Water Baby


“Ahhhh, feel so good”, Soyu giggled as she stretched her back.  Just woken from a long slumber, she felt refreshed and surprisingly giddy.

Getting ready for the day, she put this outfit on:

“Breakfast, breakfast here I come”, she sang as she skipped to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, 12 boys were seated in the kitchen, eating a bunch of BACON, EGGS and D.ONUGHTS. 

“Why do these donuts taste different from the ones we have on EXO?”  Kai bit into the circular pastry and teleported into the nearby chair and sat down.  A clueless D.O. never saw Kai there and sat down, but squeaked when he felt something weird beneath him.  He had his big eyes open in shock and slapped Kai in the back of the head when he realized it was just him.

“Woah dude, you almost smashed the family jewels”, Kai pushed D.O. off of him until he landed on the floor.

“I shall taste their buns later”, Xui Min puffed his cheeks up and smiled. 

“That sounds so weird, hyung”, Sehun giggled to himself and poked at his eggs.

“Yah, hurry and eat your eggs”, Chanyeol came up behind Sehun, grabbed his fork and stuff the eggs in his mouth.

“And you need to eat your bacon”, Baekhyun stuffed a strip of bacon into Chanyeol’s mouth.

Suho just shook his head at the boys and continued to eat his breakfast in silence.  “What shall I do today?  We have time to roam around for ourselves…I should go find her”, he thought to himself. 

But he didn’t need to when suddenly, the kitchen doors opened to reveal Soyu.  She was smiling at first, but then her face became shocked when she saw the guys.  They became aware of her prescience, quickly jumped off their chairs/table and bowed to her.

“You guys don’t need to do that.  Let’s be friends”, she bowed back and went towards the cook.

“Ayo wassup Ryeowook!  Can you toss that box of Lucky Charms and the milk cartoon to me”, she shouted to the cook who nodded and threw her both objects.  With ease, she caught both and poured both into a bowl.

The boys looked at her in amazement, watching her swift and quick movements.  Suho’s eyes brightened at the sight of her. 

“Look at Suho”, Luhan nudged Chen.  They looked at the love drunk leader and tried to hold their laughter back.  Everyone remembered the little scene between the two the previous night.

Soyu stuck the spoon into her breakfast and looked around the kitchen.

“Y’all want to eat outside?  It smells like meat in here”, Soyu wrinkled her nose and asked the boys.




The 12 royals of Exo all nodded in agreement and followed her out into the grand courtyard.  There were tables next to a mini pond that had big coy inside of them.  It had a tropical feeling to it.  The boys entered with wide open mouths and plates of breakfast.


“This place is so nice”, Kris nodded his head and examined the setup the garden. 

“I always come here when I need some time to breath”, Soyu sat down on a table closest to the pond.

The boys dispersed around the pond/garden and started exploring.  Suho saw his opportunity and slid into the seat next to Soyu.

“Hey, there” he scared her as she yelped in surprise. 

“Yah, you gave me a heart attack”, Soyu started laughing as she patted her heart.

“Why?  Because I shocked you with my godly face”, he wiggled his eyebrows and she pushed him lightly on the shoulders.

“No, because of the big booger in your nose.” Soyu giggled and pointed at his nose.

“WHAT?!” Suho said loudly and hid his nose from her.

“You should have seen your face”, she broke out into pure laughter when she saw his expression.  Slapping her knee, she had to drink some water to clear .

Suho stared at her bright face and frowned.  “Yah, I will get my revenge!”

Soyu stuck out her tongue to give him a cute mehrong and then continued eating.  Suho smiled when he saw how big got trying to eat her cereal.  He noticed her long lashes that reflected in the white liquid.

“Calm down.  No one is here to steal your food”, Suho patted her back.

“I know, but I am so hungry”, she sipped the milk.

He just smiled and picked up the bacon in his plate.  “Want some?”

Soyu straightened her back and took the bacon from his fingers.  “Thanks.”

Taking a bite out of it, she gave it back to him and he finished the strip up.

