Once it's snapped, everything's start anew

Reconciled concert (repost)
“Goodnight My love.” I kissed her on her forehead before laying back onto the sofa, falling into deep sleep.
The next morning when I woke up, The light from the sun shone in my eyes, not allowing me to open my eyes. When my eyes were finally adjusted to the light, I found Jaebin still sleep in that uncomfortable position. I didn’t feel cold anymore so I place the comforter on my bed before returning to find her still fast asleep. “You’ll hurt you neck like this.” I mumbled to myself before carrying her bridal style to her room and lay her on her bed.

I headed to wash up since I wasn’t able to do so yesterday. Drying my hair, I walked out of the bath room to find Jaebin still fast asleep. I then headed to the balcony to feel a cold breeze hit my body. Standing there for not more than a minute, I felt someone pull me back into the room, shutting the sliding door. Without turning back I knew well who it was. “Are you trying to kill yourself?” she spun me around to face her. “I only wanted to get fresh air.” I said softly and she had she hands on her hips. “We’re in the city so there’s not much fresh air. You just recovered and you’re standing there to blow the cold breeze. Are you really trying to kill yourself?”

“I’m sorry.” I said with my head down, not looking at her. “Change into something warmer. We’re going downstairs for breakfast.” She closed the bathroom door and I slumped onto the sofa. “Why must I make her angry early in the morning?” I scolded myself before changing into something warmer, waiting for her. When I heard the opening of the door, I turned around to shock myself. Jaebin who was ruffling her hair with a towel got shocked herself. I could tell since she dropped the towel on the floor.

We were in the exact same outfit. A plain red pullover with jeans. “I think I should change.” Jaebin said as she scurried to her room. I didn’t know what I was doing as when she was near me, I pulled her back. “Don’t” was all I said. She looked at me with a weird gaze and apparently it was not wise to look into her eyes. Jaebin was the first one who broke the eye contact. She went into her room to comb her hair before returning with her bag. It was kind of awkward, before she spoke up. “Come on. Let’s go.” She grabbed my hand and led me out of the room.

We got a number of stares from people since red was a really striking colour. I could see women talking about us and I didn’t really feel comfortable. We walked really near a couple and what the girl said really caused me to blush. “They look so cute together, why can’t we be like them?” that was all I need to make my day. It seems like we were walking quite slowly as we haven’t reach the restaurant.

“Table for two?” The waiter asked and Jaebin nodded her head. He led us to a booth in the corner of the restaurant. “Isn’t this a little too spacious for just the both of us?” I asked and Jaebin shrugged. After flipping the menu for 5 minutes, a waiter came to get our order. “I’d like a pancake set and a cup of jasmine tea.” She closed the menu before I was snapped awake to find that’s I’m suppose to give the order. “Omelette set and coffee.” The waiter was about to walk away when Jaebin stopped him, giving me a glare. “Cancel the coffee. Change it to camomile tea.” Jaebin gave him a smile before he walked away. When she turned back at me, she gave me her glare yet again. “I swear you’re trying to kill yourself.” She had both her arms folded on the table. “It slipped my mind.” I said and looked at her. She was somewhat fidgeting in her seat. When the drinks came, she would drink and drink. Placing the cup on the table and bringing it to again.

I focused all my attention on her. Even the smallest movement caught my attention. I didn’t know what to do so when she place her hand on the table, I place my hand on hers. She stopped diverting her attention elsewhere and looked at me. “Don’t be angry.” I said with a pout, trying to make her smile. She did, but it was a small smile. She used another hand and place it on top of mine. “I’m not angry. It’s just you have to take care of your health.” There was a tinge of sadness in her voice. I was about to speak when the both of us heard someone clearing his voice and we pulled apart. The waiter placed our orders on our table before leaving. I was about to speak again when I hear girls squeal.

“Isn’t that Park Jaebin from Korea?” Jaebin looked up while I turned around. Ballerinas I thought. They came over and Jaebin looked at them somewhat puzzled. “Can I have your signature?” A girl asked as she pulled out a pen and a book. “Sure.” Jaebin had a smile on her face. “I hope to be like you one day.” One of the girls said as she smiled wider while signing. Apparently there were 5 girls so she has to sign 5 books. I smiled as I looked at my breakfast, accidentally hitting my fork on the plate causing a light clang sound.

One of the girls hear and looked at me and I think she got a shocked. She tapped the girl in front of her and whispered into her ear before the girl in front of her gasped. I stopped what I was doing and looked at them. Lastly, the girl standing in front of Jaebin got the message and spoke up. “May I ask you a question?” She asked and Jaebin was done with all 5 books. “Sure.” The girl hesitated for a while before asking. “Is he your boyfriend?” without myself knowing, I smiled and looked down. With a hand on my head and one on the table, I smiled to myself for lord knows what reason. My smile faded when Jaebin said something...

