☯ Knitting Threads

Customary Tradition
[Human Kingdom]

Finally, Pricess Shirika and Princess Shizuna arrived at Human Kingdom’s grounds and was welcomed by King Daiki together with Prince Ryosuke, Prince Yuri together with Riki and a number of servants who formed two lines at the side of the red carpet placed along the walkway.

“I think this is a bit extravagant.” Shizu said as she noticed how intricate the arrangement was. She thinks it is only an ordinary visit so such preparations are really not that necessary anymore. Well, she has an eye for simple things though but considering the taste of her cousin, things became clear for her.

“I think it is pretty normal. Well, since it is me who will come. I expected something like this. Good job so far King Daiki. Hope everything will be like this.” Shirika said with her head held high.

“I am thankful that you like it.” Daiki said with a stiff look. He definitely is nervous and you can see it by the way he breathes.

“No need for the formalities Daiki. It is not like we are not friends or anything.” Shirika said as she went beside Daiki and locked her arms around his.

“It has been a while since I visited here. I never thought I will be here for a different purpose though. Even so, I hope that we will stay good friends like we were before.” Shirika said with a smile but it is clear that she is not fully happy about the arrangement as you can see deep sadness planted in her eyes.

“Come on! There is nothing to be serious about. Let’s proceed to the dining area shall we. I am pretty sure that you guys are tired and hungry because of the journey. I guess we should eat first what do you think KURUMI?!” Daiki noticed that Shirika is trying her best to uplift herself.

They had been bestfriends since they were just children who are starting to walk considering the close relationship of their fathers. He knows her too well. He loosened up a little and ruffled Shirika’s hair. He knows he is the only one who can by calling her “KURUMI” and how she hates it when Daiki ruffles her hair but it is their way of easing up tensions and how they usually settle things.

“Shi…. Shizu! It… has been a while…” Ryosuke pushed Yuri towards Shizu since they are all aware about his feelings for her. Unfortunately, Yuri never fails to stutter in front of Shizu. Something unusual from Yuri since he is actually known to be someone who talks to fast, all in technical terms and a person who always have some trivia with him.

Yuri is known because of his brilliant mind and since he knows quite a lot of things, he has a tendency to babble about all of them. Ryosuke can still remember that time when he asked something about strawberries and they ended up talking about mummies because of the interrelated information that Yuri gives. It is amazing to see him stutter and see him tongue tied whenever Shizu is around. Like Superman’s kryptonite for humans.

“Still stuttering? I guess you should loosen up Yuri. You seemed to be too stressed.” Shizu said as she noticed Yuri stuttering again and fidgeting his fingers. It is not the first time that Yuri stuttered while talking to her because, he, actually, always does it. Weirdly though, she still cannot get used to it.

“By the way Shizu, how is Keito?!” It was Ryosuke who spoke and made Shizu turn her attention on him.

“I think he should be on his way here. Shirika already sent him a message so I don’t think it will be a problem.” Shizu said. Upon turning on to Ryosuke, she saw Riki standing behind him and what is weird is that she has that smirk again. There is something about this girl that she finds familiar like she has seen her somewhere before but she just cannot figure out when and where. Her smirk always sends shivers to her spine and just then, she saw a white cat purring beside her thinking that it most probably is her pet.

“Is there anything wrong Lady Shizuna?!” Riki asked as she noticed Shizuna staring intently at her like closely examining her soul. Riki is not really comfortable with such but she is also very much aware that she has a weird presence and most people are drawn into it. Considering how great of an observer Shizuna is, she somehow expected things to be this way.

“Nothing.” Shizuna replied to Riki using her doll since she is not very comfortable to her unlike with the princes and her cousin.

“What is talking you guys so long. Let us proceed to the dining hall and discuss things there while eating.” Shirika said as she noticed that Ryosuke, Riki, Shizu and Yuri are still at the door talking.

They were all gathered at the Dining hall together with Ryutaro as well. As they were silently eating at the dining hall, there is a small tension around them. Noticing such awkward atmosphere, Ryosuke decided to break the ice.

