First Meeting

Happy Go Lucky Tae

I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him throughout the remainder of the day. At 3 o'clock, the school bell rang to signal the end of the day and I bundled out of school amongst the crowds of other school kids. Thank god I'd be leaving this place in a couple of months. I couldn't wait to get out of school and for once have some independance.

 I unravelled my headphones.

"Hey pretty boy, neon eodinga bujokhae..." I was mumbling the words to my current favourite 2NE1 song whilst turning out of the school gates and heading home. I had to navigate through the center of Seoul and then through some narrow backstreets and alleyways before I reached my house. It wasn't a rough are at all but I still didn't wanna hang around, you never knew who could be lurking in a dark corner.

I noticed there weren't many people around as I was leaving the bustling streets of the city and approaching the suburbs. For this reason, I quickened my pace a little. I'd walked these streets hundreds of times but I had always been a bit paranoid at times. The sky was darkening as a swarm of grey clouds advanced over the city. A single raindrop landed in my eye, causing me to squeeze it shut. I wiped away the rainwater and pulled my hood up over my head in case of a downpour. I didn't wish to be caught up in the rain, I wasn't a big fan of it, and seeing as I didn't even have an umbrella, I sped up. With a headphone in one ear and my hood decreasing the efficiency of the other, I realised I wouldn't even notice if someone was behind me. This made me anxious. I put it down to my paranoia. Though, I didn't want to take any chances. I sped up even more. I was almost breaking into a jog. I glanced over my shoulder.



Was that...?

No. I pushed that thought to the back of my head and concentrated on getting home, quickly. The rain was heavier now and I, for one, did not want to hang around. Thunder roared above my head, forcing me to break into a run; I couldn't bear thunder, not at all. After some moments, I quickly came to realise that I was not where I should have been and that, in my haste, I must've taken a wrong turn. I didn't know where to go. In a blind panic, I turned right and ran for the end of the street. I darted in and out of backstreets, my feet slamming against the concrete, helpless. The rain was beating down and no matter where I ran, I couldn't find the right street to take me home. Frustrated, I sprinted around the nearest corner. My heart practically jumped into my mouth as I ran straight into a tall, dark figure. I gasped. I turned. I fled. I stumbled onto the hard ground. My hood fell down and my headphone fell out. I could hear my attacker approaching me fast. I screamed and tried to scramble away. There was a searing pain in my hand, I must've cut it when I fell. I felt a firm grip on one arm and immediately lurched away. Another hand clamped down on my shoulder. I hadn't realised until now just how heavy my breathing was. As I battled for air, I felt dizzy. The world was slowly growing darker. My eyelids felt incredibly heavy. I was falling backwards in what felt like slow-motion. And just before the darkness enveloped me, I thought I caught a glimpse of...

No, it couldn't be...

But wasn't that..?

Author's Note

Second chapter! Can you guess who the mystery man is? And I don't really know the geography of Seoul, the scenes in my story are just for entertainment, I doubt I'm correct since I made this up,keke.

After Chapter Three, the chapters become a little longer... I've written all the way up to the sixth chapter now! I had a scribbling frenzy last night, I was up until past 12am and now its almost 8am here so I've not had an awful lot of sleep. I'm up this early because nobody else in my house is awake and its easier to type this up with no pestering or distractions.

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)