An Action Packed Day

Super Show Six

A few days had passed since Kyuhyun was shot by Kangin and the base was quiet. Sungmin had been taking care of Kyuhyun, always being with him and keeping the younger company since he couldn't really leave his room. Well, he could leave his room but his hyung's wouldn't let him. Everyone was protective over Kyuhyun, most likely because he was the youngest and had a sharp tongue which gets him into trouble, and they all view him as the weakest member because he is the youngest out of everyone. Kyuhyun isn't weak, in fact, he is quite strong and would keep going if things got hard, but his hyungs just spoiled him a lot.


"Sungmin-ah? Are you going to the store to get things we need today?" Leeteuk asked as he walked into the living room where Sungmin and Donghae were, just chilling and doing nothing really. Sungmin turned his head, "Huh? Oh, sure, I can do that now. I have nothing better to do, right now Kyuhyun is sleeping so.." He shrugged as he stood. "Donghae, wanna come with me?" Sungmin looked at Donghae with a sweet smile. Donghae grinned brightly, happy that Sungmin wanted him to tag along. "Okay!" he stood and watched Leeteuk hand Sungmin the shopping list. "Be careful you two. Don't get into any trouble. If something was to happen then just call." Leeteuk said before leaving the room to hang out with Heechul. Ever since Kyuhyun was shot, Leeteuk was making sure everyone else stayed healthy and didn't get injured. It killed him that Kyuhyun had gotten shot, he really didn't want that to happen to anyone else in SS6 ever again.



Sungmin walked into the shopping center alongside Donghae, looking around. Leeteuk had a whole shopping list of items and groceries he needed and it was too long! Ramen, fish, rice, tea mix, and the list goes on! Neither Sungmin nor Donghae realized that they needed so much stuff back at the base, but they had been out a lot on missions and other things so that's probably why they didn't notice. "Wanna split up Donghae?" Sungmin asked Donghae, turning to look at him as they walked.


Donghae picked up a basket to hold their groceries and he handed one to Sungmin as he spoke, "Split up? Okay, what are you getting and what do I need to get?" he asked. Sungmin looked at the list again. "Okay, first get the fish Leeteuk wants and I'll get some instant ramen like Kyuhyun and Heechul like. After just meet me at the tea mix and we can continue shopping there." He nodded. "Sounds good, meet you there." Donghae said before disappearing to get some fish.


Sungmin walked down the aisles, looking for Kyuhyun and Heechul's favorite kind of instant ramen. There were so many flavors; shrimp, chicken, beef, veggie flavors, too much for Sungmin to name off hand. He knew which kind Kyuhyun and Heechul liked but there were so many different ones so they were hard to find! Sungmin smiled when he saw the chicken flavored ramen. He grabbed it, tossing it lightly into his basket. Kyuhyun loved the chicken flavored ones the best. Personally, Sungmin couldn't stand instant ramen. It made his stomach turn.. He loved rice way more than ramen. He continued searching, now looking for Heechul's favorite kind, which was the spicy shrimp flavor. He sighed quietly, not finding it yet. He glanced around the aisle casually and his eyes widened as two very familiar people walked past. Zhoumi and Ryeowook.


Donghae looked around, quietly humming along to Lucifer by SHINee. He stopped walking, making a face as he glanced around at the things in the shelves, confused. What had Sungmin wanted him to get? Tea? Rice? Or was it fish? He groaned internally as he tried remembering, running a hand through his hair. Ah, yes! He was supposed to get fish! With a happy smile, Donghae continued walking, going to find the fish Leeteuk wanted them to get. Donghae loved fish. It was his favorite food! He loved a good grilled salmon and now, he was craving it. What kind of fish did Leeteuk want? Well, Sungmin never told him so.. Donghae stopped infront of the fish counter. After asking for a salmon, he was satisfied. The fish manager handed the wrapped up fish parcel to him and Donghae thanked him before turning around. He was about to start walking until he saw Ryeowook and Zhoumi walking. 


Sungmin held the basket tightly as he ran through aisles, trying to find Donghae before either SS5 found him or before a fight broke out. He didn't want Donghae getting in trouble for starting a fight with the other two at a shopping center! Leeteuk wouldn't be too happy if they did that.. Sungmin weaved in and out through people, doing his best to dodge and not run over anyone. He turned the corner sharply but before he could start running again, he slammed into someone and fell onto the floor. "Aiiiishhhhh!" Sungmin was seeing stars, laying on his back on the floor. "Ya, watch where your going!" Sungmin heard. He slowly sat up, rubbing his head. He looked and saw who he bumped in to and he felt relieved. It was only Donghae!


"Sorry Donghae, I shouldn't have been running.." Sungmin groaned as he rubbed his forehead. "I was running to Sungmin-ah. Did you see Ryeowook and Zhoumi? They are here, I was running to find and warn you if you didn't already know..." Donghae sat up as well, rubbing the place where his and Sungmin's heads hit. Sungmin stood and helped Donghae up before picking their items up and putting them back in the basket. "We'd better go back to base now, we don't want Leeteuk getting worried." Donghae said.


