Being lost isn't the best.

Star Academy: School for the Gifted.

"So we're going?" you interrupted Zelo and Onew's thoughts. 

"I guess..?" they both went. 

"Yay! Let's go then!" you cheered, skipping ahead of Zelo and Onew. "Come on, slow coach!" you shouted over to Onew and Zelo with a grin. They both caught up with you. 

You spun around happily and hopped around, giggling like a child who just got candy. Twirling and bopping around was all you did, you beamed at Onew and Zelo.

Onew gave out a small, but warm smile, "This is the Soo Yun I knew from my childhood memories, she didn't change a single bit." he said quietly, you were too busy being excited.

However, Zelo heard what Onew say, "Aw, so this is Soo Yun?" Zelo thought, "I like this side of her." he smiled. 

                                                                          -----------------------At the woods---------------------- (Zelo's and Onew's P.O.V?)

You joyfully skipped around, till thick trunked trees stood in your way. The shadows of the broad trunked trees creepily casted over the woods, blacking out the bright spring day.

"Woah, the trees are huge!" you exclaimed. You peered through into the woods, from what you could see, was virtually nothing. It was pitch black. "Oh, wow! This is awesome~!"  You ran in excitedly, but disappearing into the darkness of the woods. 

"What?" Onew went, "Soo Yun! Soo Yun!" he called out, still standing outside the edge of the woods with Zelo. He was hoping for a response back, but not even a slight breeze could be heard. "Soo Yun! Soo Yun!" he called out again. But nothing. 

"We should go in there, look for her," Zelo said. 

Onew agreed, "But we can't split up, we don't know what could happen." 

Zelo nodded as they both cautiously stepped in the woods. It wasn't 'as' dark inside, they could only just see the surroundings around them.   

"My friends came in here for a dare, they went missing for a month, but only one of them came, alive..." Zelo said, looking around.

"Oh, I read it in the school newspaper, sorry for your loss..." Onew said.

"Now I remember that, I find it stupid for us to come in here, we should've told a teacher or something." Zelo worried. 

"Yeah, I feel pretty stupid too. But what about Soo Yun? We couldn't have just left her." Onew replied, Zelo nodded in agreement. 

Onew and Zelo searched and called out for you together, but they didn't get anything of you. "We come here for fun, then Soo Yun gets missing. Great." Onew went. 

"What's your star, Zelo? If you have something like heat detecter to find Soo Yun or something..." Onew asked. 

Zelo shook his head, "Sorry, I don't have anything that would help. I have a transformation star, I can change my appearance." 

"Aish!" Onew scratched his head furiously, "SOO YUN! WHERE ARE YOOOU!" he screamed. 

 "Don't worry! We're going to find her, let's just try our best. If we can't then we'll go back and tell someone." Zelo tried to calm down Onew. 

"It's a bit too late to go back..." Onew said, looking back. Zelo looked back too, the gloom of the woods was endless. They couldn't see a peep of daylight. 

"We're officially lost, in the middle of nowhere." Onew said, "Soo Yun's more further into the woods than us, what if she's hurt? Or maybe a bear attacked her?" 

"Okay, now you're just over reacting, be cool dude~" Zelo suggested. 


Startled at Onew's anger, Zelo kept quiet and looked down at the ground. "Sorry, dude," Onew said to Zelo, patting Zelo's back. "I'm just...worried, this is why I didn't want to go, because then I thought if I didn't go, Soo Yun wouldn't go."

"Why wouldn't you want her to come?" Zelo asked.

"Because when we were little we would always go adventuring by ourselves, until when we went somewhere we shouldn't have and we got really hurt. Our parents didn't let us out of the house after that, this is probably Soo Yun's first adventure since then." Onew explained.

"So that's why she was all hyped up," Zelo said. 

"Yup," Onew said, he dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Woah!" he went, "We've been in here for a half hour!" 

"Wha? We must find Soo Yun 'now'!" Zelo said. Onew nodded as they started to search for you again.

10 minutes later:

"Damn it!" Onew groaned, frustrated. "Where are you, Soo Yun?" 

Zelo wanted to comfort Onew and say everything was okay (even though they're sort of rivals), but he didn't know if everything 'was' okay. So instead, he carried on walking, searching for you. Zelo thought, "Onew is very protective over Soo Yun. He is more like a brother to her, right? Maybe Soo Yun doesn't think of Onew in 'that' way then...hmm.."

