I met you

Reconciled concert (repost)
Jaejoong’s POV
“how about her?” Dongho asked as he passed me another picture of a ballerina. “She’s Korea’s best ballerina. I heard she won today’s international ballet competition with first place.” Dongho explained as I looked at her picture. She’s the one.

I nodded my head and he pulled out his phone yet again to contact this ballerina for my upcoming Korea debut concert. I took out my headphones and started playing classical music. I extended my hand into the air, playing the imaginary piano.

When the piece ended, I slowly brought my hand down to its original position. I took off my headphones and walked to where the grand piano was. I touched the keys lightly. Black keys and white keys. Their colours totally contrast each other, but when they come together, they produce the most amazing sound to the ear.

I sat down, closed my eyes and placed my hand on the keys. I then started playing. Music cannot be seen, but can be heard. I am hearing it instead of seeing it. Seeing the keys doesn’t produce sound, but pressing the key and the sound produced is music to the ear. There was suddenly a stream flowing throughout my body. I went with the flow of the music, allowing it to bring me to another world of no one else but myself. The flow became slower and slower before it came to a stop and I ended the song.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adapt to the light. Someone tapped me and I turned around. “Go rest for the night. It’s already 10pm. You must be tired after the plane trip.” He smiled and pat my shoulders before heading to his room. I smiled and lay on the bed. I then starting thinking of my future life in Korea. Maybe it would be better as compared to Vienna. I dozed off there and then…

End of Jaejoong’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

“Congratulations Jaebin, You’re first yet again.” Appa said as we sat in the living room waiting for fruits after dinner. I could only give a smile. Yoochun then came over and placed his hand round my shoulder. “What’s with the sulky face, you’ve got first place. Shouldn’t you be happy?” He looked at me.

“I should.” He gave me his best smile and ruffled my hair as if I’m a dog. We had fruits and each headed to our rooms doing our own things. I laid on my bed and started thinking, when can I stop all these? I just want to be a ballerina, perform for others. Fame is not what I want.

It seems like I was so deep in thought that time flew past. When I turned to look at the clock, an hour had past. I stood up and opened the door in front of my bed. It leads to the dancing studio. I stretched a little before doing a perfect split and stayed like that I looked at myself in the mirror. When I felt I was fully warmed up, I switched on the music and started dancing.

Only when I dance, I can feel as light as a feather. Spinning, jumping, gliding, everything is just a move to enchant the dance even more. Song after song, I danced and danced till I heard the alarm clock ring. I turned round to see the alarm clock which calls out to me when it was time to stop dancing. I switched it off and headed to the shower.

I walked out ruffling my hair with a towel. I sat on the bed, waiting for my hair to dry before I head to sleep. I decided to switch on my television to entertain myself. ‘Kim Jaejoong, one of the best pianist in Vienna had decided to return from Vienna and settle down in Korea…’ I heard a knock on the door and switched off the television. “Come in.”

The door opened and in came Yoochun. “I’m here for my prize.” He smirked a little. It was our little tradition. If the dress he made brought me to first place, I will need to give him a little something. He sat on my bed beside me. I turned to face him as he continued to look in front. I leaned in closer and gave him a kiss on the Cheek. “Thank you Oppa.” I said with a smile.

“You’re welcome. I think if we were to do this all the time, I would never get a girlfriend.” He chuckled. I just gave him my death glare and he stopped laughing. “You have like a long queue of girls wanting to be your girlfriend.” I said and he shrugged.

“None of them caught my eye yet.” He then stood up and left my room. I was about to leave my room to get a glass of water. When I got downstairs, I found Omma talking to someone on the phone. “we should discuss it tomorrow since we’re both not really sure of the details.” I heard omma say. I strolled to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of mineral water. I heard Omma closed her phone and I turned around. “The conversation seemed so serious.” I said as I got a gulp of my water.

“It’s nothing. I’m heading to bed now, so should you.” She walked up the stairs leaving me alone in the kitchen. I switched off all the lights and headed to my room. I touched my hair and it was dry. I then placed the bottle of water on my study table before lying on the bed drifting off to dreamland.

The next morning, I was woken up my noises from outside. I rubbed my eyes and got off my bed, walking towards the window. I saw a truck with many furniture inside. The workers were all moving the items into the vacant house beside ours. “Finally we have a new neighbor.” I yawned and walked to the toilet to was up before heading downstairs for breakfast.

“Jaebin-ah, There’s a request for you to perform for a concert.” Omma said as I was eating my breakfast.

“What is it?” I asked my with mouth full.