“Not to sound rude Shirika but, what leads you to such a sudden visit? Did you miss us that much?!” Ryosuke said as he finds it peculiar for Shirika to visit them during spring when she usually visits during autumn.

“I guess there is no point in keeping things. The real reason for my visit is to discuss the marriage with Daiki.” Shirika said without any emotions at all and just enjoying her meal.

There was an eerie silence as no one dared to speak a word or maybe because, there is just nothing to say.

“It is not that I am in a hurry or anything but, my father really wants to settle the marriage as soon as possible. He wants us to hold an engagement party as soon as possible and announce our upcoming marriage. He says it is to seal our kingdom’s pledge of alliance. Father believes that it will be the best contract. I cannot really say no to it.” Shirika said explaining things further.

“How about Shota?!” Daiki said and caught Shirika off guard.
Shota is actually Shirika’s boyfriend and Daiki is very well aware of it. Unfortunately, Shirika’s father does not agree on their relationship because Shota is just an ordinary servant that Shirika met when he saved her from a wild bear while strolling alone in the forest. Since then, she fell in love. They actually had a plan to elope but on the night of the planned date, she was waiting at their secret meeting place but no trace of Shota showed and since then, she had no news about his whereabouts.

“He… is not part of this anymore. I have nothing to do with him.” She said trying to hold back her tears.

“Very well then. If that is what the Jade King wants and if King Daiki and Lady Shirika agrees, I will be arranging your engagement. I guess it will be a good time to gather all the other gem kingdoms and maybe discuss some things. It will be a great opportunity for us to get together with them as well. Well, that is IF you both agree.” It was Ryutaro who made a remark which caught everyone’s attention. Daiki and Shirika looked at each other and in the end; Shirika just turned her attention back to what she is eating.

“I agree with your proposal Ryutaro but I guess now is not the right time. I don’t think there is really a need for us to rush. Let us decide and talk on things thoroughly first. As of now, let us not talk about the alliance or anything in relation to that and just enjoy the company of each other. I hope you will feel comfortable here in our mansion.” Daiki said as he looked at Shizuna and Shirika.

“Thank you.” Shirika replied.

“Just what is this guy thinking?!” Daiki asked himself. He knows that Ryutaro’s intention was not purely about the engagement alone but to what extent his thoughts are, is still a puzzle for him.

“I wonder how Keito is doing now.” Ryosuke said out of the blue making everyone laugh.

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Yuto, Rina, Kota, Yuya, Yamapi and Kaori are now on their horses, crossing a dessert and are on their way towards a place called “Mystic Caves” where they believe the special weapon for Yuto is located. Yuto has the same element as the once great king and also now known as the “Great One”, Sai Himura, and it was rumored that his weapon is hidden in that place and is believed that Yuto is also destined to wield that weapon as well.

“Your Highness, are you alright?!” Kaori asked Yuto who was sitting behind her while on her horse. She is concerned that it is possible that his back will hurt since he said that it is the first time that he will be riding a horse.

“Surprisingly, I am fine here. Thank you for your concern Kaori. By the way, don’t call me your highness anymore ok! Please call me Yuto or whatever you like, just not much of the honorifics ok!” He said as he leaned over Kaori’s shoulder, who is busy handling the horse, and he showed him his bright smile.

“If that is your wish… Yuto.” She also replied with a smile.

“I am more worried about ne-san there…” Yuto said worriedly as he looked at his left where Rina and Kota are riding the same horse at the same pace with theirs also with Rina sitting behind Kota and having no choice but to hold on to Kota for her not to fall on the horse. Like Yuto, it is her first time to ride a horse, unfortunately, she is riding the horse with the person she really is irritated at and under the blazing heat with her having a wig on and clearly, she is not comfortable at anything she is at now unlike Yuto who simply enjoys everything.