End of Jaejoong’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

I heard my name being mentions and I looked up to find a group of girls approaching our table. When they stopped in front of our table, I looked a little bit puzzled since I don’t know anyone of them. Suddenly, one of them asked me for my signature. I thought for a moment before giving them a smile and agreed. I asked them for their names and I wrote them encouragements since they look like students. When I was at the last book, Jaejoong picked up his fork, attempting to eat quietly, but failed. I held in a smile and continue.

When I was done, the girl standing in front of me spoke up. “Can I ask you a question?” I wanted to get this over and done with. I agreed yet again with a smile. “Is he your boyfriend?” Before I could take a look at Jaejoong’s expression, he looked down, perhaps avoiding my gaze. I thought of an answer. It was quite a hard question. Maybe our matching outfits triggered the question.

“He is.” I said as I placed my hand above his. His head snapped up, eyes locking mine. I gave him a slight smile and the group of girls squealed yet again before leaving us alone. I didn’t know what to do since I haven’t thrown away that necklace and Donghae’s still in my heart. However, the space Jaejoong is occupying in my heart has already gotten more and more day by day. “Jaejoong, I...” Before I continue, he stopped me. “Let’s hurry have breakfast. It’s getting cold.” He gave me a forced smile and looked down at his breakfast, not looking at me.

I know I have told him many times that he has a chance, however, I’ve never really gave him that chance. Knowing he has a chance but not getting it is very tormenting. I decided to just keep it aside for a while before saying something about it later. Breakfast was quiet, awfully quiet. No matter how noisy the restaurant is, between us, it’s silent. Even the sound of a dropping pin could be heard clearly. The more I thought of it, the more my appetite shrunk. It shrunk to the extent that after eating less than 5 mouthfuls, I was bloated. I place my fork back onto the table and leaned back, pushing my plate away. Jaejoong finally looked up, but I was not in the mood to talk. “You’re not eating anymore?” he asked and I shook my head and closed my eyes.

“Jaebin.” I heard him again. His voice stern and serious. I opened my eyes to see him cutting the pancakes into nice squares before dipping a piece into maple syrup, “Eat.” He said. Voice becoming as gentle as always. I had a few more pieces before I surrender, really not able to eat anymore. “Are you sure you really can’t eat anymore?” He asked and I nodded my head. We called for the bill before heading out into Tokyo streets, walking.

I had my arms folded in front of my chest. We walked for some distance before stopping at a pottery shop. Jaejoong suddenly stopped, causing me to bump into his back. He looked at a particular cup for sometime before pulling my hand, walking away. “Don’t you want to buy that?” I asked and he looked at me. “I won’t use it even if I buy it.” He said and we continued walking. Slowly, his grip on my wrist slide to my hand before our finger intertwined. It felt so right. I don’t know why but it just felt right. His hand and mine together, I have this feeling that nothing could go wrong.

“I think we’re getting a lot of attention.” Jaejoong chuckled before I realised that almost everyone walking on the street would take a glance at us. Maybe red is really not a good colour. We walked and walked for sometime before I heard Jaejoong’s stomach growl. I chuckled. “It’s not a crime to get hungry.” He smiled and I looked at him with a smile. “Sushi?” I asked and he looked up. We’re standing in front of a sushi bar. “Why not.” He said and we headed inside.

“You like eggs a lot.” I concluded as we left the restaurant. “Yah. I like eggs.” He said. Almost every plate of sushi contained eggs. I was quite shocked since it was more like almost every plate was the same thing.

We window shopped the whole day. Looking at this and that. But one thing I’ve noticed about today. Our hands were always linked. I really felt like a couple with Jaejoong today. “Let’s go to the lake Jaejoong.” I said and We headed there after we had our Dinner at some ramen shop. “Isn’t it beautiful?” I said as I inhaled deeply. “It sure is beautiful.” Jaejoong said and we sat down on a bench. “You want to know why I like lakes so much?” I asked Jaejoong. He nodded his head. “It was because The first time I saw a rainbow, it was reflected in the lake. It was really beautiful and I’ll never forget it.” I smiled and Jaejoong pat my hand.

“Jaejoong, I need to show you something.” I saw his face stiffened. I smiled and held onto his hand. I brought it up to my neck, where something lies. Jaejoong gasped. “You...” he said as I smiled. Putting a lot of force in his hand and I heard it snap. I could tell he was shock...

I wonder what would that be.
They would be going back to Korea soon.
There would soon be more Yoochun/Seulgi scenes.
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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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