Sungmin was about to answer before his eyes widened and he dropped his basket, pushing Donghae out of the way as he quickly threw a kick at Zhoumi, who had been close to kicking Donghae. Donghae was startled, dropping his basket as well. He turned quickly in perfect timing to see Ryeowook throw a punch his way. Donghae dodged the punch fast before he shot a punch of his own at Ryeowook. Yes! Direct hit! He felt so great when he felt the impact of his fist against Ryeowook's face in a perfect blow! Ryeowook grunted when he was punched, in pain.


Sungmin had just dodged another kick from Zhoumi. Kicking was Zhoumi's best way of attack since his legs were so long and powerful. He was a really tall guy so he had long legs which were excellent for kicking with. Sungmin didn't like attacking others much so usually he just dodged and avoided conflict as much as he could but Zhoumi was getting closer and closer to kicking him. Sungmin was about to move out of the way when Zhoumi did a jump kick but he didn't move fast enough. Sungmin fell to the floor from the impact on his chest from the strong kick. Zhoumi looked satisfied.


Ryeowook and Donghae were still going at it, not even noticing what was going on with Sungmin and Zhoumi. Donghae dodged another punch of Ryeowook before successfully grabbing the other's arm. In one swift movement, Ryeowook was on the floor after being flipped over to his back on the ground, dazed. Donghae smirked before looking over at Sungmin and Zhoumi, seeing Sungmin on the floor. "You let Zhoumi get away?" Donghae was surprised. Sungmin grabbed Donghae's hand and stood up. "He kicked me and ran, I couldn't have stopped him if I tried." he was disappointed. Donghae quickly grabbed Ryeowook, holding the unconscious male bridal style in his arms. "Well, we got Ryeowook now, we just need the other four." Donghae grinned at Sungmin. Sungmin was about to answer until he looked around, seeing the damages from their fighting and people that were staring at them in shock. "We'd better go.." Sungmin whispered to Donghae, looking at the other as he held Ryeowook awkwardly in his arms. "Ya.." Donghae nodded. The two males payed for the damages and groceries before hurrying home to lock up Ryeowook in a holding cell.


"I'm so proud of you two! We finally have gotten one member from SS5!" Leeteuk was overcome with happiness and joy. Sungmin and Donghae were proud of themselves. "We just need four more and we can turn them in to the police." Sungmin said with a happy grin before running off to tell Kyuhyun of what all happened. Donghae pranced off to see Eunhyuk and tell his story of what happened as well. Leeteuk smiled before going down the hall to the holding cell area, seeing Heechul. "You guys shouldn't get too happy. Just because you caught one SS5 member doesn't mean you've won this thing." Ryeowook narrowed his eyes at Heechul. "You may have me, but SS5 has people too." he smirked. Heechul frowned before putting a hand on his hip, "What does that supposed to mean?" he asked, annoyed. Leeteuk went next to Heechul, wanting to hear what all was going on as well. "Really?" Ryeowook glared at Heechul and Leeteuk, crossing his arms infront of his chest. "I'm saying that right now, as we speak, SS5 is getting even with you all for capturing one of their best members." Ryeowook said. Heechul and Leeteuk exchanged glances, wondering what Ryeowook meant.



Hey guys! Thanks for subscribing to my story and reading it! It means so much to me! <3    Remember to comment! Please comment people.. I love reading what everyone has to say and it encourages me to keep writing! Silent readers aren't allowed! Just kidding, but really, leave a comment! :)

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 30: awww.
i really missed the story so much n now euu cancelled it.. hmm..
it okay thenn.. atleast euu tell us right.. hehe..!!

hope euu going to write other eunhae/haehyuk fic.. ehhee..!!

Chapter 30: Unnie~ Waee?? I super love this story :'<
kyuminhaehyuk #3
Chapter 30: Haha I have the last comment on this story XD AND I MISSED YOU!! And I'm sad this fic is cancelled but ok gonna go to your new account! THANKYOU for not completely abandoning this and us without warning and never coming back...a lot of writers do that so I appreciate you telling us. (:
kyuminhaehyuk #4
AUTHOR!!!! Please update soon !!! It's Been months!!! I need this story!
MyeolchiHyuk #5
heyy.. new reader here..
love your story..

hope euu update soon..
I love you're story~!
is he really becoming good or is it another trap from ss5????
i'm really surpised by yesung's actions!!!
update soon!!!
ssapphire212 #8
I wonder who he shot at!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!! :D
Zunmyo #9
love Heeteuk <3 I hope they wil have aggressive ... XD Lol i love this story <3
Yey, Zhou mi!
please write even more chapters from Zhou mi's P.O.V^^
He doesn't seem that bad, my little baby boy <3
Anyway, great chapter, I hope you'll give me another Zhou mi chapter soon ;)