“Yamapi, why does ne-san and I need to were these things on?!” Yuto asked Yamapi while pointing at his light brown wig and his light brown contacts as well. Rina on the other hand was wearing a long purple wig paired with purple eye contacts as well. They were also forced to wear different colored clothes which match those types that Kaori and the others wear.

“Those are for your protection. One of the main characteristics of the said “Twins” in the prophecy is their black eyes, hair and clothes since only royalties of the demon kingdom can wear black. The main reason why the townsmen are throwing rocks at both of you when you first came here.” Yamapi explained.

“People were throwing rocks at you?! By the way, Yuto, how were you able to understand our language?” Kaori asked since she heard that the people living in their so called “Earth” speak in a different language.

“There was a really good looking guy who came and saved us from those townsmen who are throwing rocks at us. He then held both of our ears and there was an excruciating pain and after that, we started understanding things but he suddenly wanted to take our heads off. Maybe as the price for making us understand things.” Yuto said while demonstrating some of the parts.

“I guess even so, we should still be thankful to him since if it wasn’t for him, I guess it will still be pretty much impossible for us to understand what they are saying and might think that they are still speaking like aliens for us. Besides, he was not successful in taking our heads off. Thanks, well, I have to admit that I owe those skeletons a big thank you.” Rina said and she seems to be defending that knight which, apparently is, Kazuya Kamenashi.

“So you mean you are willing to have another trip with skellie?! Huh?! Ne-san?!” Yuto asked, well, more of teased since he is sure about his sister’s answer.

“Ni-chan! I never said another trip, just a big thank you. You can have the ride if you want.” She said while shaking a bit remembering how torturous it was for her to be up high with skeletons holding her on her shoulder. No harness, no strings and no soft landing area.

“I knew it, you are a scaredy-cat after all! Just blessed with a big mouth, DIMWIT” Kota said as he teased Rina and thus was electrified as Rina poked him at his sides. That was actually one of his weaknesses… he is a ticklish person and as soon as Rina realized it based on his reaction, she continued doing such.

“Ne-san did it again… See that smile on her face Kaori, please be careful when she has that smile on. She has all sorts of devilish things on her mind when that face is on.” He whispered it on Kaori’s ears carefully and making sure his sister will not hear it. Hearing all of Kota’s unsuccessful attempts and plea on making Rina stop, Kaori nodded and took note of Yuto’s advice.

“Pardon me for interrupting such sweet moments but, I hope you will not mind me asking something.” Yuya asked after clearing his throat.

‘What is it Yuya?!” Rina said as she gave Kota her last blow.

“Thank You Yuya! Kota shouted as he still is gasping for breath.

“I wonder why you two address each other as ne-san and ni-chan?! I am just wondering what it means.” Yuya said as everyone’s attention turned to him.

“In our world, Ne-san is a short term for One-san which means older sister while Ni-chan is short for Oni-chan or Oni-san which means elder brother.” Yuto explained with a proud face.

“You address her as your older sister and she addresses you as her older brother? Who really is the older one?!” Kaori asked Yuto who is still clinging on her.

“There is a good explanation to that. To make things simple, Most of the people think that One-san is the older one but some claims that it is me. So to make things simple, and since we agreed on it, we decided to call each other in such a way so that we will be both correct.” Yuto said while scratching his head.

“I am afraid things are still not clear for me.” Yuya said as he tilted his head.

“Well, time-wise, I came out first so I am technically am a bit older; but as I was researching, I came across a certain study from this certain scientist, which I again forgot who, said that the last born is older since it is more probably because that child was developed first. I consulted Yuto and we both came to an agreement to call each other in such a way. I guess it is better that way. I hope things are clearer now.” Rina explained all in a fast way making almost everyone silent and trying to digest everything.

“I thought that sir Shige is the worst… Never thought there will be another one.” Yamapi thought to himself.

“This place is weird though…” Rina suddenly said.

“Why did you say so?!” Yuto asked.

“This is a dessert but there are some remains of some… walls and stuff like this was an inhabited place before that is just covered by a lot of sand…” Rina said while observing his surroundings.