“Teacher Lee said that it’s a piano concert and you’ll be the ballerina accompanying the songs.” She said and looked at me.

“So that was what you were talking over the phone?” I asked and drank my milk.

“Yes. I’m meeting Teacher Lee later and she wants you to come along.”

“Sure. I’ll go with you to meet Teacher lee.”

After breakfast, Omma and I took the car to the Royal Dance academy that’s located in Korea. She was waiting for us in her office. It seems like the problem was that the pieces he played was quite long and it would be held next month and its already mid June. Unless I could improvise, otherwise all would be impossible.

The both of them were looking at me. “What?” I asked innocently, not knowing what was up in their mind.

“It’s your choice if you’re going to accept or not.” Teacher Lee said.

“I need to think. I will go and walk around. I will call you again Omma.” I said and stood up, leaving the both of them dumbfounded. I went to the nearest ice-cream parlor and ordered an ice-cream and sat there eating and thinking. I was so deep in thought as I got shocked from a knock on the glass window beside me. I turned and saw Mi-Young standing there smiling. I smiled back as she entered the ice-cream parlor and sat in front of me. “Alone?” She asked and I nodded.

“You’re alone too?” I asked and she also nodded. We laughed and decided to hang out together. I called Omma telling her that I won’t be going home for dinner. She agreed and both of us went shopping.

End of Jaebin’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

I woke up the next day with a violent shake. I opened my eyes to see Dongho. “Wake up. I found you a new house.” He said I turned round to look at the clock. It was only 8.00am. I lie back down and went to sleep. Dongho then shook me again and dragged me into the shower and asked me to wash up and get ready to go. I sat on the toilet bowl for a moment before heading to shower and wash up.

When I was done, I packed back my stuff and went to the living room. I left my luggage there and walked to the dining room. It was like a feast on the table. “Do you really want me to leave so much?” I asked and sat down. He smiled. “No. It’s just that your house is very beautiful. I can’t wait to see it myself.” And we dug in.

Dongho practically sped throughout to the house. I thought I was going to die. We stopped in front of a house and I got out. I was awed by the sight of the exterior. I wonder how would the interior be. I stepped into the house and was stunned. The inside was amazing. The most amazing thing was the piano. It was like the one in Dongho’s house, but it’s made of black see through glass. I touched it and smiled.

“It seems you’re satisfied.” Dongho said and place his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. I would have a good time living here. I took my luggage upstairs and placed it in the closet. To my surprise, there was another door other than the toilet. I opened it and it was a walk in closet, filled with my favourite type of clothes. I turned around and saw Dongho. “Surprise. This is my welcome back to Korea present to you.” He smiled and I thanked him.

He then said he had other things to get to and left. I toured my own house and could not be more satisfied with it. I spend my whole day in there till my stomach growled when it was dinner time. I was having so much fun with my house that I totally forgot about lunch. I went to the kitchen wanting to whip up something simple but the refrigerator was empty. The whole kitchen doesn’t have food at all.

I then went out to buy food. I wasn’t able to get a car due to time constrains and myself getting so obsessed with my house. I then walked to the nearest supermarket to get groceries. Luckily I brought out my umbrella as my weather predictions was right as it started raining. I headed home and saw someone standing in the rain. I went closer and saw that it was my neighbor. I went over and sheltered her from the rain. “Thank you.” She said and she turned around. I found her quite familiar, but I just can’t put my hand on it. Suddenly, the door opened and there stood a woman in her mid forties. “You are?” She asked as she pointed at me.

“Oh. I’m your new neighbor, Kim Jaejoong.”

“Thank you so much for sheltering me from the rain. I’m Jaebin, Park Jaebin.” She said. I gave a slight nodded and both ladies headed inside. Why did her name ring a bell? It seems so familiar, but I don’t recall where I’d seen or heard it.

I went home and placed down my stuff. I took a towel and dried myself. I switched on the television and it was the news. I was about to switch the channel. “Korea’s best ballerina, has done our country proud again. Park Jaebin has gotten us first place while Kim Mi young got second…” Now I know why it rings a bell. She’s the ballerina I wanted to perform for my concert. The world’s real small.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Dongho’s number. “Guess what.” I said.

“You won the lottery?” He asked with a joking tone.

“No. The ballerina, Park Jaebin, is my neighbor.” I said.



Dongho was so fascinated by it he couldn’t stop talking for the next half an hour. When finally got the chance to talk, I said I had something important to do. I really had. I was starving…

End of Jaejoong’s POV
Here's chapter 2
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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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