We Can't Stay Back And Do Nothing

Super Show Six

About a day had passed since Heechul too had gone missing and there hadn't been any disturbances from SS5 or SHINe. Nothing had been found about Heechul or Kyuhyun since they were missing and Sungmin was having enough. This was driving him crazy! He missed his hyung and maknae, he needed them back! The base was boring without Heechul and since Kyuhyun wasn't there, Sungmin didn't have anyone to hang out with besides Henry, who was just there temporarily since his group was gone as well. It was really quiet in the base and nothing was going on which was horrible.

Sungmin quietly walked into Kyuhyun's room, sighing quietly and looking around as if he expected Kyuhyun to pop out and be with him. Why did he have to get shot and then kidnapped? He was having bad luck and it broke Sungmin's heart. With a defeated frown, Sungmin leaned against the wall before sliding down to sit on the floor on his bottom. He took another glance around before closing his eyes to rest for a few moments. Sungmin hadn't been able to sleep the past few days because of Kyuhyun being missing and now Heechul; it was literally tearing him apart. He was exhausted. He gently rubbed the dark circles under his eyes when he heard someone walk in the room.


"Sungmin hyung?" Sungmin opened his eyes to see Henry standing there looking at him sadly and worriedly. "I'm fine Henry-ah." Sungmin said quietly, forcing a weak smile. Henry shook his head before sighing. "I know your not okay, Sungmin. You miss Kyuhyun and Heechul don't you?" he went over and sat down across from Sungmin, watching the other male. Sungmin hesitated, but nodded. "It's not the same without them here and they are in danger.." He said. Henry nodded, "I feel the same way too. They have Siwon, Shindong and Kibum and I'm falling apart." Henry looked away with tears in his eyes but he stayed strong to impress Sungmin. Sungmin noticed this however, "We have to do something Henry. We can't stay back and do nothing." he said. Henry looked over at Sungmin. "There isn't anything we can do, hyung." he said. Sungmin's lips turned into a smile slowly. "Yes there is." he smiled more when he saw Henry smile as well. "You have to promise something Henry." Sungmin said. Henry blinked, wondering what it was. "Promise me that you won't back down once we get started?" Sungmin looked at Henry. Henry nodded. "I promise." the two shook hands before Sungmin began to explain the plan.


Sungmin sat up more, "Do you know where Leeteuk is?" he asked. Henry nodded. "Yes, he is downstairs. Why?" he asked. Sungmin grinned. "Because I have an idea to get Kyuhyun, Heechul, and your friends back." he said happily, getting pumped up. Henry's eyes widened. "Really!? What is it?" he asked anxiously, standing up when Sungmin did. "Since Leeteuk doesn't want to risk invading SS5's base, I say me," he pointed to himself, "And you," he pointed to Henry. "Go and invade together." he finished. Henry grinned again. "That's a great idea! How are we though? I don't know where their base is.." he frowned. "Well I do." Sungmin reached out and grabbed Henry's hand before pulling him from Kyuhyun's room. "Where are we going?" Henry asked. "To my room! I want to show you a map I made and I'm pretty sure I found SS5's base."


Once they were in Sungmin's room, they looked over the map and both agreed that they knew where the base was. They made a plan and then snuck downstairs to get the needed supplies. Sungmin tiptoed downstairs, past Donghae and Eunhyuk's room, making a run for it straight to the kitchen. Leeteuk was in the study with Eunhyuk and Donghae and Henry was right behind him. Sungmin took a step into the kitchen when he heard Henry bump into the counter. "Shhhh, Henry, be quiet!" Sungmin whispered, biting his lip. He heard Henry whisper back, "Sorry." and he started to continue his journey through the kitchen and to their supply room. "Get a knife, we might need it." Sungmin pointed to a knife, which Henry carefully took. Sungmin's eyes widened, not liking that Henry had a knife. "I'd better hold onto that.." Sungmin took it from him before closing it and putting it in his pocket safely. He didn't want the younger male to get hurt before they even started their rescue mission.