“Now that you have mentioned it…” Yuto said as he started looking around and noticed things as well.

Kota and Yuya were silent while Kaori gave a worried look to Yamapi. To break the silence, Yamapi decided to talk and explain things.

“Yes. This was an inhabited place before. A really beautiful one actually and a great kingdom.” He said and made Yuto and Rina shocked.

“A great Kingdom?!” Yuto said with wide eyes.

“Yes, this was formerly known as the Emerald Kingdom.” Kaori explained and made Yuto’s jaw literally drop.

“That’s preposterous!” Yuto said.

“This was the location of the Emerald Kingdom before but because of the effect of the Mystical Box, this happened. Remember what Sir Shige explained to you during your first day here in the demon kingdom?! The effects of the Mystical Box are this destructive and that is why they started blaming the demons and the reason why the wars started.” Yamapi explained making sure that the twins is getting the point in everything.

“I guess we really need to hurry and resolve this. So one box is opened… how many more are out there?!” Yuto asked.

“There are still 5 boxes remaining but the good thing is that, we already have the box of poison in our custody. The box of plague was opened. It means that, the box of fire, water, wind, death is still yet to be found.” Kaori explained as she counts things with her hands.

“Looks like there are a lot of works to do…” Rina said worriedly as she realizes how difficult their task is and what is at stake.

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[Demon Kingdom]

Meanwhile at the Demon Kingdom

“Yui, why don’t you sit down there and relax. I am dizzy looking at how you walked back and forth with that face on. Don’t tell me you are bothered that Miura and Rina are about to go out?!” Kei said as he reads a book noticing how weird Yui acts.

“You know very well what will happen and that worries me!! Why did we not join them or at least let me warn them! Another thing, what is Haruma’s connection here?! Why should I even be bothered if Haruma and Rina will be dating?! I don’t find anything wrong with it neither do I have the right to react this way about that matter since I don’t have any right at all! Haruma and I are ONLY friends and that’s all in to it.” Yui explained herself while still walking back and forth. Kei stood up and held Yui’s shoulders firmly to make her stand still.

“I am sorry but we cannot do anything drastic. There is a reason behind everything and we should not interfere. I don’t want you to be in danger that is why I wanted you to stay here instead. Please understand.” Kei explained while staring directly at Yui’s eyes making her stunned for a moment. After explaining things, Kei let go of Yui’s shoulders and went towards the door. Just as he was about to exit, he suddenly made another remark…

“You know, you look cute even when worried. Sadly, you are not a good liar.” Kei said as he walked out of the room.


Will Shirika agree and marry Daiki?

What is Ryutaro planning to do?!

Where is Keito?

Will Yuto be successful on getting his weapon?!

Why is Yui worried?

What did Kei mean on his last statement?!


Another update ne ^_^ I hope I can be able to make posts every week. I just realized that I already have 20 chapters and the story is just starting ^_^ hahaha! I think I will be making long posts.

I honestly am having problems in doing the updates since I just realized that my parents does not really support me that much here and since school is eating a lot of time specially now that we need to start working on a very big paper and project. I hope you all understand ne ^_^

I am thankful to all those who are continuously supporting this story. Thank you very much.

Your comments will be cherished and will really be appreciated. It gives me extra boost to murder my keyboard seeing all your comments. Do tell what you think. As I always say, I am open for criticisms and suggestions and if there is any particular scene in mind that you would like to have ^_^ that will be of great help.

♥ Satomi-chan!

(Did you know that: It is impossible to sneeze and keep one’s eyes open at the same time.) I saw this experiment on Mythbusters once :D hahaha!!

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@Yoshida_Sayuri: My friends did inspired me ^_^ they all are writing great stories and it is really fun reading them so I thought it will be nice to write one as well ne ^_^ haha!!! thank you for reading my story ^_^
Yoshida_Sayuri #2
Wow, nice story... Wonder what's your inspiration to do this because I in making stories...:D