Goodbye love?

Happily Ever After


Watching Donghae-hyung and Yuri spend time together made my heart ache.

I didn't want her to be with hyung...

But what can I do?

I'd be selfish if I think that Yuri only belongs to me...


The hurt was there.

I headed to the dorm and bumped into them. They were holding hands and were talking and laughing. They saw me and only Donghae smiled and waved at me.

I guess he still doesn't know anything about Yuri and me...

I waved at them and they walked towards me. Yuri didn't look at me.

I don't blame her.

If it's possible I'd avoid her...

It hurts too much to see her and not be with her.

"Where are you headed?" Donghae asked me when they were near.

"Dorm. I'm going to rest for a while." I answered them walking ahead.

"Okay. See you." Donghae said to me.

I walked away and tried push back all the tears away.

I knew Yuri was happy now...

Donghae-Hyung is a nice guy and he would take care of her...

Should I just accept it?

Should I just let go of her?

I knew the answer to that question.

That doesn't mean it hurts any less.

As I entered the empty dorm and sat on the couch I remembered the day that I met Yuri up to the day she said yes to me. (A.N. Refer to Chapter 24,29 and 31 of If I fell In love with you...)

When she entered the room I was speechless. She looked so pretty with her hair in pigtails and her sweet innocent smile.

"She's so pretty hyung."I said sitting on my chair.

Hyung and I were wearing our disguises again. Eventhough I hated wearing this stupid wig I had to.

"Geez! You sound like like a dazed school girl." Kyuhyun-hyung said as he sat next to me.

"I can't help it. She's so pretty. Do you think you could ask Kana to introduce me to her?"I asked him.

"No way."Hyung said sternly.

"Why?... oh right I forgot. You still haven't told her right?"I asked hyung again, this time cocking an eyebrow.

"Things got complicated."He answered looking away.

"Hyung, you keep making excuses... Stop it and just tell her how you feel. She's right there!" I said standing up from my seat and pointed at Kana.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

Hyung gave me the scariest look I've ever seen in my entire life. That's when I decided to run. He ran after me.

"You'd better run chubby man!" I heard him say.

Hyung sure has a really bad temper when it comes to Kana. When I was sure he was gone I went back to the room. This time I sat away from Hyung. He's scary when he's ticked off.

I continued to look at her as the class started.

I won't be like hyung.

I'll confess to her...



I knew I should have taken a leak before I went to class. My bladder's killing me. I was about to enter the men's comfort room when I saw Heechul-hyung carrying Kana to the nurse's office.

Heechul hyung carrying a girl?

He wouldn't even look at anyone he didn't know.

Why is he carrying Kana?

I walked up to them.

"Hyung, what happened to Kana?" I asked him.

"Good, Henry you're here. Take Kana to the nurse's office. She hurt her fot." Heechul-hyung said as placed Kana's arm on my shoulder.

He then walked away. I looked at Kana. She didn't look too happy when hyung left me to her care.

"I'm fine Henry. I can go to the nurse's office myself." She said limping her way to the nurse's office.

I would have insisted to help her but my bladder thought otherwise. I literally ran to the comfort room. When I was done I walked back to class. I saw her again. She was talking to her friends. I stopped walking and stared at her.

She noticed me looking at her and she smiled.

She smiled at me.

I think I died and went to heaven.

She excused herself from her friends and walked towards me.

"Henry-shii, why are you standing there all by yourself?" She asked me.

Yep! I've gone to heaven.

"Um, I just got back from the comfort room." I said without thinking.

Great! You've finally gotten the chance to talk to her and you say you a stupid thing like that.


Embarrassed, my cheeks turned pink. I thought she'd find what I said weird but she didn't. She laughed a little.

"You had to go that bad, huh?" She asked giggling.

"Ye-yeah, I guess." I said turning even more red.

"You're so funny. I like that." She said smiling.

Did she just say... like?

"Uhm, what else do you like?" I asked her curious to what else she liked about me.

"Well... a lot of things. I especially love the way you play the violin." She answered.


Her cheeks turned pink as well.

"Would you like to join me practice later? I hear you play the piano. Maybe we could do a duet or something." I said putting my embarrassment aside.

Please say yes.

"Sure. I'd like that. See you later then?" She said smiling as she went back to her friends.

"Yeah. Later."I said smiling also.

Yes! Yes! She said yes!