Every minute that passed, it felt like the temperature was rising. The atmosphere was becoming more humid, more chrostophobic. Though the boys' energy were draining out of them quickly, they carried on for you. Their blood boiling, hair was damp from sweat, throat was dry from dehydration. It was literally a desert there.

"I thought this was supposed to be a forest, you know fresh air, woodlands and stuff. Not a clammy, stuffy jungle..." Zelo complained.

"Remember...This is Star Academy we're at..." Onew replied. 

Zelo scoffed, "Nearly forgot about that."

As they staggered on, exhausted, Zelo's legs became wobbly, weak and he collasped onto the ground. 

Zelo's P.O.V:

Onew quickly checked to see if I was okay, (still concious). "Zelo! Zelo!" Onew called out to me.

I quickly shot my head up. Shocked, Onew backed off quickly. I just looked straight forward, staring into the trees. I saw something in the distance, I was sure of it.

"Ur...Zelo?" Onew called over for me.

Yes, it was definate, it was a person. The person was a girl, her long, black hair flowed in the wind as she ran away.

"What the hell, Zelo! What are you doing?" Onew shouted, running after me.

"I've found Soo Yun!" I called back, "Hurry up! I found her!" 

Onew gasped in shock and ran his hardest. "Soo Yun! Soo Yun!" we both shouted. 

I stopped running, Onew realized it too. Onew had a huge smile on his face and as he came to where I stopped, he sighed in relief. "So where's Soo Yun?" Onew asked. 

I didn't reply, I only looked into space blankly. "Ummm...." I went. I was sure that Soo Yun was here.

"So?" Onew went.

"I swear, she was right there." I said, pointing in between two trees. "But then...she disappeared..into thin air..?"

Onew groaned loudly, "Argh, you're probably having a hallucinations." 

"No, I'm not!" I went, "I swear, she was right there!" I argued. Onew couldn't do anything, he just gave out a big sigh as he flopped onto the ground. 

I saw Soo Yun again between the trees."Oh!" I went, "Soo Yun is here again!" 

Onew looked around. He looked over as if there was nothing.

"Can't you see her?" I went, "Look! She's standing there! There!" I said, I pointed in front of the tree.

You looked over to Onew, there was a blurry double of him."Huh? Why is there two of you, Onew?"  I asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Onew went.

"I mean..." I went, I looked at Onew, then at where I could see Soo Yun. Back to Onew, back to Soo Yun, back to Onew, back to Soo Yun. "There's you...and then there's that one..." 

Onew chuckled under his breath, laughing at me, "I did tell you that you were having hallucinations."

"No, I'm not!" I answered back. But was I? Soo Yun 'was' there, but for some reason only I could see her.

Onew continued to laugh at me, but I stayed standing, I looked around.

A big grin grew on my face, "Ah! Cherry tomatoes!" I exclaimed happily. 

"What?" Onew went, "Why the heck would there be cherry tomatoes lying around in the middle of the forest?" he asked himelf. "Oh! Maybe they're Soo Yun's! She must've been here!" Onew realised. 

"Only if she planted a cherry tomato tree," I answered back, jumping up on the tree, starting to climb it.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Onew asked, he looked up to me, he only just realized I was climbing a tree. "Hey! Get down! It's dangerous!" he shouted to me.

I continued to climb till I was in reach of these bright red berries. I was about 10 metres, I guess. I sat on a branch, reaching for the berries. "But I'm hungry~" I called back, I grabbed a bunch of the berries and popped one into my mouth. "Mmm~ They're sweet!" I said cheerfully, getting down the tree. 

"See? Not hurt~" I said, I jumped off the tree and landed on my feet. I popped several more of the yummy red berries in his mouth. "Want one?" I offered Onew.

"Huh? Let me see those," Onew said, he opened my hand holding the berries. Onew's mouth dropped, "Zelo, no! You shouldn't eat these!" Onew shouted.

"Why not?" I asked, popping another one into my mouth.

"Because they're poisonous! Bright red berries are poisonous!" Onew said. 

