Japan to Korea

Reconciled concert (repost)
“Omma, calm down. It’s good news.” I smiled and she looked at me. “What good news? You getting married is the only news that is good.” Omma said as Seulgi and I looked at each other and smiled yet again...
I placed my hand above Seulgi’s and Omma looked at our hand. “We’re getting married.” I could see the drastic change of her emotions. “Really?” She stood up with a wide smile on her face. I nodded my head. “When?” She asked and we looked at each other yet again. “We haven’t really planned that yet.” I said with an awkward smile. “It’s ok. I’ll call your appa and leave the rest to us. The both of you just get ready to get married.” She smiled and headed back to her room which I presume she’s calling my Appa.

Seulgi suddenly stood up, causing me to jolt backwards. She extended her hand and I took it. We headed upstairs and she took a left turn, It’s my room. The both of us took a seat on the bed. “Tell me honestly, what were the 3 tasks.” She looked at me all serious and she was indeed not joking. “He didn’t give me any tasks. He asked me 3 questions rather. I was quite shocked I had thought the questions were only the beginning.” I placed my hand on my chest where my heart lie.

“So what was the true meaning of him saying the 3 tasks?” Seulgi asked yet again. I didn’t know either. If I knew, I wouldn’t have been afraid for nothing in the first place. Suddenly, something came into my mind. “I think I know.” I said and Seulgi looked at me. “Maybe it is to test if our love was really true as if we didn’t really love each other, when I hear about the 3 tasks, I would have left, broke up with you. The thing about the task was the real challenge. If he did not have this task, any guy would then be able to date you and marry you.” She nodded her head and we continued on our random conversations until Omma came barging in tell us we will and must have an engagement party. Seems like I have a lot of things to do and settle now.

End of Yoochun’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

The image of what happened just a few hours ago was vivid in my mind. I don’t think I will be able to sleep nor forget about it ever in my life. I smiled and got off the bed to see the entire room dark, however, there was light emerging from the crack under Jaebin’s door. I knocked lightly and I heard shuffling on the other side and after a while, Jaebin opened the door.

“Jaejoong, It’s late.” She said but she herself was wide awake. “Can I come in?” I asked since it was quite cold. “Oh sure. It’s cold today. She said as she rubbed her forearm. She slid under the covers while I took the seat on the chair at the side of her bed. She flipped the covers and pat the empty space beside her. “It’s cold.” She said and I climbed onto the bed and it was very warm.

“What did you want to talk about?” She scoot closer and placed her head on my should while my hands were on her waist. “I was checking if I was dreaming.” I said and she looked up with a smile. “Jae, it’s not a dream and it would never be a dream.” She said and moved back to her side of the bed before sliding in, wanting to go to sleep. “Don’t forget to take your medication.” She reminded before yawning. “Goodnight.” I said and closed the door softly behind me after I switched off the lights.

I took my tablets in the kitchen and headed back to my room, trying to fall asleep but failed. In my mind was all about our incident at the lake. She placed my hand on her neck where her necklace lay. The necklace which she liked a lot and it was from Donghae. “You...” I said but was too late. Before I was about to complete my sentence, she curled my fingers around her necklace and give it a tug, before it snapped. “Jaebin...” I said as she placed my hand back on my lap and my palm facing the sky. The necklace was shimmering before I saw a drop of tear dropping on it. “Goodbye Donghae.” She said and closed my palm, not seeing the necklace. “Jaejoong, throw it for me please.” She said as she sniffled. “Are you sure?” I didn’t open my palm, but looked at her. She nodded and it was a firm nod. No hesitation, nothing. I stood up and walked to the dustbin, however, I slid the necklace into my pocket.

Walking back to Jaebin, she was looking at the lake. “I know you didn’t throw it away.” Jaebin stated simply, without turning back. I sat down beside her not knowing what to say. “You want to know why is it my favourite one?” she asked I shook my head. Still not looking at me, she continued. “Donghae and I made it together. Although the stones are not real, the effort and the fun we had made the necklace priceless. I guess now it really is as worthless as what Donghae had put it.” She gave a very forced smile before resting her head on my shoulder, arms round my waist. We stayed like that until Jaebin’s phone rang.

When she looked back at me, her lips curved into a smile. “Yoochun’s getting married.” I brighten up when I heard the new. “Really?” she nodded her head. Maybe the news would allow her to forget the pain for a while.

Tomorrow, we’re heading back to Korea. Taking the night flight as Jaebin said we can walk around Japan for a while and it won’t be much of a rush. The medications effect wore in and I dozed off to sleep.