Little did they know, pictures of them were being taken behind all the trees.




Soyu’s cellphone rang in her shorts.  The vibration against her thighs made her laughed as she fished out the phone in her short pocket.


“Yo, sis.  Where you at?”  Jina’s loud voice rang out through the receiver.

“Oh good morning; I am in the coy garden.  I’m with…”

“Ok cool.  Taehyuk could use some play time with the fishes.  We are coming.”

And with that, Jina hung up.

“Who was that?”  Suho asked, curious to what her answer would be.

“You’ll see”, Soyu patted his shoulder and smiled to the returning Exo boys.

“I want to build something like this when we get back to Exo”, Lay took out his phone and took a picture.

Some boys sat at the edge of the concrete ground, right before the ground met with the pond.

“Now, what would happen if I stuck my finger in the water”, Chen mischievously was about to poke the water, mini lightening surging through his hands.

“Don’t you dare…” Soyu didn’t know his name.

“Chen”, Suho whispered into her ear.

“Chen!”  She completed her sentence.

“Sorry”, he apologized and rested his head against Kai’s shoulder.

“WE ARE HERE”, Jina shouted as she strutted her way to her sister.  Taehyuk shook her arms as he was biting on her hair.

“Hyukie, come here.”  Soyu said cutely and pulled him out of Jina’s arms.

“I want you to meet somebody, baby boy”, she kissed his check, a smack sound coming off when she release him.

“This is Suho.  Say ‘hello hyung’”  Taehyuk didn’t listen as he was passed onto Suho.

“Oh…wait…what do I do…Soyu…how?”  Suho never held a baby in his life before.  But, when he was Taehyuk was passed to him, the baby fit comfortably in his arms.  A special feeling rose in his chest has he touched the baby’s hand.

“He has water powers”, Suho knew that feeling well and smiled at Taehyuk.  The baby boy giggled as his tiny hands reached up to hold Suho’s face. 

Suho stood up from his seat and walked towards the pond.  Saying something strange to Taehyuk, he placed him in the water.

Jina gasped at the thought of her brother drowning and freaking out especially with all that fish in there.  But to her surprise, he didn’t sink, but sat on the water.  Suho sent a tiny water ball towards his direction and also said more weird words.  Taehyuk flapped his hands up and down as he caught the flying water ball.

“Good job, buddy”, Suho gave a genuine eye smile and picked him out of the water.  Taehyuk’s clothes were not wet, but dry.

Soyu’s eyes were gleaming, not really because of Taehyuk’s new power discovery, but because of Suho.  She felt all giddy inside when she saw his eye smile. 

“This feels like the perfect love story”, Soyu thought to herself and giggled like a fangirl.




Jina sat in the chair as she watched Soyu, Suho and Taehyuk play with the water and fish like a happy family.  She was still feeling a bit bad ever since last night.  She could feel some of the boys’ eyes on her; she wanted to see if Baekhyun was looking her way.  She was still in his sweatshirt, but had a white shirt and yellow shorts on.  She was sure the other boys recognized that it was Baekhyun’s sweatshirt.

Rubbing her itchy eyes, she never noticed the boy who had walked up behind her.  He hung his head low as he sat down next to her.  His eyes were covering his eyes a bit, giving him a ‘too-cool-for-you’ feel.  He was still wearing his sweats from last night.

“You planning on giving back my sweatshirt?”

“Maybe”, Jina instantly noticed who it was, but kept her cool.

She met his eyes and she looked away in shame. 

“Why did I have to sound like an insecure little girl?”


“How can I get her to see me differently?”



kkkk, updated!  kekeke hope you guys liked it!

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Kyaaa so romantic! Baekhyun!! Are you a fan of Soyu by the way?
I cant stop smiling. Update soon!
I thought it was sweet.. Update sooN!
Wonder what Key is talking about
Namikhun #6
She's gonna get hurt? Hmm.. By who?
park_eunji #7
Awwww, my precious Tao! xD
Can't wait for the next chappie ~ :)