"Let's use a smoke bomb hyung, we may need it.." Henry suggested. "Oh! Very good, yes." Sungmin was pleasantly surprised, glad that Henry's hyungs were teaching him well. Sungmin smiled and nodded before grabbing the smoke bomb and putting it in his pocket as well. Sungmin was about to reach for a gun until he heard foot steps. "Quick, hide!" Sungmin urged, quickly leaping behind a large stack of boxes.


Henry froze, hearing the foot steps coming closer. He saw Sungmin waving him over frantically and he scurried along, crouching down just in time as the light came on. "Sungmin?" Leeteuk looked in the supply room, waiting for a few seconds before shrugging and turning off the light as he left. Sungmin let out a sigh of relief. That was close. "Come on, we'd better hurry and go before Leeteuk figures out something is up." Sungmin stood and helped Henry up before scampering out of the room with Henry close behind.


Both males tiptoed out into the kitchen once more, Sungmin on the look out for Leeteuk, who was probably suspicious about them now. "Hurry, back upstairs!" Sungmin grabbed Henry's hand again as they ran to the stairs. They hurried up the stairs, stopping at the top. Sungmin thought everything had gone smoothely until he heard Leeteuk again. "Sungmin? Henry? What are you two doing?" He asked, looking up at the two younger males. "Henry and I were playing hide and seek, hyung." Sungmin stammered nervously. Leeteuk could tell that he was lying. He couldn't get another word out as Henry and Sungmin darted off down the hall. "Yah!" Leeteuk had a feeling something was going on. He hurried upstairs, running to Sungmin's room where he saw the two retreat in. He knocked on the locked door. "Guys?" He called. "You can't stop us, hyung!" Henry called back from the other side. Leeteuk blinked in confusion, trying to open the door. He pulled at the door knob. "YAH!" he pounded on the door again.


Sungmin's heart was racing, he could hear it now. He quickly looked at Henry. "We have to complete our mission, we can't stop now! We're so close!" he said, wanting Henry to come with him. Henry was now scared and unwilling to go. "No.." he looked back at the door as Leeteuk tried to get in. "I don't want to worry Leeteuk.." he looked shyly back at Sungmin, who was now feeling very frantic. "Henry!" he cried out. "You promised! We can't back down now!" he desperately said.


Henry was about to go to the door and open it for Leeteuk until he was suddenly grabbed. He let out a cry of surprise. "SUNGMIN!" he cried out, startled and confused as his hyung grabbed him. Sungmin grabbed Henry, not wanting him to open the door. "No!" he pulled Henry away and they both staggered back against a large glass window. Leeteuk opened the door right as the window shattered, Sungmin and Henry falling out.

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 30: awww.
i really missed the story so much n now euu cancelled it.. hmm..
it okay thenn.. atleast euu tell us right.. hehe..!!

hope euu going to write other eunhae/haehyuk fic.. ehhee..!!

Chapter 30: Unnie~ Waee?? I super love this story :'<
kyuminhaehyuk #3
Chapter 30: Haha I have the last comment on this story XD AND I MISSED YOU!! And I'm sad this fic is cancelled but ok gonna go to your new account! THANKYOU for not completely abandoning this and us without warning and never coming back...a lot of writers do that so I appreciate you telling us. (:
kyuminhaehyuk #4
AUTHOR!!!! Please update soon !!! It's Been months!!! I need this story!
MyeolchiHyuk #5
heyy.. new reader here..
love your story..

hope euu update soon..
I love you're story~!
is he really becoming good or is it another trap from ss5????
i'm really surpised by yesung's actions!!!
update soon!!!
ssapphire212 #8
I wonder who he shot at!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!! :D
Zunmyo #9
love Heeteuk <3 I hope they wil have aggressive ... XD Lol i love this story <3
Yey, Zhou mi!
please write even more chapters from Zhou mi's P.O.V^^
He doesn't seem that bad, my little baby boy <3
Anyway, great chapter, I hope you'll give me another Zhou mi chapter soon ;)