Do you love me?

Reconciled concert (repost)
“You mean...” He said and left his sentence hanging. I looked at him and continued smiling. Maybe he got it...
Since it was awkwardly silent, I looked down at the bowl of Mandu, eating it in silence. I know he was looking at me, but it’s a little embarrassing since I was the one who said it. “Jaebin…” He said and I looked up. He was not in his seat anymore, however he was right beside me. I looked at him and his hand tugged on mine before pulling me upstairs which I think is his room.

When he closed the door behind him, he settled me down on his bed. He then stoop down to my level and started talking. “You agreed?” he said and I could see that he was holding back a smile. “Agree to what?” I asked, trying to make him more anxious. He scratched his head before sitting next to me, making my body face his. “Being my girlfriend.” He said and finally he smiled. “When did I agree?” I asked and smiled knowing that he’s already very anxious, I continued to make him more anxious then he already was. “But you said…” His smiled faded and he got softer and softer.

I pulled him into a hug. “Why don’t you ask me this time? Ask with all your heart.” I said and I could feel his hand on my back. He didn’t pull away and he started speaking. “Jaebin, will you be my girlfriend?” when he finished his sentence, I could feel his whole body shaking I don’t know if it is due to anxiety or due to fear. I pulled his away to find his eyes closed. I place my hand on his cheek. “I agree. With all my heart.” Before he was able to open his eyes, our lips met.

For hours and hours, Jaejoong and I sat on his bed with me lying on his chest and his arms round my shoulder. “When are you starting work again?” Jaejoong asked. “2 weeks later.” The both of us talked and talked and talked. “Maybe I should go home and put down my things before coming back. I need to at least tell my Omma that I’m back in Korea.” I sat up and Jaejoong nodded. “I’ll go with you.” With that, the both of us headed downstairs to take my luggage hand in hand before going back home. When Jaejoong was about to ring the doorbell, I stopped him. “You want them to know about my relationship with you or wait a little later?” I asked since we’ve only been to Japan for less than 2 weeks and Donghae broke up with me for the same period of time.

“I think we’ll tell them later.” Jaejoong said and we let go of our hands before Jaejoong rang the doorbell. “Omma!” I said with a huge smile before hugging her. “It’s good you’re back.” Omma said and my hair. “I’m fine now. It’s all the past.” I smiled before nodded and the 3 of us headed into the house. “Jaejoong, thank you so much of taking care of my daughter.” Omma said while Jaejoong just smiled. “I had to take of him Omma. He even fell sick.” I said with a pout while Omma just laughed. “It’s because you’re too hard to please that’s why he’s sick.” Omma said.

“It’s not her fault Auntie. I didn’t put on warm clothes.” Jaejoong defended me. “See how nice Jaejoong is?” Omma said and I just smiled. “I’m going over to Jaejoong’s” With that, I pulled Jaejoong up and we headed back to his house. “I think it’s time to call Taeyeon home.” I said and Jaejoong gasped. “I almost forgot about her.” He then pulled out his phone, calling Taeyeon. My phone rang too. It was Omma. “Yes Omma?” I answered. “You’ll be back home for dinner right?”Omma asked. “Of course. Being in Japan for so long, I missed Omma’s cooking.” She laughed at the other side of the phone before we hung up and Jaejoong sat down beside me. “Let’s go fetch her.” Jaejoong said as he held my hand as we got into his car, going over to Junsu’s house. Maybe if I’m lucky, I may see Mi young.

“Oppa!” Taeyeon exclaimed and jumped onto Jaejoong. “It seems like Junsu did the job too well. You’re heavier.” Taeyeon whacked Jaejoong lightly and Jaejoong chuckled. “Jaebin!” I heard a familiar voice. It was Mi-young. “I heard about your problem. I hope you feel better.” She held both my hands. “I’m all better. Going to Japan with Jaejoong made me forget all the happy memories.”I said and Mi young smiled.

“At least now you’re back to save me.” Mi young whispered into my ear and I didn’t get it. “Pardon?” I asked and Mi young pulled me into the house where there’s no one. “My Oppa and Taeyeon are so cheesy. I almost died.” Mi young said and I laughed. That’s what she’s talking about. It was then Junsu came back in with Jaejoong and Taeyeon. “Care to stay for Dinner?” Junsu asked. “Think not. I promised my Omma to go home for dinner. Another time perhaps.” I said and Junsu nodded before Jaejoong Taeyeon and I bid Mi young and Junsu farewell.

“Oppa, how was Japan?” Taeyeon was at the backseat with her head propped in the middle of my seat and Jaejoong’s. “My best trip ever.” He smiled and I saw him eyeing me from the corner of his eyes. I hope Taeyeon didn’t notice it. “Jaebin, are you feeling better?” she turned to look at me and I gave her my best smile. “Never been better.” Taeyeon smiled too. “That’s good. It’s good to hear that Oppa had at least done his job.” She giggled as Jaejoong gave her a death glare.

“Jaebin, I’ll show you something back at home.” She looked at me and I smiled. “Ok.” Taeyeon clapped her hand. “Why must you be so secretive? Why can’t Oppa see?” Jaejoong asked and it sounds like he’s whining. “Women’s secret.” Taeyeon said as she placed her finger on her lips. Jaejoong then continued driving.

