Christmas (Part 3) *Late OTL DX*

Two Schools, Many Loves

Kwangmin POV


I had finished the last minute touches to my outfit and I ended up wearing green skinnies and a red sweater. I was very comfortable actually. I walked across the hall and knocked on the door.


“Youngmin~ Almost done~?” I asked through the door.


“Yeah give me a sec~” I heard from behind the door. A second later the door opened with a well-dressed Youngmin.


“Well someone took their time.” I said smiling. He rolled his eyes playfully.


“You did too!!” He said with a small pout. I laughed.


“But I’m wearing jeans and a sweater and you’re wearing whatever you’re wearing!” I told him looking at what looked like his man skirt.


“Yah! As long as it looks pretty I could care less what it is!” He said cutely while crossing his arms. I chuckled.


“Well it looks good on you hyung!” I told him. He looked at me and smiled. “Well we should start heading downstairs now~ I think I heard Onew and Minwoo’s voices a few minutes ago.” I told him. He nodded.


“Arrasso lets go~” He said happily. He walked down the stairs and saw that Onew and Minwoo there already sitting on the table. Minwoo was the first to notice us and he came running over to us like a lost puppy.


“Youngmin!!!!” He screamed and he hugged him. I smiled but shook my head at their cheesiness.


“Yah! Kwang! Come here.” Onew said with a smile and stretched arms. I smiled and run over and hugged him.


“ Jinki~” I said in his embrace.


“Well isn’t this adorable! My two son and their boyfriends!” Appa said looking at us hugging Umma.


“Ne~ Yeobo~” Umma said smiling back. Me and Youngmin let go and coughed rubbing the back of our necks.


“Aigoo! Both of you there is no need to be embarrassed! It perfectly normal!!” Umma said loudly giggling a bit.


“Uhh… Let’s just eat!” I suggested. My umma and appa smile.


“Arrasso come everyone to the table ill bring everything out to start the festivities!!!” Umma said rushing to the kitchen bringing turkey rice and other delicious things that would fill all our bellies. We sat down and enjoyed the meal as best as we could and then the part that both me and Youngmin despised. The numerous questions that they would have for both of them… Sometimes I think my parents are too much!


“So Minwoo…” Appa said. Minwoo looking at him waiting to be asked a question. “Son do you work?” I could see cold sweat start to form on minwoo’s fore head the poor guy.


“A-ani Appa.. I do not work…” He said sadly.


“What about you Onew?” Onew looked up at him and answered.


“I also do not.” He said confidently.


“What about cars do either of you own cars?” They both shook their head. But Onew spoke up at the last second.  


“I do have a driver’s license though… im sure Minwoo has his permit as well.” Onew said turning to Minwoo.


“A-ah! Yes I passed the test I am just waiting for it to arrive in the mail…” I looked over at Appa and he laughed.


“Aigoo! Don’t be so nervous Minwoo! Are you hiding something?” He asked Minwoo now looking at him completely.


“A-ani! I-I-I’m not!” he squeaked. My mother and father both laughed.


“Arara! Maybe he has stolen my Youngmin’s innocence already and he does not want to face the consequences???” My mother said with an almost evil looking smile and sounding laugh.


“U-Umma!” Youngmin screamed out embarrassed that she would say something like that. She looked at Youngmin.


“It must be true then!” She clapped her hands laughing feeling no sympathy for my brother. I laughed a bit too. Youngmin looked at me in shock.


“Yah!” I looked at him.


“ Don’t take it up the … of wait you already did~” He blushed a burgundy red in embarrassment and looked away. Not many people knew this but it was true Youngmin had lost it to Minwoo but not on just any day but on Halloween. They are actually very active if I do say so myself. I on the other hand had not reached that level of intimacy with Onew. I can’t lie we have been close to doing it but we never passed kissing and groping. I sighed a bit. I can’t lie I want to but I can’t hide that fact that I’m also nervous… My mother laughed at my comment.


“So minwoo on a scale of 1-10 how good was my son in bed?” Father asked.


“It had to be at least a 7 considering the number of hickies that Youngmin tries to hide and fails!” Mother said testing Minwoo. He grew red and flustered and finally responded.


“I-I-I… *thud*” I opened my eyes wide seeing that he had fainted? Poor Minwoo. I said in sympathy for him. Youngmin screamed when he say this and ran to his side.


“yah! Don’t play with me! Minwoo!” He said shaking him a futile attempt if I do say so myself. My father laughed.


“That ought to scare him for a bit!” Youngmin looked at father in disbelief.


“Bwoah! Appa! Umma!” Mother laughed.


“Oh Youngmin dear it’s just to scare! The younger ones are always prone to making mistakes so we are just scaring him a bit!” Mother looked at Youngmin with a smile. I was laughing on the inside so much it hurt to keep it in. Youngmin pouted.


“Come on! I’ll take Youngmin upstairs he’ll sleep in your room tonight!” Father picked Minwoo up and carried him up the stairs to Youngmin’s room. Youngmin following close behind leaving my mother, Onew and I behind. She looked at us.


“I hope you don’t think of us as weird. We are trying to make sure Youngmin has a good one.” She told Onew.


“Not at all! I glad I’ve gained your respect!” She laughed a bit.


“Yes you are older, I take it you will be able to make your own decisions as an adult and not ones of a child. Am I right?” Onew smiled at her.


“When it comes to Kwangmin I would make decisions of an adult never of a child… but I can’t promise I’ll be like that for everything else.” He laughed showing his eye smile. My mother and I laughed a bit.



“Arrasso! That’s all I need to hear! Go on! Kwangmin take him to your room he’s a visitor!” I smiled.


“Ne~ Umma~” Onew followed me upstairs and we entered my room as soon as he closed the door I attacked him with kisses.


“What’s that for?” He laughed locking the door making sure no one would come in.


“Nothing~ I’ve been wanting to that since you entered the house~” I said looking at him in the eyes. He laughed.


“Well now you have me~” He said as I kissed him. We slowly started to move to the bed and fell on it when it was close enough.




A/N: Cliffhanger! Almost lol. Sorry I didn’t update smh I’m a fail but here it is~ Comment and stuff~~~~




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sorry guise for the long wait~


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Chapter 23: OMG i love it Can't wait for u to finish story ^_^
Alysworld #2
Chapter 23: Omg I freaking love the parents they are so funny and open xD
Chapter 23: LMAO this was my favorite line ever!
“Dang they are really at it aren’t they?” I said lying on my shared bed listening to the creaking of the beds above. Appa laughed looking at me"
Chapter 22: Their parents are so open to them... My mother would have thoroughly interrogated my (non-existing) boyfriend if I brought him home. Oh, great update. I am dying to know what happened next (, maybeh? ;D)
PigRabbit1912 #5
Chapter 22: Lol, the twins have awesome parents~
nousername #6
Chapter 22: :o xD please update soon!
Chapter 21: update3333..i really enjoy your story so much.. ;)
Chapter 21: update3333..i really enjoy your story so much.. ;)
Chapter 21: what a sporting parent..i looooiiiiikeeeeee..hehe :P
aigoo youngminnieeeeeeee!!! u're so adorable =^.^=
Chapter 21: Ooooo, me double commenting. Wow, you really lived up to your promise. I wish I update as fast as you. I take about 2 months in the least TT3TT