☯ Ignorance is Bliss

Customary Tradition


[Human kingdom]

The first prince of the Human kingdom was so anxious while waiting for the arrival of one of the generals he just sent. He wants a confirmation because he was alarmed about the recent news that The Priestess and The Young Sage just told him.


“The demon twins are soon to come...” said the young priestess to the young Sage and the first prince. She has always been a very good source of information because of her special ability. Her premonitions and effective use of the crystal ball have always been a really reliable one which immediately gave her the position she has now despite the young age. Everyone in the castle consults her for what might be happening in the future. She is like the counterpart of Demon Kingdom’s Oracle.

“If that’s the case then we must give them a welcome. But before we inform the rest of the kingdoms under us, we must confirm everything.” This time it was the Young sage that made the remark. This half-human, half-demon kid might look very young yet his skills must not be underestimated. Most of the wars were won by the Human Kingdom all thanks to the strategies he set and planned. He has a gift on magic because of his demon descent yet he chose to stay on human’s side. His young looks might be really deceiving but instead of sulking into it, he used it as an advantage against his opponents. He might even be compared to The Great Wise Man of Demon Kingdom.

Together, The Young Sage and The Young Priestess has become a pair that led the Human Kingdom to it success on its expansion of kingdoms. They were basically an unbeatable tandem and the Demons were not able to match them without the Great Wise Man and The Oracle at their side. This gave the Humans a huge advantage.

“Do you not trust my premonitions Young Sage?” The Young Priestess seems like she was not offended but is actually trying to know what the Sage’s plan is.

“I don’t want to offend you in any way Young Priestess. I just don’t want this news to be a source of panic and chaos to our Kingdom. Their presence might cause the morale and the momentum of our kingdom to fall. Let us first confirm everything before making an announcement.” said the Young Sage which gave peace to the curious mind of the Priestess.

 “Very well then, we will be keeping this as a secret. I will send one of my greatest generals to confirm things. As soon as I confirm things, I will be the first to inform you and then we’ll lay out our plans.” The first prince has stated. He is still a newbie and he has been carrying the new weight of being in charge of the huge Human Kingdom after the death of his father. He is a great warrior yet he is not the type who loves responsibility but still, he tries his best to govern the land he and his father loves and is learning little-by-little. Thanks to the help of his other brothers and his subordinates, he can still survive all the stress.

[End of Flashback]

“Your Highness. It is me.” Several knocks were heard from a large room and soon a familiar voice was heard; the voice that the First Prince has been waiting for.

“Yes! Please do come in.” The prince finally stopped walking back and forth and sat on his seat in excitement and worry to hear the news from this general.

“So, how did it turn out?” The prince immediately asked the general after it kneeled and bowed in front of him.

“It is true your highness. It is confirmed that the demon twins are here.” The good-looking general had finally reported the news to the prince.

“Are you sure about this Kazuya?” The prince is still in denial about the news he just heard. “How can you be so sure?”

“I personally saw them. They were somehow transported here and they landed in the middle of the village. The townsmen were so alarmed and they started throwing stones on them. They were really looking exactly the way it was in the prophecy. They had this pure black hair and eyes and are wearing black clothes.” The general the prince just called Kazuya reported.

“What happened next?” the prince sounded alarmed and curious at the same time and it looks like he is a little kid being told of a fairy tale story.

“I know since I stood in front of them and was able to touch them. It seemed like they don’t understand anything so I just gave them a piece of this world.” This time, the prince needs to accept the fact that the news is confirmed and worse is that the townsmen already saw them before he could. He himself is curious to see the twins since he has never seen a double black before yet he also is scared on the possible turn of events because of their existence now.

“Thank you Kazuya. I knew I can depend on you. Please call for all my other brothers and tell them to meet me at the Priestess’ prayer room. I will go and inform the Priestess and the Sage for now.” The price stood and immediately proceeded to the Priestess’ prayer room.

[Demon Kingdom]

What Rina did really shocked everyone in the room…

[Yuto’s POV]

This is the first time I personally saw Rina like this. She is normally someone who would rather keep her feelings to herself but today, she totally exploded. I really cannot blame her because of that. She has been stressed this past few weeks and she really becomes a little too sensitive when it comes to the people dear to her. She just slapped that Kota guy straight in the face. I bet this is her first time slapping a person and honestly, I am quite disappointed at her. I never thought she will settle on just slapping him. Knowing her, I thought she will use at least her aikido skills on her and give him a solid punch on his abdomen or a good kick on his crouch.

“Ne-san! What did you do? Why did you…” I was about to talk when the guy she just slapped said something. Now I know what ne-san feels whenever someone interrupts her while saying something.

“You… slapped… me…” the slap seems to be pretty strong since it seems like this guy is talking irregularly now.

“Unfortunately, I just did.” Whoah! Now Rina’s giving a clod treatment. This definitely is a first.

“THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” This guy is like crazy and is screaming his lungs out now. What’s the big deal if someone slapped you in the face? I mean, it might hurt your ego but to go that berserk?! He just went super saiyan and threw the things placed in the table that he was able to reach. This is just a complete mess.

“You know, you are acting like a freak. What’s the big deal if I just slapped you? You should be thanking me because I only slapped you. You should have been lying on the floor now with at least 10 broken bones if I just executed these lovely thoughts I have in mind now.” That was what ne-san said… I knew she had those thoughts in her.

