The Battle's Just Begun

Super Show Six

SS6 had just arrived at the SM building where SS5 was. Leeteuk got out from the van and so did the remaining five, all running inside the building. As soon as they entered the building, all five SS5 members stopped what they were doing to look at them with surprise before they all fled in different directions suddenly. Leeteuk growled with irritation. "Guys, split up!" Leeteuk yelled before he began to run off in the direction he saw Kangin run off to.


Heechul had no clue who to run after when Leeteuk told them all to split up. He saw Leeteuk go after Kangin and also watched as Kyuhyun set his sights on Zhoumi before darting off. He didn't know where Eunhyuk or Donghae went and at that moment he could see Sungmin looking around in confusion. He chuckled before shaking his head, then running down a long hallway after someone. He didn't know who he was chasing until he turned the corner, seeing Hangeng running. "Stop! Stop running!" Heechul yelled, noticing Hangeng just sped up. This just made Heechul run faster, chasing Hangeng like he was a lion chasing his prey.


It was such a rush when they all ran inside, Sungmin barely knew what was going on until Leeteuk yelled for them to split up. He looked around as his other members ran after SS5, confused and dazed about where to go and who to run after. He turned his head and uttered a cry of surprise before quickly dodging Ryeowook's leg as it was kicked at him. Sungmin fell to the floor after dodging the flying kick, now quickly crawling backwards as Ryeowook came after him, obviously wanting a fight. Sungmin jumped to his feet before spinning around, kicking Ryeowook. "Stop, your under arrest!" Sungmin said, trotting after Ryeowook. Ryeowook wasn't going to make this easy. He flipped his foot out, making Sungmin trip and hit the floor. "That's what you think." Ryeowook smirked before quickly standing up, darting away and leaving Sungmin on the floor.


Kyuhyun was hot on Zhoumi's tail. He was enjoying this chase, it was exciting. "You run like a girl! Just stop running!" Kyuhyun decided to start insulting Zhoumi, hoping it would get him to lose concentration and slow down so he could catch him. "Why are your legs so long? Are you a woman?" Kyuhyun was getting a kick out of this. Zhoumi was obviously ignoring him, "You can't catch me Kyuhyun, your too slow! Pabo!" Zhoumi laughed outloud before turning the sharp corner, taking off faster. Kyuhyun turned the corner as well, having to stop when Kangin galloped past him with Leeteuk chasing him. Leeteuk stopped when Kyuhyun grabbed his arm. "I'll go after Kangin, you go after Zhoumi!" Kyuhyun said before dashing off to get Kangin instead. Leeteuk ran after Zhoumi like he was told.


Yesung had just stopped running, turning to face Donghae and Eunhyuk. They had both chased him and he was getting annoyed. "Aissh, why do you guys even bother?" Yesung whined, dodging Donghae when he lunged out. Donghae totally missed Yesung when he jumped out and he fell on the floor. Eunhyuk frowned before punching Yesung right in the face. Yesung punched Eunhyuk back and the two males began to fight, shoving eachother against walls and punching whatever they could.


Kyuhyun had just chased Kangin into a room which was a dead end. "Awesome, you give up?" Kyuhyun smirked before grabbing Kangin's arm, thinking he caught the SS5 leader. He felt so great until he was pushed away. "You couldn't arrest me, Kyuhyun. None of you SS6 guys could." he moved his hand, grabbing the gun he had in his holster. Kyuhyun's eyes widened when he saw this and he started to quickly back up, seeing the gun pointed at him. Kyuhyun was about to run out of the room until he heard it. The gunshot. 


Kyuhyun screamed out in pain as the bullet shot into his body. He hunched over, wrapping his arms around his stomach as blood poured out. Kangin took a step forward to Kyuhyun, kicking him over so the other was laying on his back. "Listen here Kyuhyun, I'm not playing around. The battle has just begun and so far, SS6 is losing." he then jumped over Kyuhyun before running out of the room.


The extremely loud sound of a gunshot sounded off followed by a pained scream that seemed to echo throughout  the building. Everyone froze, including Yesung and Eunhyuk who had just been fighting. Yesung smirked, knowing their leader had just shot someone. Eunhyuk was startled. Who was shot? Were they okay? Where is he? He didn't even care that Yesung dashed off to find Kangin, he was really worried now. He quickly helped Donghae up before the pair began running, searching for the shot victim. 


Heechul was inches away from being able to grab Hangeng's arm when a gunshot sounded off in the building. Hangeng continued running, now searching for his leader whereas Heechul froze. He turned his head when he heard an all too familiar scream of pain. His eyes widened before taking off to find whoever was injured.


The scream. The scream that had just echoed throughout the building. Sungmin knew who the scream belonged to. Kyuhyun. "KYUHYUN!" Sungmin yelled, terrified for his best friend. He quickly got up to his feet before running in the direction where he had heard the scream. Sungmin didn't need to search, he knew where the scream had come from. It was upstairs. He dashed up several flights of stairs before scrambling to find the injured male. "Kyuhyun!" Sungmin screamed, darting into the room where his injured friend lay. Sungmin's hands instantly shot out, tearing off Kyuhyun's top so he could see where the bullet had gotten lodged into. The bullet was in Kyuhyun's abdomen. "Oh my gosh.." Sungmin had no idea what to do. "LEETEUK HYUNG!" he called desperately.


Kyuhyun was laying on the floor, body shaking and tears streaming down his face as he sobbed weakly, in extreme pain because of the bullet in his abdomen. He stared up at Sungmin, his shaky hands reaching out to take the other's hand in an almost comforting way. This made Sungmin begin to bawl.


"I'm right here!" Leeteuk ran over to them, kneeling down near Kyuhyun to see the injury. It seemed like no one cared that SS5 was getting away because now, all the members of SS6 were in the room circling Kyuhyun with worry and fear. Eunhyuk and Donghae picked Kyuhyun up carefully before they all hurried out of the building, deciding to go back to the base and take care of Kyuhyun there. 

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 30: awww.
i really missed the story so much n now euu cancelled it.. hmm..
it okay thenn.. atleast euu tell us right.. hehe..!!

hope euu going to write other eunhae/haehyuk fic.. ehhee..!!

Chapter 30: Unnie~ Waee?? I super love this story :'<
kyuminhaehyuk #3
Chapter 30: Haha I have the last comment on this story XD AND I MISSED YOU!! And I'm sad this fic is cancelled but ok gonna go to your new account! THANKYOU for not completely abandoning this and us without warning and never coming back...a lot of writers do that so I appreciate you telling us. (:
kyuminhaehyuk #4
AUTHOR!!!! Please update soon !!! It's Been months!!! I need this story!
MyeolchiHyuk #5
heyy.. new reader here..
love your story..

hope euu update soon..
I love you're story~!
is he really becoming good or is it another trap from ss5????
i'm really surpised by yesung's actions!!!
update soon!!!
ssapphire212 #8
I wonder who he shot at!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!! :D
Zunmyo #9
love Heeteuk <3 I hope they wil have aggressive ... XD Lol i love this story <3
Yey, Zhou mi!
please write even more chapters from Zhou mi's P.O.V^^
He doesn't seem that bad, my little baby boy <3
Anyway, great chapter, I hope you'll give me another Zhou mi chapter soon ;)