Sudden ?

Two Schools, Many Loves
Youngmin POV

Oh this is embarrassing! A older guy carrying you around the school as if you were a trophy or something! He's good looking but this is too much. We got to what I think is the gym and OMG it's structural make up is amazing! It looks like its made for jousting! I was snapped out of my day dreaming when Onew put me down by a rack of uniforms.

"Whats your name?" I heard him ask me.

"Oh um Jo Youngmin." He started looking through the rack as soon as he heard my name and found one that had my name tag on it. It had one tick mark, what the H dose that mean? Might as well ask.

"Onew?" He looked at me. My uniform still in his hands.

"Yes?" He asked looking down once again at my uniform.

"What does the tick mark mean?" He looked at it and understood what I meant  because he started to explain.

"Your a Freshmen so you get one tick mark I'm a Junior so I get three." OH! Every thing makes sense now! Wow so Onew is a Junior! Never expected this turn out!

"Youngmin-ah follow me." I heard Onew say. I followed close behind until we made it to where there were dressing rooms. He opened it up and it was fairly spacious considering there were many dressing rooms in the gym. Onew turned to me and grabbed my shoulders "Now to get rid of the unwanted clothing." Onew grabbed my shirt and started to take it off. Gah! What is this! Why is he doing this?

"O-Onew-Hyung s-stop!" this didn't affect him at all. Until we heard someone scream.

"Onew Hyung! Stop molesting students!" I heard Onew make a tisk sound. *sigh* I'm saved! Onew turned to meet with the other male student. I looked at him, brown hair and big puppy eyes, and very muscular compared to me. 'Kim Jonghyun' it said on his name tag and three tick marks, hmm a Junior and coming from how he called Onew 'Hyung' it must make him younger by a few months (or a year)depending if he was that respectful to his elders. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hello, What's your name?"  He asked me. A ting of red passed by my cheeks as I answered looking at him.

"Oh! Youngmin, Jo Youngmin." He took out a clip board and started to scold Onew on how he shouldn't a male student unless he wants to be arrested for molestation and possible . Once he was done scolding he smiled and looked back at me.

"Ok Jo Youngmin! 15 years old, and a Freshmen, Welcome to K-S/R High." he told me.

"Nee Kamsamnida~"

"Now you can go change Youngmin. I won't let this child molester anywhere near your dressing room." He said glaring at Onew and handing me my uniform that he snatched from the older male's grasp. I looked at Onew and he had a sorry face on as he mouthed 'Im sorry' to me. I made a 'ok' sign with my hand and mouthed "Its okay" I could see that his spirits were lifted as he smiled once more at me. Oh I'm not mad, just surprised that he would try to take my clothes off my body in such a bold manner. Quickly Jonghyun led the way to the dressing room and closed the door behind me. I quickly changed and took a few minutes to look in the mirror. I don't look like a highschool student nor do I fell like one but some how I feel like I belong here. The red uniform went well with my blond hair, I looked good to my standards. I opened the door and came out. Both Jonghyun and Onew turned to look at me. Jonghyun smiled and there was a sparkle in Onew's eyes when he saw me.

"Whoo~ Clothes make the man!" I heard Jonghyun state in a... Jock accent? I looked at him rising my eyebrow in suspsion, he cleared his throat reacting to my actions. "Ehem... Sorry my jock accent come up." He smiled embarressed.

"You used to be a jock? Football player?" He nodded.

"Yeah all three years of middle school and I played first two years of highschool but it was to hard to keep up with it so I... let it study full time on music." Onew taped his back in a soothing manner.

"Oh... That's too bad." I told him sadly. What else could I say! >.< too late now-.-' *Sigh*

"Jonghyun Hyung! Onew Hyung! My cousin's all set!"

"Hey Minho." I heard both of them say in a cheery voice as they both went to talk to him. 'Minho' had three tick marks. Junior! ^.^ Minho's cousin was kinda also left out of the group reunion(like me). He looked at me and smiled. I noticed that he had a sorta scary face but because he smiled it made him look really nice. I smiled back giving him the same amount of politeness that he gave me. He approached me and as he did I got a closer look at his name tag.

"Kang Dongho (Baekho)" It said and one tick mark.... wait. He's a freshmen like me!!! Yeah!

"Um Hello... I'm Baekho, nice to meet you." He acted cool but I knew he was nervous on the inside. He's not the only one. >.<'

"Hello I'm Jo Youngmin... Nice to meet you too!" He smiled. OMO! He's really handsome! Almost god like now that he's close!

"I see your Freshmen Youngmin." Baekho said pointing to my name tag. I laughed.

"You too" I also pointed to his name tag. We both chuckled at our silliness.

"So how was your day so far?" I put my hand to my head and thought for a second.

"Hmm.. Let's see.... I fell and hurt my ankle a bit, I almost got and that's pretty much it." His face became surprised with every word I said.

"Wow~ But is your ankle ok?" He had a worried face on. I jumped a few times on my 'hurt ankle' with my hands slightly raised. Only after did I realized that I must have looked very feminine. I mentally slapped myself for acting too girly.

"That's good." He told me. Not even asking about the way that I looked.

"Ok both of you, for some strange reason you two have the same exact schedules so might as well go together." Jonghyun told us handing us a price of paper with our schedules printed on it. Me and Baekho looked at them and it was true we had all the same classes. What of luck! I guess I found a friend to hang out with! Yay! I bowed down to Baekho he looked taken aback because he quickly bowed too.

"Baekho, let's be friends! I'll be in your care~" I said still bowing. Baekho looked surprised.

"Uh M-Me too. I'll be in your care as well." We both rised from our bowing position and smiled at each other.

"Aigoo~ so cute." I heard Jonghyun say. "Well Minho we'll leave them in your care." Minho said nothing to them but simply waved good bye. He looked at me and bowed. I quickly bowed as well a little surprised.

"Choi Minho. Its a pleasure to meet you." Wha! What manners!

"Uh! Jo Youngmin. Likewise." Baekho smiled a bit enjoying this funny moment.

"Well Youngmin ah Baekho ah I show you to your homeroon teacher." He turned around. "Please follow me." Baekho followed without further question as I followed close behind. While we walked we got to know each other a bit more. I learned that he knew and practiced martial arts. Cool! Hmm. This years going to be interesting!!!

AN: Hello! Thank you to all of you who have subscribed!! I love you!!! XD see ya next chapter!! Bye bye~

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sorry guise for the long wait~


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Chapter 23: OMG i love it Can't wait for u to finish story ^_^
Alysworld #2
Chapter 23: Omg I freaking love the parents they are so funny and open xD
Chapter 23: LMAO this was my favorite line ever!
“Dang they are really at it aren’t they?” I said lying on my shared bed listening to the creaking of the beds above. Appa laughed looking at me"
Chapter 22: Their parents are so open to them... My mother would have thoroughly interrogated my (non-existing) boyfriend if I brought him home. Oh, great update. I am dying to know what happened next (, maybeh? ;D)
PigRabbit1912 #5
Chapter 22: Lol, the twins have awesome parents~
nousername #6
Chapter 22: :o xD please update soon!
Chapter 21: update3333..i really enjoy your story so much.. ;)
Chapter 21: update3333..i really enjoy your story so much.. ;)
Chapter 21: what a sporting parent..i looooiiiiikeeeeee..hehe :P
aigoo youngminnieeeeeeee!!! u're so adorable =^.^=
Chapter 21: Ooooo, me double commenting. Wow, you really lived up to your promise. I wish I update as fast as you. I take about 2 months in the least TT3TT