"Oh, you're just making this up, just 'cause you're jealous because I got these yummy cherry tomatoes and you don't~" 

As I was going to put another one into my mouth, I got this feeling in my stomach. It was definately not a good feeling. It felt like my stomach was twisting itself, pulling itself into a knot. I just clutched my stomach and fell to the floor. The only thing I could do was to scream in pain.

It seemed like Onew was trying to remember his first aid classes. "Come on, Onew! Remember the cure to red berries! Come on, brain!" Onew said to himself. 

-------Meanwhile where Soo Yun was...------ (Your P.O.V:)

"Ohh! I shouldn't have left Onew and Zelo...I'm so lost now!" you said aloud, telling yourself off. "Okay, think like Onew. What would he be doing at this very moment?" 

You thought for a moment, "Well, he would be looking for me, if I'm honest. Seeing how protective Onew is~" you giggled. "Wait, no. Serious thinking. Hmm, I should just wait here until they find me... Yeah, that's what I'll do. Just wait for them." 

You sat down, propping your back on a tree. You sat there awkwardly, you glanced around. You sighed and whistled, trying to keep yourself entertained in some way. 

Sweat slowly dripped down your head as you sat there by yourself. You soon became tired and your eyes drooped of tiredness. 

Just as you were about to soundly fall asleep, a scream woke you up. You jumped up in shock, "Oh, no, that must be the others!" you realized. You heard voices in the distance, you didn't know what to do. What were you supposed to do? In this type of situation, you would run. But if you run, it'll make things worse. Plus, you wasn't sure if it was Onew and Zelo anyway. 

You heard the voices come closer, you could hear groaning of a person, it became louder and louder. You heard the swishes of branches, being pushed away, someone walking through them. "Well, it's obviously they guys," you thought. But you stood in a defence position just in case if it wasn't, you were ready to handle what was coming. 

Two figures quickly came out of the shadows, it was all so quick so you screamed in fright. You put your arms up, shielding your face. 

"Woah, Soo Yun?" 

It was Onew, you looked up with a suprised face. "Oh my Gosh! Onew!" you cried in joy. 

"Where did you go? I was worried sick!" Onew nagged, "Zelo is literally!" 

You looked over to Zelo, he was on the floor, clutching his stomach, crying in pain. "Zelo!" you cried, you crouched down to him, patting his back. "What's wrong with him?!" you asked Onew. You felt so bad for letting this happen, if you didn't ran ahead of them, they wouldn't have been in this mess.

"He ate red posion berries, he thought they were cherry tomatoes since he had hallucination," Onew explained.

You gasped in shock, you bit your lip, worrying about Zelo. "Do you know the cure to it?" Onew asked you.

You thought for a moment, "Ah! Aren't you supposed to all the poison out of his system?" you suggested.

"That's only for snake poison, Soo Yun. You need a remedy of something to get rid of berry poison..." Onew continued to think, you also tried to think of a remedy with him. 

"What are the berries he ate?" you asked. Onew threw one over to you, you examined it closely. "Wait, this is holly. They only cause vomiting, plus these don't even look like cherry tomatoes!" 

"I was having hallucinations!" Zelo snapped quickly, then went back to groaning. 

"These aren't holly," Onew said, "These berries are only grown in these woods and they're fatal if you eat them." 

You stared blankly at Onew, "Well...I obviously don't know a remedy, so you can think by yourself." you shrugged and went to comfort Zelo.

As Onew thought and Zelo was crippled in pain, you felt guilty. You had that feeling in your stomach, that lump in your throat, eyes were sore. 

Then suddenly, "A-ha!" Onew went, "I figured it out! You need the mixture of peppermint and pure rose water." 

You stared at him blankly again, "And now where are we supposed to find that?" you said, "We can't even find water, let alone pure rose water!" you went. 

"We got to at least try, Zelo's got about another 45 minutes until the poison gets to his heart," Onew said. 

Zelo looked up, "How do you know this?" he asked. 

Before Onew could speak, you interrupted, "Because my Onew is clever! He's got such a good memory~" 

Onew blushed, "Yeah, I've got a good memory, plus I took a first aid class. And who said you owned me, Soo Yun?" 

"Me." you went, sticking your tongue out at him. "So anyway, we need to find peppermint and pure rose water. Or maybe something with those ingredients in, I have a perfume with that fragrance, but I left that at home." you replied. "Plus, it's dangerous to drink perfume," you said dumbly.

