
Happy Go Lucky Tae

Jinki's POV

"Mr Lee?"

I rolled over.

"Mr Lee?"

A little louder this time. Slowly, I peered through my eyelashes, straining at the effort it took to open my heavy eyelids.


Blinding white light.

I tried again, shielding my eyes with my hand. Above me, a beaming nurse.

"Oh, Mr Lee!"


"You're awake! They told me you wouldn't wake up any time soon! They said to leave you alone! You'd been out since yesterday afternoon, they said-"

"Who..." I mumbled, ignored.

"They said all that and now look at you, oh just look at you Mr Lee!"

"Uh, where am I?" My voice was little more than a croak.

"Oh Mr Lee... You're in the hospital."


I tried to sit up but I was immediately refused this request by a searing pain in my head.

"Mr Lee, no, don't try to get up. Oh no, Mr Lee. I do wish you wouldn't. Try to get some rest please, Mr Lee."

"What happened to me..?"

"Oh-" she choked, holding back sobs. She took a deep breath. "I'm afraid you had a terrible blow to your head, Mr Lee. The doctor says your head was-"

More sobs.

"The doctor says your head was hit against a wall, Mr Lee."

Who was this woman...


Jihyun's POV




I felt my hair being .


It was soothing.


I liked that.


Taemin's POV


Jihyun... oh Jihyun.

"Why did it have to be you..."

I sat alone helplessly at the side of Jihyun's hospital bed, whispering things to her in the silence of the room. Silence, except for the machine monitering her.

"Jihyun, please wake up..."


Jihyun had been brought straight to the hospital from the warehouse and given a shot to make her sleep in the ambulance. She hadn't woken up since yesterday afternoon.

The white, sterile room hurt my eyes. I tried to focus on her face. Her pretty features.

"You have beautiful eyes, do you know that Jihyun? The most pretty eyes I've ever witnessed. Won't you open them? For me Jihyun..."


I played with her soft, glossy hair. Somebody had clearly fixed her up since yesterday. She was clean again. Her eyes fluttered.




I took her hand.

"Jihyun, why did you scream when you saw me? Why were you so scared? You know I'd never hurt you, right? And I'll never let anybody else hurt you. Not again. I won't let you be t-taken away from me again. I promise. I promise..."

I pressed the heels of my palms to my eyes to hold back my tears.


"I'll be strong for you Jihyun," I sobbed, softly. "Just you wait. I'll be there for you. Just like that time in the park when you cried. I was there then, wasn't I? You looked so sad, it broke my heart. Really. I wanted nothing more than to make sure you were always happy from then on. I want you to be happy..."


My tears flowed more freely, my sobs louder.

"Jihyun..." I sniffed. "Please... Please w-wake up now... I love y-you, Jihyun... Please... I love you so much..."

Her fingers twitched.

"Jihyun?" I whispered, leaning towards her.

Steadily, her eyes opened, taking in her surroundings... until they fell on me.


A high-pitched wail that forced out of me only more tears.

"Jihyun, p-please don't scream..."

Machines started to beep faster and louder and nurses came rushing in to the room. Chaos errupted at the scene with a flurry of nurses and electronic noises and Jihyun in the middle of it all, crying and very obviously distressed.

"Sir, please come with me."

I was guided out of the room by a nurse, left watching through the gap in the blinds of her window as the nurses calmed Jihyun down and sedated her. I turned and fell back into the wall, sliding down. My head was held in my hands, tears caught by them. I just wanted her back...

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)