“Why didn’t you just do that? That would have been better!” that dude seriously needs to chill down.

 “Ne ne-san, why didn’t you just use your skills on him?” I said as I decided to approach her. There are broken plates around her feet and I can say she is lucky that she is not hurt.

“Maybe because I am afraid I might wreck that bamboo into pieces or might destroy his pretty face.” Ahaha! I love that comment ne san!

“I am sorry but even if I would want to, I cannot let you go home now.” Finally, the queen spoke.

“Especially now that you are now engaged! Way to go bro!” the blonde guy still managed to be cheerful after seeing his brother went hulk! He’s amazing. Wha.. wait? Engaged?

“Ehhh?! That guy’s engaged? With whom?” I asked… what are they talking about?

“With your sister.” The other prince said… Yuya, yeah. That’s his name.

“EHHHK!! HOW DID THAT JUST HAPPENED!” ne-san and I said in synch. It has been a while since we last talked in synch.

“Allow me to explain things…” Shigeaki said while pushing his glasses. Wait? Since when did he have glasses?

“It is a customary tradition in the Demon Kingdom where slapping a person at his or her left cheek means offering engagement  which means that, you two are now officially engaged.” Shigeaki explained things.

“That’s unfair! I don’t even know that rule?! We don’t know that and I refuse to be engaged with this bamboo!” ne-san really doesn’t like what’s happening now.

“Well so do I!! “That was what the kota guy said.

“If I am not mistaken, there is a famous saying in the human world which says, “Ignorance of the law excuses no one.” In this case, even you, your highness, are not excused.” Yamaa made his remark and he does have a point.

“It is applicable in the human world since I am a human and it is my responsibility to know the rules that goes by where I live but I don’t think that I could also apply it here since it is my first time here and I don’t even have the opportunity to know the rules here. I think it is unfair.” Ne-san is defending herself and I got to say that it really is unfair.

I don’t know if I will laugh at how amusing things are or if I will also be pissed off. Nobody is picking up these things here. Someone might seriously get hurt. Nah! I will just pick these things up before someone gets hurt.

I picked up the knife and the fork that fell because of hulk and now he has turned his attention on me.

“You picked it up?” he said while eyeing on me.

“Uhmmm… yeah?!” I said. Now what did I do wrong and what’s really wrong with this guy! He seriously needs an anger management class! That’s weird… he is… smirking?

“Fork on the right hand and knife on the left hand. Looks like things are going to get bloody around here.” Jun finally said.

“What do you mean?!” arrg!! I am confused!

Now I could see that the Shigeaki is now more restless, Yamapi letting out a big sigh, Jun slapping his forehead, Yuya, still no expression, Hikaru is excited,  the queen who clearly has a blank expression and this Kota guy who has a huge grin on his face.

[End of POV]


What is the meaning of Yuto’s act?

Why can’t they go home?

Who is the Priestess and the Sage?

What will happen next?


Minna! I hope this chapter answered some questions!

I might not be able to update as fast as I can since my dad and I are having turns on using the computer and he wins since he usually gets to use most of the time :D I am also having some really really bad headaches these past few weeks and I feel like banging my head on a wall. :D

I also am asking for you guys to be a little more patient ^_^ I never thought choosing the characters will be this difficult T_T and for that, I have certain announcements ^_^


> There are already some chosen girls for the story and I noticed that I got more than what I need and suddenly realized that it is quite good since I actually needed some more characters. Though these characters are not major characters and will not be having JUMP as their partners, I would like to ask these girls to give me another desired JE partner since they might be minor roles but these are extremely important roles since their characters will be playing a very important part on completing all the puzzle piece in the story. Regarding who these girls will be, I will be announcing them on either chapter 6 or chapter 7 since I will be announcing the list of the chosen girls pretty soon.

> I might be modifying your character a bit to fit the story. I might not be able to fulfill some of your requests… Hope you won’t mind ^_^

> I noticed that a lot of you are wondering why I used the name Rina instead of the usual name I use (which is Satomi). First is that, I thought that it will sound better if it will be Rina Nakajima instead of Satomi Nakajima. I want it to have like a two syllable name to still have a twin like feel since I really don’t want to name it like Yuki or Yuka or something which sounds really close to Yuto’s name.

>Another thing that most of you think is that Sato and Rina is the same. My answer for that will be… Rina is somehow like Sato. All of it will be clear in the end so until then, I hope you will look forward to it ^_^

> As you might notice, the focus is still on the twins. I really don’t want to overload you with too much information so I am trying to take things little by little. I am glad to see that some of you are asking things for clarifications since it also reminds me of stuff :D (You know that I have tendencies to be quite forgetful :D)

> I am also surprised to see that, the Oracle herself seems to know who she really is already ^_^ ahaha! Good job!




I am overwhelmed by the comments you guys leave ^_^ it really motivates me to write some more and to murder my keyboard :D

Comments are really loved ^_^ keep them coming!

♥ Satomi-chan

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@Yoshida_Sayuri: My friends did inspired me ^_^ they all are writing great stories and it is really fun reading them so I thought it will be nice to write one as well ne ^_^ haha!!! thank you for reading my story ^_^
Yoshida_Sayuri #2
Wow, nice story... Wonder what's your inspiration to do this because I in making stories...:D