"Oh, just great. I have dead person in my arms now," Onew said, sighing.

"Hey!" Zelo went, "I'm not dead! Stop suggesting I'm dead! If you're thinking of a solution with rose water and peppermint, maybe the love potion?" Zelo suggested, groaning. He scoffed, "It reeks of it actually."

"Yeah, where are we supposed to get a love potion?" Onew moaned worriedly.

"Wait?" you went, "Love potion?" you asked, starting to rummage through your backpack. 

Confused, Onew just stood and waited to see what you'd pull out from your bag. 

Obviously, you pulled out the Love potion Bang Yong Guk gave to you. You shouted out, "Zelo, quickly, drink it! Drink it!" nearly shoving it in Zelo's face.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Onew went, taking the bottle off you. "Why do you even have a Love potion?" 

"Bang Yong Guk gave it to me, blah blah blah, now give it to Zelo!" you went. 

"You know, it's not that simple..." Zelo groaned, trying to sit up. You gave him a hand, he propped himself up with a tree and explained. "What Bang Yong Guk said to me..." he coughed between sentences, " that you have to get someone's piece of DNA or something like that. Like a strand of hair. This will obviously be the peron giving the victim the potion, so that they will fall in love with them. The potion is not drinkable till you put that thing in." 

"I'll obviously have to put my hair in, since it'll be awkward if Zelo falls in love with Onew." you said. 

"But..." Onew went. 

You looked over to him, raising an eyebrow, "Really? You want to do it then?" you said. Onew shook his head, looking down at the ground, "Thought so."

You sighed as you snatched the bottle off Zelo and plucked out a strand of your own hair. You pulled out the cork of the potion bottle, you peered inside the bottle. It was a cotton candy pink, matching Zelo's hair. It shined like a star, even in the gloomiest part of the woods. "Woah..." you went as you peeped inside it.

 You didn't even have to sniff it properly to grab the smell of strong peppermint. You took a whiff of it properly, the smell blocked your nose. You coughed to get it out of your throat. 

Before putting your strand of hair in, Onew intterupted, "Wait!" he went. 

"What?" you replied. 

"If you find an animal hair, you could put that in." Onew said in a serious tone (but you didn't notice).

"Hahahahaha!" you laughed, then you realized he was serious. "Oh. No, we couldn't do that, that's, we shouldn't do that," Onew could see Zelo nodding behind you. 

Onew sighed, "Go on then..." 

You went and put your strand of hair in the bottle. First, the potion made a pop sound which made you jump a little. It fizzed a bit afterwards, but you waited for the fizz to go down.

"Here!" you went, you crouched down to Zelo. You passed him the bottle, "Now don't you fall in love with me 'that' much!" you teased.

It was like you didn't care Zelo was going to fall in love with you, but yeah, you were scared. You didn't want to deal with this kind of problem, you just thought "Why can't I go back to reality? Why is this a reality? All this magic and abilities, it's just so unreal." 

Zelo's lifted his arm, it was shaky and frail. He cautiously took the bottle, he took it to his mouth slowly, but paused before his lips touched the rim. 

He looked over to you, you gave him a small smile. You nodded, gesturing him to go ahead and drink it. 

Zelo shut his eyes tight and gulped the thing down. The sensation of the potion was...interesting. It was tangy, sour, sweet and bitter all at the same time. 

Zelo suddenly dropped the bottle, letting it smash on the forest grounds.

His eyes drooped down, "Whoops..." was the very last thing he heard before he fell unconcious.

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aaarrggggh, i think the story final is a poop grrrrrrrrrr >>


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Chapter 25: Not bad...I like this story! :D
BtoBAngels #2
Chapter 21: I'm so curious yeah sajin sok naega
Chapter 24: I actually expected her to end up with zelo! :(
Arizona118 #4
Chapter 4: I watched an anime exactly like this! It was called Alice Academy. Instead of stars, they had alices.
Chapter 24: Uhuh~~im pretty much get the hint xp cant wait for the sequel! XD
Chapter 22: SEQUEL OMG SEQUELLLLLLL~~ i wanna know what happened to zelo :(
Chapter 22: D A E B A K!XP thats a sweet ending XD u really gonna make a sequel?cnt wait 4 it XD