Awesome Grapes

Happy Go Lucky Tae

Taemin's POV

"...Do you want something to eat?"

"No, I'm okay, thanks."

"You sure? These grapes are aweso-"
"Seriously," Jihyun laughed. "I'm fine, Taemin."

"Okay... but you should probably eat something soon, you know, just in case you feel-"

"Tae! Honestly, I'll eat when I get hungry, I swear."

I knew I was fussing but I wanted her to be okay. Though, she didn't look too bad if I was honest. Even though she was just dressed in one of those dull, stark hospital tunic things and didn't have her make-up or hair done, the glint in her eyes and the colour in her cheeks made me believe she was feeling better. Yet... she still wouldn't talk about what happened. Every time I tried to get her to talk about it she only shook her head and said, "Not yet, Taemin. I'm not ready..."

I didn't push her, I didn't want her to get stressed, or worse... I still shuddered thinking about how she reacted when she was rescued. I focused only on trying to make Jihyun feel stonger and healthier so that she could come home as soon as possible. There were some daffodils on the window sill in the hospital room that Jihyun's mother had brought in, but they were drooping slightly now. I had offered to move them but Jihyun insisted they stay, for now at least. Beside them sat a small dinosaur plushie that Jonghyun had brought in, apparently to 'remind her of him'... I didn't get it, but it was nice that they got along. Jonghyun wanted to meet her so as soon as she was healthy enough to have visitors he tagged along with me. He fussed over her a lot which was kind of endearing, in a weird way. I was thankful that he liked her though, and that she liked him. Jonghyun and I had been friends for years so it was good to know that they wouldn't be at each others throats all the time. 

I hadn't visited Jinki for a while. He was still in the hospital but recovering quickly from his injuries. I liked Jinki and I didn't want to ruin our friendship; the last time I went to see him things got heated, so I was staying away for the moment.

"You need to tell her, Taemin."

"No. Not yet, maybe not ever. What she doesn't know can't hurt her. I can't see her hurt again."

"What if she finds out?"

"She won't. Besides, she's only just recovering from what happened. She doesn't need that right now. And... she's only just let me back in, I don't want to ruin this."

"It will be worse if she finds out later on, when you're even closer..."

"Why does she even need to know anyway?!"

"BECAUSE IT'S THE TRUTH, TAEMIN." He sighed. "She deserves the truth."

I suppose she does deserve to hear the truth but right now, I think it would do more damage that good. 

"What are you thinking about, Taemin?"


Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. I took a shaky breath and re-composed myself.

"Nothing important," I assured her with a bright smile.

Nothing important...

OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY OKAY I know I haven't updated in about 3 months and I apologise! I'm in my last year of high school and things are crazy; I'm busy with work and revision etc and when I'm not I'm doing other stuff and this fic sort of moves further and further down my to do list :c I'm going to try hard to keep updating for you guys! Also imma make Taemin tell Jihyun 'the truth' in the next chap so you guys won't hate me for a prolonged cliffhanger xD Thank you for reading :)

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)