Kim Heechul

Reconciled concert (repost)
The whole day, we stayed at home watching DVDs. She seemed happier today. It’s like Everything has been thrown behind her. She seemed more carefree and more herself. I really like her as who she is. The real her is the best side of her I could ever have...
“Jaejoong...” Jaebin said as we were watching our last DVD. “yah?” I said as I looked down to see her looking at me. “Would you be happy if we are able to be like this forever?” she asked and I totally stunned. “What do you mean?” I asked after registering it into my brain. “What do you mean?” She smiled and shrugged before turning back to the television.

“Jaebin-ah” I called out to her when we were done with the movie. “Yah?” She hummed and looked at me. “About Heechul...” she didn’t look as afraid as before when I mentioned his name. “Oh yah. To call him. I forgot.” She hit her head with her palm. “He didn’t leave a way to contact him.” I said as he left when Jaebin told him to. “I can just call his phone. He brings it anywhere he goes.” With that, she flipped out her phone and pressed a few buttons before placing the phone on her ear. “Heechul sshi, Are you in Japan?” I decide to leave her alone for a while since this is more private things.

When I gulped down a glass of water, I turned around to see Jaebin standing directly behind me, giving me a shock. “You gave me a shock.” I placed my hand in front of my heart. “Heechul will be here in 10 minutes.” She said casually and I really think something’s wrong with her. She walked back to the living room and sat on the sofa waiting patiently for Heechul. “Are you ok?” I asked and she looked at me as if nothing was wrong. “Why wouldn’t I be?” She said with a smile. I was really getting more and more suspicious about her being so happy today.

The doorbell rang. Both of us know very well who’s at the door. “Heechul sshi” Jaebin opened the door and welcomed him in. “Have a seat.” I said and he took a seat on the couch and both of us sat on the sofa. “I came here to explain.” Heechul said and both Jaebin and I looked at him. “About?” Jaebin gave him a confused expression as if she totally forgot about the past.

“I wasn’t stalking you intentionally. It’s just you look exactly like my first love, Seo yeon. I kept telling myself you’re not her. I just couldn’t accept the face she’s dead 5 years ago. When I saw you, I thought you were her twin. I gave you everything a girl would want. My heart knows you’re not Seo yeon, but my mind thinks otherwise and does things on its own. My mind would tell me you’re Seo yeon and tried to do things to get guys away from you. I even remembered your boyfriend’s name I feel like my heart ripped apart when I saw you with him. However, now I don’t feel that way anymore. I know you’re not Seo Yeon and I admit that I went overboard in the past and I hope you would forgive me.” Heechul said and gave a 90 degree bow.

“Heechul sshi” Jaebin said as she moved closer, putting her hands on his shoulder. “It’s ok. You didn’t hurt me. I know you mean well. Have you forgotten Seo yeon?” She asked I was kind of anxious since it was not a wise question to ask. “I found another girl. She’s very kind and she is with me all along but I didn’t realise.” He smiled and I gave a sigh of relief. “What’s her name? Was she from school?” Jaebin asked yet again and Heechul nodded. “Tiffany Hwang from Arts major. She’s my friend but I never thought we were both in love until one day I didn’t see her and couldn’t contact her and I finally realised my feelings for her.” He smiled and I was happy for him. He has thrown his past behind and move on.

“Heechul sshi. I wish you luck and we can remain friends if you don’t mind.” She extended her hand and Heechul gladly accepted it. “Thank you so much Jaebin. Thank you so much for not hating me.” Heechul pulled Jaebin into a hug and it shocked me at first. But I relaxed as I saw Jaebin hugging back and a drop of tear falling out of Heechul’s eyes. I stood up and cleared my throat before they pulled apart. “I wish you all the best Heechul sshi.” I extended his hand and shook mine. “I wish you luck too. Be happy with Jaebin, always.” I nodded before he headed to the door. “I’ll see you around in Korea.”Jaebin said as she waved to Heechul as he walked down the hotel hallway and disappear at a turn.

“Heechul sshi is a nice guy after all.” I said and Jaebin nodded as she closed the door. “Jaejoong...” She called and I turned to look at her. “Would you always be happy with me?” She asked and I was surprised by her question. “No matter what you do, I will always be happy with you.” I smiled and she gave me a sudden hug which caused me to tumbled back a few steps. She wrapped her legs around my hips as I brought her to her room. “How many weeks has it been?” She asked and I thought for a while before answering. “nearing 2 weeks.” I answered. I felt her nodding against my shoulder. “Do you want to go back to Korea?” She asked as she pulled away, sitting on my lap since I sat down on her bed moments ago.