I wanted to jump up and down and shout from the top of my lungs.

You did it Henry!


I waited for her outside the classroom. I was nervous. I carried with me one single rose. When she came out with Kana I smiled. She saw me and smiled also. She said goodbye to Kana and went to where I was.

"Hi Henry. What do you have there?" She asked me trying to see what's behind me.

"Nope not yet. Close your eyes." I told her.

She looked at me suspiciously but she closed her eyes nonetheless.

I held out the rose and told her to open her eyes.

"Is this for me?" She asked me smiling when she saw the rose.

"No it's for the girl behind you." I told her.

She innocently looked behind her and saw her reflection. She covered and laughed. I laughed with her handing her the rose. She accepted. We started to walk towards the gate.

"Does this rose mean anything?" She asked me smelling the flower.

"Yes." I told her looking at her.

"What does it mean?" She asked me.

She knew the answer to that.

I stopped walking and held both her hands. I looked at her and smiled.

"It's my heart." I told her.

God! That was so cheesy.

She smiled again and giggled.

"That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard." She said in between giggles.

Way to go Romeo.

Now she's laughing at you.

"But... thanks." She said finally turning serious.

"Does this mean you accept?" I asked her.

Please say yes.

She smiled and started to walk ahead of me. Then she turned around and faced me. She held the rose close to her heart and nodded yes.

I couldn't contain my happiness. I threw my fist in the air and rushed to her. I carried her up and hugged her. She laughed along with me and together we held hands up to the gate.

"But... I think we should wait 'til we tell our friends about this especially Kana and you know..." She said still holding my hands.

"I totally understand. What's important to me is that we understand each other now." I told her with a smile.

She smiled back and we ended up both laughing.

This is the best day of my life!

Those moments were the happiest moments in my life. Yuri was the first girl I ever loved and I know I could never love anyone as much as I love her.

Then why did you have to let her go... idiot?

Because of guilt?

I don't know...

Saying godbye is never easy...

Letting go is even harder...

But when you see that person ultimately happy...

Even when you no longer have the right to love her...

Everything is worth it.

The pain...

The hurt...

The tears...

All of it means nothing...

if I could see you smile, laugh and satisfied...


Be happy...

Wo Ai Ni...

Goodbye... My only love.

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naznew #1
each member have wife,child and couple..
happy 4ever..
woah.. im done reading this.. so far im inlove with your storis..! haha <3
HyunNi_Shin #3
hak3.. i was shock when heechul proposed to Kara.. but now it seems more real.. he just proposed but not yet ready to be married... hak3... but since they're going to be parent soon... i guess they'll marry soon too ;) <br />
<br />
i'm so glad that zhiyin has recovered!! and what's more being with zhimin at last!! yeah!! and for other couples too!! <br />
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i hope hyunjin will marry eunmi soon^^ or else he'll get even older ;p <br />
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best happy ending ever!!! love this story so much!! i hope u'll make new story about the twins!! love them so much!! wanna know more about them ;)<br />
<br />
thanks eonnie, for this great story ^o^
HyunNi_Shin #4
i'm so happy!!! Heechul finally have the guts to build his own family with Kara!!! yippie!!! <br />
<br />
and i'm so glad that yuri ends up with henry... after all they've been through... but still i feel sad for donghae... hope she'll found someone even better and have interesting character, then he'll smile again ;) smile donghae^^
graciouzzz #5
..mixed emotions..i'm happy that all of them have their happily ever after lives!..i really really love this series..from first to this last installation..<br />
..but i'm kinda sad..because this series has just ended..i want<br />
<br />
..heading to your next series..:)..<br />
I love this so much<br />
I've read all the installation of this story<br />
and you're really good<br />
I'm gonna read the next one:)<br />
Good Job here
pls write about the next generation super excited for it......
heemin13 #8
is now hawiting for the sequel...for the uh...nvm...for the NEXT GENERATION!!!
wahhhh it's already finish i super enjoy it...<br />
i'm gonna miss this story and those couple specially karachul!!<br />
yeah hey another generation...<br />
we will support it..<3 <3 <3<br />
<br />
LeeMinMi #10
why did you end it sooo fast unnie?? I'm gonna miss karachul!! >.< I wanna see the next generation!! please? please? please?? I love yah unnie!! Congrats in finishing this wonderful story!! I'm hwaiting for the new generation!