Chapter 12

Love and Punishment


A little while after Aaron came back again.

”Vincent and the CEO will come soon and the guys will come back as soon as they have finished what they had to.” He said with a smile and sat down on the chair beside Winds bed.

“Oh okay.” Wind said and returned the smile. There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes while they both thought about what to say. Luckily the doctor came into the room.

“Hello Wind, I’m your doctor.” He said with a smile. “I’m glad you’re finally awake. How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling okay, I guess… Though it hurts when I try to move…”

“It will hurt a little for a few weeks more but we can give you something to reduce the pain a bit?”

“That would be nice. When can I come home from here?” Wind hoped she could get out of this boring white room soon. Even if she had just been awake for a very little time this white room made her feel like she had some kind of incurable sickness and about to die… The doctor chuckled.

“We have to monetize you for a couple of days but if you keep improve I think you can go home in two days… Though I would prefer if there would be someone there to keep an eye on you.”

“Oh okay…” But Wind would come back to her own apartment and no one was there… Then maybe she would be forced to stay here?

“Well, I will let you rest some more now.” The doctor then left Aaron and Wind alone again. The awkward silence filled the room once again.

“The loan sharks!” Wind exclaimed as she remembered they had found her. She tried to get up but Aaron was fast and hurried over to her to keep her in the bed.

“Relax! The CEO already took care of it.” He said as he tried to calm her. Wind looked surprised at him.

“He did?” Aaron nodded. “Then I will have to pay him back!” Aaron had to hold her back again.

“You don’t have to pay me back.” Both Wind and Aaron looked over at the door where Lu Yan-qing just came in.

“But-“ Wind didn’t like to owe people money.

“You’re under my company, and everyone in the company should be treated like family, so your troubles are my troubles so of course I would pay the loan sharks their money so you would be free from them.” He said with a smile. “Of course they had to pay some of it back in compensation for having one of their guys to shoot you…” He added.

“…” Wind went quiet.

“But if you really insist on paying me back you just have to continue sing.” Wind smiled.

“Of course!”

“Oh yeah, there’s someone who wanted to see you…” Lu Yan-qing said.

“See me?” Wind said confused. If it was someone she knew why didn’t the person just come in? Wind looked curiously over at the door as Lu Yan-qing got the person.

“Jin!” She said surprised as she saw who followed the CEO in. He smiled to her. Aaron’s mood suddenly turned bad.

“What are you doing here?” He asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

“Aaron it’s okay he’s a friend.“ Wind explained.

“But that guys friend shot you!” Jin ignored Aaron and turned to Wind.

“I’m very sorry about what happened! I tried to get Wei Xiong away from there when I saw you!”

“Jin, it’s okay. I’m alive aren’t I?” Wind said with a smile. She didn’t like seeing people upset or feeling guilty.

“You shouldn’t be kidding around like that.” Jin said seriously but couldn’t help it as a smile formed on his lips seeing Wind in her usual mood. Aaron suddenly stood up from his chair and walked over to the door.

“I’ll come back in a moment.” And walked out. Wind looked questioning after him. Jin then continued to talk to Wind and occasionally Lu Yan-qing too. Aaron on the other hand was sitting in one of the big couch chairs in the hall grumpy and couldn’t understand why Wind was so happy to see that Jin bastard.

“Aaron, why are you sitting out here?” Vincent asked as he arrived.

“I couldn’t stand being in the same room as that Jin guy and see Wind so happy.” He answered grumpily. Vincent couldn’t help but chuckle after seeing Aaron’s expression and his mood. Aaron shot him an irritated glance.

“Are you by any chance jealous?” Vincent asked amused. Aaron’s eyes widened.

“Jealous of that guy? No! Certainly not!” He denied. This only added to Vincent’s amusement.

“Well, I’ll go in now, sure you don’t want to come?”

“I’ll go in when that guy leave.” Aaron said stubbornly. Vincent sighed as he shrugged and went into Winds room. Luckily for Aaron Jin soon left and he could return to the room. This also lightened his mood. Soon after Lu Yan-qing also had to leave since he had some other business to take care of and Vincent followed him out so he could inform the press that Wind finally was awake.

“Aaron-“ Wind wanted to explain about Jin since he had been in so bad mood when he came but she was interrupted.

“Oh Ai Lin, I’m glad you’re finally awake!” Wind looked shocked over at the middle-aged woman who just entered and who knew her real name. Aaron smiled.

“Mom!” Wind looked surprised from Aaron to the woman.

“You probably don’t remember me do you?” Mrs. Yan asked Wind who shook her head in answer. Mrs. Yan smiled warmly to her. “I was one of your mothers best friends and also attended your parents funeral but I think you was too sad at that time to notice me.”

“You were my mothers friend?” Wind asked again and as Mrs. Yan nodded she lit up in a smile happy to meet someone who had known her parents.

“Are you hungry? I brought some food.” She held up a bag filled with food. Wind smiled and nodded as her stomach lightly growled. 


Note: I'm sorry for the long wait >.< I have been busy with a big assignment in school and didn't have the time to update :( I hope you can forgive me...? *bows* 

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Chapter 16: Awww. Such a cute story! New reader here though I've subscribed for a while. Never had the time to read. Sorry. Loved it though. I'm pretty late aren't I? Lol. XD
Aww this is a cute story!!!
aoxiaomei #3
so cute ^__^ ♥♥♥
Hehehe! ^^ Aaron is jealous. Awh god, Wind have to realise his feelings soon. Ha! :D
aww poor Aaron so jealous~~~~
Awesome! She is awake finally. LOL! And awh, I will totally support the couple if it is true! ^^
yay she is awake! lol haha i laughed along with cal too :P well he can date wind without worrying bout fans now he needs to confess!
Ah! An update! ^^ Chapter 10.. Awh, so Wind haven't wake up yet? Oh god... I wonder when she will wake up and see how Aaron is caring towards her. And so de Jin guy is evil or good? I dun get it yet. LOL. ^^ Update soon! Jia You!
OMG! I just started reading the story and for god sake, I fell in love with it. :) Haha! Update soon okiee? ^^ I will totally subscribed! Yay!
omo so Aaron's mom knows her? keke she likes her too~~ i hope she'll be ok! and whoever he is goes to jail and gets his just desserts!