Up To No Good

Super Show Six


The sun was setting and it was already dark outside at the Super Show Six base. Leeteuk and Heechul were in the study, watching the news to make sure Super Show Five didn't do anything. Eunhyuk and Donghae were in the living room, Sungmin was in the kitchen and Kyuhyun was wandering around, looking for something to do. Kyuhyun walked into the study where Leeteuk and Heechul were, wanting to be with them. "Hey," Leeteuk looked over at Kyuhyun and smiled, Heechul did as well. "Hello." Kyuhyun bowed his head faintly to the older males before sitting down. "Whats been going on?" he asked. "Well we have been seeing weird activity at the bank in the city.." Heechul said. "Yeah. We're pretty sure SS5 is about to break in." Leeteuk joined in, watching the computer screen. They had implanted cameras all around the city so that was what he was watching. Leeteuk was about to say something until someone showed up in the camera. "Guys!" he waved both over, staring at the screen as a group of guys, SS5, broke through the front doors of the bank, running in.
"Lets go!" Leeteuk sprang from his chair before running from the room to get everyone. "Come on, let's get our guns this time." Heechul pulled Kyuhyun with him to get their weapons. Kyuhyun grabbed his hand gun and Heechul did the same before getting one for Leeteuk. Kyuhyun got three, one for him, Eunhyuk and Sungmin. He didn't really think about getting Donghae's because Heechul then rushed him, "Thats enough, let's go!" Heechul ran from the supply room, Kyuhyun running quickly behind as well. Heechul gave Leeteuk the gun and Kyuhyun gave the guns out too before they all left the base to go to the action happening at the bank.
Leeteuk jumped from his sleek black motorcycle and so did Heechul. The rest piled out from a large black van which Eunhyuk drove the rest in. The two eldest leaders needed to have the cycles because it was faster and if needed to, they would instantly fight. The group ran into the bank, guns loaded and at hand.
"Split up guys, Kyuhyun and Sungmin, check that side, Donghae and Eunhyuk, go upstairs and check every room. Heechul, come with me to the vault." the pairs all split up, running to their assigned area.
Donghae looked at Eunhyuk and nodded before they both ran off to find the stairs and check every floor. "Keep your gun at hand, we might need it." Eunhyuk said as he ran alongside Donghae. Leeteuk had personally instructed him to shoot and kill if needed. This wasn't a game anymore; they took one of their men, Henry. This was personal.
After checking the top floors, Donghae and Eunhyuk didn't find a single SS5 man. Everything was trashed, furniture thrown about and glass smashed. Money was scattered on the floor; most likely what they stole but couldn't carry, and every safe had been broken in to or shot with a gun. "Leeteuk!" Eunhyuk called as he and Donghae ran to their meeting place. "No one's here." Donghae said as they got to Leeteuk. "No one was at the vaults either but they had been there. Everything is ruined." Heechul said. Everyone looked to Sungmin and Kyuhyun as they ran over. "Where is everyone?" Sungmin asked. Suddenly, Leeteuk's eyes widened. "The roof." he said. "What about it?" Heechul looked at him. "They are escaping!" Leeteuk cried out. "Go go go!" just then, the group of six stampeded to the stairs to run to the roof of the large bank.
The doors to the roof swung open and SS6 ran out into the darkness, Leeteuk leading the pack, followed by Heechul, Eunhyuk, Donghae and so on. It was too dark to see. Leeteuk was about to go back until he saw the lights inside the bank shut off. This wasn't good. It was pitch black now; he couldn't see a thing at all. He knew everyone had scattered around on the roof and it bothered him because he couldn't see a thing. "Guys?" he called, about to wait and hear s answer back when suddenly the roof lights shot on, displaying the whole rooftop scene. 
"Don't move!" Leeteuk yelled at seeing Hangeng and Ryeowook standing with a large bag of money on the roof. They looked at Leeteuk and smirked, not afraid of the other at all. Leeteuk was puzzeled and worried about why they weren't afraid with a gun pointed at him. Leeteuk was surprised when Hangeng suddenly pointed a gun at him as well. "Drop your gun Leeteuk. Your outnumbered." he smirked. Leeteuk looked around, seeing all of SS5 and SHINe on the roof with guns pointed at his fellow SS6 members. Leeteuk watched as everyone dropped their guns except SS5 and SHINe. What was going on here? He looked back at Hangeng before dropping his gun as well, slowly putting his hands up. Hangeng smirked once more before looking over at Zhoumi. He gave a small nod before Zhoumi pointed his gun straight at Donghae. Leeteuk's eyes widened. Were they going to kill him?!
"Donghae." Zhoumi spoke up. Donghae glared at Zhoumi with daggers in his eyes, staying absolutely still, eyes not leaving the other slender male. Eunhyuk watched the scene unfold, ending with a gun being pointed at his lover. His heart sank and he began to get very scared and fearful, quite worried for his boyfriend. "Yes?" Donghae finally answered, voice cracking as he became more and more afraid by the second. Zhoumi waved Donghae over with the gun. "Come here." he ordered. Donghae stayed put, not wanting to go to Zhoumi. The roof became silent, all eyes on Donghae and Zhoumi. Ryeowook glared at Donghae before quickly taking his gun, firing a shot into the night sky. "Get over here dammit." Zhoumi ordered. Without hesitation, Donghae began to take steps towards Zhoumi, terrified. Eunhyuk was about to cry. "No Donghae, don't-..!" Eunhyuk stopped short when Ryeowook pointed his gun at him.
Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and everyone watched as Donghae slowly made his way over to Zhoumi, Ryeowook and Hangeng. Suddenly, a bright light shone on the rooftop from the sky as a helicopter hovered over, a rope ladder dropping down. "Go up. Now." Hangeng ordered, placing a gun to Donghae's head. Donghae did as he was told quickly. Eunhyuk and the rest of SS6 watched helplessly as their fellow member was taken. Once Donghae was up, the rest went up as well and within seconds the escape helicopter was gone and so was their beloved Donghae. "No! We have to get him back!" Eunhyuk was starting to freak out. His best friend and lover was gone and in danger! Leeteuk was rather shaken up as well like everyone else, who were silent with fear, sadness or anger. "Eunhyuk it's okay." Leeteuk said weakly. "We'll get him back as soon as possible."
"We're going to have fun with you, Donghae." Hangeng said with a smirk as he looked over at the tied up and taped Donghae in the helicopter that Yesung was controlling. "You shouldn't have killed Kangin." Zhoumi said. "We might have killed Henry but that doesn't even the score by killing Kangin, you do know that right?" Ryeowook asked, reaching over to run a hand through Donghae's hair to intimidate him. "You shouldn't have killed him."



