Trouble At The Market Place

Super Show Six

It had been about two weeks since Kyuhyun and Sungmin went to seek closure for Henry's death. Things were beginning to become normal again, which was a good thing. Just recently, Leeteuk had been getting reports from other groups saying that SS5 is still active and that they have been going out in public lately to commit crimes. The most recent report was that two or three members were down at the Seoul market place and they robbed about three shops, taking all their money. Leeteuk and Heechul had gone out themselves to see if they could find SS5 but they weren't there when they looked so they decided to give up on that.


"Donghae," Leeteuk walked into the living room where Donghae, Kyuhyun and Heechul were sitting. "Yes hyung?" Donghae sat up more, turning to look at Leeteuk, wondering what he wanted. "We're running low on supplies yet again and I need you to go down to the market place and get everything we need, okay?" he trusted Donghae to get what they needed. He was a responsible guy. Leeteuk handed Donghae the list and left before the other could complain. Donghae didn't really want to go to the market place now because it was really cold outside but he wasn't going to refuse. With a small sigh, Donghae stood and began to walk to his room to get a thick leather jacket to wear. He grabbed a hat and his sunglasses (since it was bright outside as well) and he was about to leave until someone grabbed his arm. "Donghae, where are you going?"  it was Eunhyuk. "Leeteuk hyung told me to go to the market place because we need food and stuff. Will you come with me? I don't want to be lonely." Donghae gave Eunhyuk a small smile. Eunhyuk ran a hand through his hair. "But it's cold outside.." he muttered to himself. After a few moments, Eunhyuk nodded. "Okay! Let me go get my jacket and mask." He had to wear a mask because he had a cold and didn't want to get anyone else, especially Donghae, sick too.


"Eunhyuk-ah, your walking fast. Just relax, it's nice to be out." Donghae laughed, walking with Eunhyuk in the market place. It was cold outside but both males were nice and warm. "Sorry, Hae, I'm just used to walking fast." Eunhyuk said, looking around. He reached over and took the list from Donghae's hand, wanting to look at it. "Should we split up to get everything faster, Hyuk?" Donghae asked, looking over to his masked friend. Eunhyuk pulled his mask down slightly so Donghae could hear him, "No, let's stay together, Hae. I don't feel like getting lost." Eunhyuk laughed before pulling his mask back over his mouth and nose. Donghae took the list from Eunhyuk, looking at it. "Okay, let's go get shrimp." Donghae nodded before walking ahead of Eunhyuk to get shrimp. Eunhyuk followed his friend, looking around. He didn't exactly like going to the market place but it was always fun with Donghae and the other would be so lonely if he came here by himself. Eunhyuk knew Donghae too well. Donghae would eventually become lonely and come back to the base without getting anything. It was strange but cute at times.


Eunhyuk stopped walking, holding out the basket to let Donghae place the package of shrimp in. He nodded before smiling. "Now we need ramen." Eunhyuk said. Donghae looked at him, not hearing what he said at first but then he got it. "Ah, ramen! Okay, come on!" Donghae waved for Eunhyuk to follow him, which he did. Eunhyuk looked at the package of shrimp before making a face. He hated shrimp. Why did they have to get shrimp? He shrugged it off before looking around again, following Donghae. Wait. Where did Donghae go? Eunhyuk blinked with confusion, looking around. Where had Donghae gotten off to? He was just infront of him a moment ago and then poof, Donghae is gone? Eunhyuk shrugged it off, not seeing it as a big deal as he continued walking to the ramen. Maybe Donghae had gone a different way to the ramen area thinking it was a short cut? Whatever it was, Eunhyuk didn't know where Hae went.


Eunhyuk was beginning to get worried. He turned the corner into the ramen area but no sign of Donghae anywhere. Eunhyuk stopped walking, reaching up to move his mask down so he could call for Donghae. "Donghae?" he called out, receiving no answer. He blinked before putting his mask back on and starting to walk again. Donghae probably just strayed off somewhere after getting distracted. It wasn't a big deal most likely, right? Eunhyuk was still worried though. He didn't want anything to happen to Donghae.


Turning the corner, Eunhyuk walked back into the fish and seafood area. He knew Donghae loved fish (Fishy Donghae :D) so he might have gone here instead of getting ramen. Eunhyuk rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, not seeing Donghae still. Where in the world did this guy go? Eunhyuk stopped to take a moment and look around, still no sign of Donghae. "What in the world? Where is this kid?" Eunhyuk said to himself, more confusion and worry beginning to grow inside of him.


Deciding to go back to the ramen, Eunhyuk started walking back there. Maybe Donghae at first got distracted for a little while and then he went to get ramen when he wasn't distracted anymore? Eunhyuk hoped that was the case. He turned into the rice aisle, walking. He turned his head and went into the ramen area, seeing Donghae standing there looking at all the different kinds of ramen, trying to decide which ones to get. He didn't seem to notice someone standing behind him. At first Eunhyuk didn't really notice until he got closer. His eyes widened. It was Kangin behind Donghae, just now putting a gun to Donghae's head. Donghae was startled and now scared. "Don't move." Kangin growled in Donghae's ear, pressing the gun harder against Donghae's head. Eunhyuk's eyes widened and he dropped his basket. "DONGHAE!" he screamed out, alerting everyone nearby and the two others in the aisle with him, which were Donghae and Kangin.



I can't start a new relationship without drama and action! :D   It's time to start Eunhae! I've kept you all waiting for a while! X) HEHE! 
Oh wow! So much happens in this chapter. Evil Kangin. What do you think will happen? Will Kangin kill Donghae or Eunhyuk? Will someone get injured? Will Eunhyuk fight with Kangin?

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Check out my new story, Like A Love Song~!!!!


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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 30: awww.
i really missed the story so much n now euu cancelled it.. hmm..
it okay thenn.. atleast euu tell us right.. hehe..!!

hope euu going to write other eunhae/haehyuk fic.. ehhee..!!

Chapter 30: Unnie~ Waee?? I super love this story :'<
kyuminhaehyuk #3
Chapter 30: Haha I have the last comment on this story XD AND I MISSED YOU!! And I'm sad this fic is cancelled but ok gonna go to your new account! THANKYOU for not completely abandoning this and us without warning and never coming back...a lot of writers do that so I appreciate you telling us. (:
kyuminhaehyuk #4
AUTHOR!!!! Please update soon !!! It's Been months!!! I need this story!
MyeolchiHyuk #5
heyy.. new reader here..
love your story..

hope euu update soon..
I love you're story~!
is he really becoming good or is it another trap from ss5????
i'm really surpised by yesung's actions!!!
update soon!!!
ssapphire212 #8
I wonder who he shot at!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!! :D
Zunmyo #9
love Heeteuk <3 I hope they wil have aggressive ... XD Lol i love this story <3
Yey, Zhou mi!
please write even more chapters from Zhou mi's P.O.V^^
He doesn't seem that bad, my little baby boy <3
Anyway, great chapter, I hope you'll give me another Zhou mi chapter soon ;)