“I don’t mind. If you want to return then we will. If you don’t we can stay here.” I answered and she just lay down on her bed. “Why don’t we return the day after since we have that ballet concert tomorrow?” She said and I just nodded with a smile. “You really don’t mind watching the concert?” She asked as I shook my head. “If I really didn’t like dancing, why would I want my concert to be a ballet piano concert?” I smiled and she nodded. “It’s late. We should head to bed.” She said with a yawn. I gave her a kiss on her forehead before heading to my own room, going under the blanket, trying to sleep. However, I felt very cold and started shivering. I took one of my pillows and went into Jaebin’s room. Apparently she was reading a book. She looked up upon hearing the opening of the door.

“Jaejoong, What’s wrong?” She asked as she got down her bed, walking to me. “I’m very cold.” She rubbed my upper arm before guiding me to her bed. “It’s ok. “ she pat the empty spot beside her on the bed. “You can sleep her tonight.” I was quite hesitant since it’s not very good for a girl and a guy to be on the same bed, but she looked at me waiting for me to go under the covers before going to sleep so I just climbed under the covers. She pulled me into her embrace to keep me warm. She was really warm. I fell asleep in her warmth and indeed, I wasn’t cold after climbing under her covers.

The next morning, I woke up to find her already awake. “Morning.” I greeted her but she had a frown on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I sat up, but my body felt weak. “Why didn’t you tell me you’re sick?” She said and she looked a little angry. I closed my eyes as the light coming from the sun is hurting my eyes. I lay back onto the bed and groaned. “Jaejoong! Jaejoong ! are you ok?” Her voice was flustered. I opened my eyes before I saw her with a gentle soul living in her. “I’m fine.” My voice came out all hoarse. “I don’t think we can go back tomorrow.” She said as she caressed my face.

“You can go for the dance concert if you want. I’ll be fine alone.” I said but she frowned. “I’m not going to leave you here like this.” She huffed before pulling out her phone. “Heechul sshi... You’re still in Japan?... Great. I have 2 dance tickets and I would ask if you want to go... Tiffany is here too?... OK. You can come anytime. I will be here. Ok see you later...” With that she looked at me. “I’m not going.” She said with a smile.

“You should take better care of yourself.” She said as she gave me a cup of water. “I’m not really good at cooking so I hope you don’t mind eating room service.” She said with a sad smile and I shook my head. I wanted to speak but she shushed me. “Don’t speak. You’ll hurt your throat.” She said as I drank my water and the doorbell rang. It was room service. “Egg porridge.” She said as she wheeled the cart into the room I was in which was her room. I could tell it was specially ordered since there was Korean egg rolls. “How did you know...” She placed her finger on my lips. “I noticed it when you were eating at my house. You would always head for the egg rolls first and you would smiled after eating it.” I blushed since the way she described made me feel like a small child.

“However, you looked very cute when you did that.” She smiled before picking up an egg roll with her chopsticks and placing it in front of my mouth. “Is it nice?” she asked me and I nodded my head. Even if it’s not, it will be nice since she’s the one feeding me and no one would know how blissful I feel now. “Jaejoong... Jaejoong...” She called and I snapped out of my trance. “wait for me for a while. Heechul is here I need to get him the tickets. She left the room and I heard Heechul’s voice. I got out of the bed and supported myself out of the room to see Heechul with a girl. “Jaejoong sshi.” He called and I could see shock in Jaebin’s eyes. She walked towards me and supported me. “Why are you up?” She whispered into my ear. “It’s rude to not greet guests.” I said and gave a smile to Heechul. “Let me introduce. This is my girlfriend, Tiffany Hwang. This is Jaejoong.” She shook my hand. “I’ve heard of you. I watched your concert it was great. The dancer must be you.” She smiled at Jaebin and Jaebin smiled back.

When Heechul and Tiffany left, Jaebin supported me back to the bed. I finished my porridge in no time. However, I noticed something. “Jaebin, Why aren’t you eating?” I said and she divert her eyes from me. “I’ll call for you.” I sad and walked out to call room service for her. She didn’t stop me since I was sick. It came within 15 minutes and I sat in the living room, watching her eat. However, I think I was really tired that I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found a comforter covering me and Jaebin sleeping on the couch at the side. She must really be very tired since she took care of me for the whole day. What’s worse is that I made her miss the dance concert. I felt really bad since she must have really wanted to watch it. I wrapped the comforter around myself before heading to my room, taking my comforter out and covered her. “Goodnight My love.” I kissed her on her forehead before laying back onto the sofa, falling into deep sleep.

Jaejoong falls sick.
Jaebin is so thoughtful towards him.
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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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