Hey guys, thanks for being so patient with me. I haven't updated in a while but from now on, Super Show Six will continue having updates daily!!!! *celebration* Thanks for all the love and support, I'm so grateful. I hope you continue to read and like my story! Saranghae~

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Check out my new story, Like A Love Song~!!!!


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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 30: awww.
i really missed the story so much n now euu cancelled it.. hmm..
it okay thenn.. atleast euu tell us right.. hehe..!!

hope euu going to write other eunhae/haehyuk fic.. ehhee..!!

Chapter 30: Unnie~ Waee?? I super love this story :'<
kyuminhaehyuk #3
Chapter 30: Haha I have the last comment on this story XD AND I MISSED YOU!! And I'm sad this fic is cancelled but ok gonna go to your new account! THANKYOU for not completely abandoning this and us without warning and never coming back...a lot of writers do that so I appreciate you telling us. (:
kyuminhaehyuk #4
AUTHOR!!!! Please update soon !!! It's Been months!!! I need this story!
MyeolchiHyuk #5
heyy.. new reader here..
love your story..

hope euu update soon..
I love you're story~!
is he really becoming good or is it another trap from ss5????
i'm really surpised by yesung's actions!!!
update soon!!!
ssapphire212 #8
I wonder who he shot at!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!! :D
Zunmyo #9
love Heeteuk <3 I hope they wil have aggressive ... XD Lol i love this story <3
Yey, Zhou mi!
please write even more chapters from Zhou mi's P.O.V^^
He doesn't seem that bad, my little baby boy <3
Anyway, great chapter, I hope you'll give me another Zhou mi chapter soon ;)