When we arrived at Jaejoong’s house, Taeyeon immediately pulled me out from the car, grabbed one of her hand carry bags from the boot of the car before dragging me running off. All I heard was Jaejoong shouting “Yah!” before the door slammed shut. We ran up to Taeyeon’s room before she locked the door and pant like crazy. “What is it you want to show me?” I asked since I was also out of breathe. Taeyeon fumbled with her bag before pulling out a huge plastic bag. “This.” She said before pulling the item out. I was shocked. It was seriously huge. “Isn’t it cute?” Taeyeon asked as she put it on. It was a giant blue sneaker slippers.

It was very cute indeed. “ It’s very cute.” I said with a smile. “Junsu Oppa bought it for me.” She said as she spun round after round and finally stopped when she was dizzy. “You really like Junsu.” I said and she nodded her head. We had a women’s talk for about an hour until I found Taeyeon fast asleep. I tucked her in before closing the door gently, not wanting to wake her up. “Where’s Taeyeon?” Jaejoong asked from behind me and I got a shock. “She’s tired and fell asleep.” I said as I made my way downstairs.

“Can I bring you out to dinner tomorrow?” he asked after 5 minutes of flipping through the television channel.”Erm… why?” I asked since it was really sudden. “our first date in Seoul?” he said with a very high tone. “Sure. Why not?” I said and he smile. I looked at his eyes. Pure blue and it looks so deep like there’s no ending. His soul was pure and innocent. I didn’t realize myself looking so deep into his eyes that we almost ended up kissing.

“Oppa!” Taeyeon exclaimed and both of us jolt apart. When Taeyeon was at the first floor, I was starting to get awkward with Jaejoong. “Erm… I’m going home.” With that, I left, face as red as a tomato. “Jaebin!” someone exclaimed and pulled me into a tight hug, causing me to die due to lack of oxygen.

End of Jaebin’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

After Jaebin agreed on going to dinner with me tomorrow, I found her staring intensely into my eyes. It was a totally wrong move to look into hers as the more I look, the more attractive it is. Our faces were less than an inch apart when Taeyeon shouted, jolting us apart. Taeyeon looked at the both of us before Jaebin excused herself to go home. I wasn’t able to stop her in time since I myself was still in a daze. “Oppa, What’s wrong?” She asked and sat beside me. “Nothing’s wrong. Just tired.” I fake a yawn and headed up to my room.

Looking out of the window, I saw Jaebin walking into the house with Yoochun’s arms round her shoulder. Yoochun’s getting married soon. I envy him. It’s not that I want to get married to Jaebin now, I am afraid that the feeling she has for me is not love but more of pity or perhaps I’m really Donghae’s replacement. The more I think about it, the more my heart hurts. Unknowingly, tears streamed down and what’s worse is that Jaebin was in her room, looking directly at me.

I wiped my tears and waved at her. However, I was a little too late as she saw it all. The next moment, my phone rang. “What’s wrong?” her gentle voice cause my eyes to sting more. In my mind, all I could think of was that what would happen if one day, I can never hear this voice ever again? “Jaebin, do you love me?” I asked. From where I stood, I could see her expression clearly. She placed her palm on the glass on her window.

“Jaejoong, I’ll tell you once and only once. You’ll never be Donghae’s replacement. You’ll never be anyone’s replacement. Ever. Alright?” her voice rose and went back on being soft and gentle. “I just came across the thought.” I murmured. “Oh Jaejoong, Don’t worry. You think too much. You’ve done so much for me, I’ll never forget it.” I could see her smile and I placed my hand on my window, as if both of us could touch each other’s hand even though we’re so far apart.

“I’m going down for dinner now. I’ll see you later alright?” she said and I nodded my head since she was able to see me. She waved goodbye before disappearing behind her door. “Oppa!” I heard Taeyeon exclaim yet again. “Junsu’s here!” I walked down to find Taeyeon in Junsu’s embrace. I cleared my throat before they shifted apart. “Kim Junsu…” I said and he stared at me with his famous innocent eyes before I spoke yet again. “… Get a room.” I ran and Junsu chased after me.

Finally, I gave up and Junsu dragged me back to the living room. “I was just asking you if I could bring your cousin out for dinner. You didn’t have to make me chase you.” He was panting like crazy and I couldn’t stop laughing. I nodded my head before sending them out. I was about to close the door when someone called out to me. It was Yoochun. “Hey. Yoochun.” I said as Yoochun was panting like crazy. “Omma asked you to go over for dinner. You free?” Yoochun asked in one breath as he started to pant like crazy again.

“Sure. Since it’s quite boring to eat alone.” I replied casually as Yoochun dragged me and ran back to his house. Why was he in such a rush? Apparently the whole house was waiting for me that’s why he was in such a hurry to get there. Another reason maybe that he wanted to see Seulgi whom he sees everyday…

This chapter really took me forever.
I think this story doesn’t really get to me much
So I may write slower
Unless I get some killer inspiration. So Don’t forget to comment
Comments from you readers are my energy boosters.

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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