Walking around Tokyo streets for the last time, Jaebin and I headed back to the hotel before proceeding to the airport. “I’ll check in you sit here and wait for me ok?”I said as she nodded before I headed to the check in counter to check in our luggages and all. “Let’s go tax free shopping.” She said and pulled me into the gates where we showed our passports and tickets.

She bought quite a number of things. I bought a book which looked interesting to me. It’s in English so I may take some time to finish. My English is not really very good even though I studied in Vienna. Finally it was time to board the plane. Taking our seats, Jaebin pulled out her headphones and read her romance novel.

I tapped her on her shoulder. She pulled down her head phones, but was till reading. I was about to tap her again, but she held out her hand, showing me to ‘stop’. Her fingers moving down the page and when her finger reached the last word, she looked up at me. “You should get some rest. Don’t strain your eyes in the dark.” I said. “It’s alright. I do it all the time.” She went back, but I stopped her from putting her headphones back on. “Don’t spoil your eyes.” She closed it and put it in her bag, keeping her headphones. “Then we shall talk.” She said as she coiled the wires. “about?” I asked since we weren’t fighting or anything.

“Us.” That was her answer before putting the headphones in her bag. Maybe getting her to not read is not a good idea. “What about us?” I asked, looking and playing with my fingers. I’m not good with talking about topics like ‘us’.

End of Jaejoong’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

Jaejoong asked me to keep my book. I then thought of what to do. It’s not worth sleeping since the ride is only 2 hours. I’ve then got the idea. “Then we shall talk.” Talking is a good way to pass time. I then started to keep my headphones as well. When he asked me what are we going to talk about, the first thing that came to my mind was “Us.”

“What about us?” Jaejoong said and I looked at him. He was looking down playing with his fingers. “What do you think about us?” I asked since it was not really official between us. “It’s not really us since we’re not really together?” he was still not looking anywhere but his fingers. “Alright. If you say so.” I said and pulled out my headphones yet again and put them on before attempting to sleep since there was really nothing to do and I can’t sit there doing nothing for 2 hours.

I really couldn’t fall asleep. So I treat it more to relax and rest my eyes. It was when I heard Jaejoong shifting and he kissed my forehead. “I’ll make it official soon.” He said and I heard it loud and clear. I opened my eyes to see his face less than 5cm away from mine. His eyes opened wide before backing to his own seat and if it’s not because of the dark, I’m sure his face would be red with embarrassment. I pretend that I was woken up by him. “what are you doing?” I asked with a yawn. He looked at me “You didn’t hear anything?” He asked and I continued pretending, not wanting him to feel more embarrassed. “IS there anything I’m not supposed to hear?” He shook his head and I shrugged.

When the plane landed, it was 3am in the morning. By the time we were in a cab, it was nearing 4am. “I’m hungry.” I said and Jaejoong looked at me weirdly. “At this hour?” I nodded my head. “Dinner was not really very filling.”I said as I fidget in my seat. “I’ll whip something up for you at my house. Is that ok with you?” I nodded since I was really very hungry. After Jaejoong paid for the fare, we headed to his house. It was really very neat for a guy’s house. My room was not as neat as this.

“Take a seat. It’ll be done soon.” I nodded as he headed to the kitchen. It was either I was too tired or too bored as I fell asleep. The next minute I found myself being shook awake. I opened my eyes slowly to see Jaejoong. “I made some Mandu (Dumplings). Do you want to eat it or sleep?” He asked gently. “I’ll eat. I need to go home anyway.” I yawned, but Jaejoong looked at me. “I think you’d better stay for the night. I don’t think you brought out your keys.” He said as we made our way to the dining table.

Come to think of it, I really didn’t. “Then I’m sorry to have to bother you.” I said and took a seat. The Mandu was piping hot and it looked very nice. “Your cooking skills are very good.” I said even before I started eating. “Why?” I he asked. “It looks so nice. I can’t really cook properly.” I stated and started eating. It doesn’t just look good, but it tastes good. “The person who married you will be very lucky.” I said as I smiled at him and his answer startled me.

“Are you talking about yourself?” I looked at him, blinking a few times. The smile on his faced faded after he realised what he said. “I mean... I.. It’s...” He stuttered and I came back to reality. “I know what you’re talking about. Maybe I should say it differently. The person whom you’re dating is very lucky.” I continued smiling.

“You mean...” He said and left his sentence hanging. I looked at him and continued smiling. Maybe he got it...

Jaejoong’s Birthday!!!!!!!!! (In real life)
This can be considered good news for his character in his story.
As a birthday present.
I hope Jaejoong will be happy and perhaps this may be his first birthday not with the whole DBSK
I should be writing this.
I hope this chapter is not too bad
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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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