
Happy Go Lucky Tae

Authors Note~ Heeey, again I'm uploading from my phone and I PROMISE to sort the paragraphs out ASAP! It doesn't read as well without the paragraphs which are SUPPOSED to be there... Ugh, idek why they don't work when I upload from my phone >.< Anyway enjoy!


Taemin's POV~



"How long do I have to stay here for?"

I blinked wearily at Jonghyun. "I don't know. I've been here for two days now. Nobody is telling me anything..."

"Well they've gotta be making some process right? They must be getting somewhere..." His voice trailed off and reflected the lack of certainty in his eyes.

I sighed, "I just don't know... I'll be back in a minute."

I left Jonghyun and walked over to the bathroom. I felt hot and uncomfortable and when I let the cool water from the taps trickle over my face everything felt just a little bit better. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. Boy, did I look rough. I estimated that for the past 48 hours I'd had less than 6 hours sleep. And it was showing. There were dark circles under my eyes which looked bloodshot and sunken. My hair looked limp and dirty. I'd been surviving off strange tasting coffee in those awful paper cups and anything I could find from vending machines. I could've killed for a hot meal.

My brain didn't seem to be functioning properly due to all this; I found that any questions people asked me got harder to answer and sometimes I forgot how to do simple tasks like tying my shoelaces or signing my own name. I was a wreck. But I couldn't help it.



EDIT:: Okay, I sorted out the paragraphing. Sorry for the short update!

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)