keys before leaving my house. When I got there, a guy opened the door. When I looked up, I got a shock.


“YOOCHUN.” Both of us exclaimed at the same time. We gave each other a brotherly hug before pulling away. “Why are you here?” He asked with his arms round my shoulder.

“I’m your new neighbour.” I smiled and he gave a very shocked expression. “Really?” I nodded.

“This is sure fun.” He said as he pulled me to the dining room. I saw Jaebin, her Omma and the guy sitting at the head of the table should be her Appa. “Mr Park, Mrs Park.” I called her father asked me to sit down and Yoochun dragged me to sit beside him. “Just call us Uncle and Auntie.” Mr lee said and nodded.

“You know each other?” Auntie pointed at both of us and Yoochun nodded. Both of them then nodded. “You’ve met my sister Jaebin.” He pointed her who was looking down eating her breakfast. When she heard her name being mentioned, she looked up. “I’ve met her.” I said and she went back to eating her breakfast. Every other person at the table was eating their breakfast.

“Don’t be shy. Eat.” Uncle said and I picked up my spoon and chopsticks and started eating. After breakfast, I was about to leave. “Jaejoong, I need to talk to you.” Auntie said and I thought for a while before agreeing. The rest of the family other than Auntie and Jaebin was at the dining room.

“Auntie. I have something to tell you after you’re done.” I said.

“I know you’re asking my daughter to perform for your concert.” She said and I heard Jaebin gasp. “It’s you?” she asked and I nodded my head. “I didn’t know till I got home. I only realised through the news.” I said and she stayed quiet, looking at me.

“Jaebin doesn’t know if she should accept or reject your offer. It’s a very hard choice to make. I hope you’ll understand her choice.” Auntie said and I nodded. “I know. I wanted to say that I won’t put her at a difficult spot. But I really would appreciate if she could help.” I said.

“I will think about it wisely.” Jaebin said and I nodded. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Dongho. “If you’re busy, you can leave. We’re not stopping you.” Jaebin said. “Then I shall get going. I hope to hear an answer from you soon Jaebin.” I said and left to the living room to bid Uncle and Yoochun goodbye.

I stepped out of their house and saw Dongho pacing around in front of my door. “Dongho.” I said and he stopped and turned around, looking at me. “Where have you been?” He asked as I pointed to the house next door. “house of Park Jaebin?” I nodded.

“Did she agree?” he asked.

“Not yet. She say she will think about it.” I then went into my own house.

“What if she rejects?” Dongho was panicking

“Then I’ll just have to find another dancer.”

“I thought you only want the best?”

“I don’t know.” I sat down in front of the piano and Dongho stopped talking. He knows that once I sit in front of the piano, I cannot have other disturbances. He then went to the sofa and sat down. Mumbling to himself. I scanned through my brain to look for a song which I wanted to play. I settled on my own creation, ‘Moonlight’.

I started playing. It was the first song that I composed. I have never played it at any concerts as this song means a lot to me. This was the first and only song which I composed in Korea. I played it over and over again. I was looking for a particular feeling for this song and I found it. I found it in Vienna.

End of Jaejoong’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

Should I go or should I not? I heard that it was 7 pieces. The concert has a total of 12 pieces. I have to do the opening and the ending. If I help him, I have to choreograph 7 dance. But if I’m very familiar with the song, I can just improvise. The more I practise, the more I can improvise. If I really help him, I’m giving up my holiday. I’m starting the job in August. I had looked forward to this holiday as I had been having tedious practises and performances for the past year. I’ve decided. I’m going to turn this offer down.

I stepped out of my house and walked to his house. The gate was opened. I pushed it wider for me to enter. The closer I got, the music got louder and I stopped in shock. This was the song I’d heard in Vienna. The song which I cannot forget.

It was 3 years ago. I had went to Vienna for an exchange programme. We went to the most famous music school for a day. I got separated from the group and was roaming the hallways. It was when I heard this familiar song. I went closer and closer and when I hand was on the doorknob, my teacher found me and I was unable to see who this pianist was.

However, after that time, I wasn’t able to hear that song ever again. I asked a few pianist if they knew the song, but none of them knew. It was a self composed song. The difference between then and now was that I could feel the song more. The emotions were there. I backed away from the house and ran back home.

What am I going to do? I don’t want to perform, but after listening to the song, my decision has wavered. I stormed up into my room, into the dance studio. I switched on the stereo and started dancing. Dancing is the best way for me to relax and calm down.

When I finally calmed down, I was perspiring and it was already 5pm. I’ve danced for 5 hours. This is bad. After 5 hours, I still have not found my answer. I was so frustrated. I sat down on the floor to cool down. When I was no longer perspiring, I headed to shower to clear my mind even more. I was about to head down for dinner when I saw Yoochun coming up the stairs.

“Oppa!” I exclaimed and he stopped walking and looked at me. “Trying to kill your brother?” He asked jokingly.

“I need help.” I pouted a little.

“What’s wrong, my darling little sister?” He walked up to me and we walked to his room slowly.

“I cannot make up my mind.” I said.

“On what?” He asked, clueless. He doesn’t seem to know the situation. I sighed and sat on his bed. He placed his bag on his table and settled down beside me.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” He spoke softly, with a caring tone.

I looked at him and took a deep breath. “ Your friend Jaejoong, who’s now our neighbour has asked me to perform for him in his concert. However, now I’m on holiday. If I help him, I would lose my rest time. I’m quite tired. I had actually made up my mind to reject his offer, but something wavered my decision.”

“Wavered your decision?”

“Yes. Remember went I went to Vienna 3 years ago for the exchange programme?”

“Don’t tell me he’s the one with the unknown piano piece?” I nodded my head.

“Jaebin-ah, follow your heart. Since you can’t make a decision with your head, make it with your heart. Your heart would lead the way.”

Suddenly, something just appeared in my mind and I found my answer. “Thank you Oppa.” I gave him a hug and ran out.

“Omma I need to go out for 5 minutes.” I then ran out of the house to Jaejoong’s house, Ignoring Omma’s calls for me to come back. The music has stopped, but there were people in the house. I rang the door bell and took in deep breathes since I was panting from the run. The door opened and it revealed a tall looking man whom I don’t recongise. “I’m looking for Kim Jaejoong.” I said.

The guy eyed me up and down. “You are?”

“I’m park Jaebin, His neighbour.” I said and he broke into a smile and invited me inside. I sat down on the Sofa and waited for Jaejoong. “Dongho, Who was that?” I turned around to see Jaejoong in only his boxers, with a towel on his head, drying his hair. I then turned back and cleared my throat. Even though I have seen Yoochun in this state countless times, It was embarrassed to see a stranger like this.

“Erm... Jaejoong.” Dongho said as he pointed to me. I heard Jaejoong say something before running up the stairs and coming down decently dressed. He then sat on the couch beside the sofa and spoke up. “What brings you here?” he asked with a soft look on his face.

“Erm... I’ve come to a decision.” I said softly, but he caught what I said. I saw his eyes shining. I took a deep breath before speaking.


I’ll update soon
But its worth the wait. I promise.
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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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