Where've you been?

Happy Go Lucky Tae

I was becoming tired of Taemin's disappearing acts. Since I'd been frustrated with not being able to contact him, we'd exchanged phone numbers. We'd met up a few times since the day in the park, but each time he'd eventually dart off without warning. Last week he'd left me in the middle of the theatre halfway through the film. The week before I'd been abandoned in the middle of a department store. The kid was weird, of that I was sure. But he never failed to raise my spirits whenever I saw him.

We'd grown close over the past month, I like having him around. My parents liked him. I was beginning to think they liked him more than me. My mum baked him cookies every time he came round, and when my dad was teaching him how to jumpstart a car, I'd been left alone for almost a whole afternoon. Although, because they liked him and trusted him so much, my parents let Taemin and I have sleepovers at my house. I loved doing that. Most times I'd wake up and he'd been gone, but he always left me a little note by my bed.

I hadn't seen Taemin for over a week now and when his name lit up on my phone, I almost choked on my drink.


"Taemin-ah! Where've you been?"

"Hey, don't get mad, Jihyun." I imagined him forming his cutest pout as he said it, and laughed.

"Aigoo, Jihyun, aren't you cute."


"Okay, okay, sorry. And I'm sorry I've not been in touch recently... I've been... busy."

"It's okay," I chirped, so happy to finally be speaking to him again that I didn't notice the melancholy tone in his voice.

"When can I see you?"

I wasn't busy so I replied with, "Is now a good time?"

"Of course! I've missed my little Jihyun!"

"Yah! I'm not little! Take it back," I whined.

"Haha, I'm just teasing." This proved to be Taemin's favourite activity. "I'll be over in ten."

I didn't bother brushing my hair, or even making myself look at all presentable. It was just Taemin, I didn't care.

"Dok dok dok."

"You know, Taemin-ah, if you actually knock, the door makes that noise for you."

He laughed.

"Whatever," he said playfully, picking me up and swirling me round into the kitchen. I fussed and told him to put me down, but he knew I didn't mind really.

"You're such a tease." His only response to this was flicking my forehead softly. I flicked him back.

"Ah!" He gasped, cradling his head in his hands.

"Taemin-ah, what are you doing?" He looked up mischeviously. He pounced. I squealed as he pushed my down onto the sofa. The play fighting continued until I remembered about Taemin's rushed departures.



"Promise me you won't run off again today. At least give me some prior warning?" I flashed my most charming, heart-warming smile at him. He sat up properly and rested his head on my shoulder. The weight was comforting.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could stay tonight... My parents are out of town on business and my house is kinda empty and lonely with nobody around."

"Sure, Taemin-ah! My parents are actually away too... But I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

We stayed like that for a while, watching various variety shows and munching on popcorn. Taemin asked me about school, but I never asked him about his days. He never seemed to want to talk about that. Hell, I was curious.

As the light faded, I grew tired.

"I'm going to bed, Taemin-ah."

"You sleepy?"

I nodded.

"Ne, me too."

I trudged  upstairs to my room, Taemin close behind. In the few weeks I'd known him, he'd grown up. Although he was still energetic, he was less child-like and more protective and caring. Like an older brother.

I climbed into bed. Taemin usually slept on the spare mattress on the floor. He knew where this was, he was more than acquainted with my house by now. Yet he didn't go to get it this time. I felt a small draft of cold air as the duvet was lifted.  The mattress sunk as Taemin crawled in next to me.

"Yah," I said softly. " What are you doing?"

He purred, "You can't kick me out, Jihyun. It's cold on the floor tonight." I turned to look at him and it was no surprise to see his lips already jutting out in perfect pout position. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable and the warmth of his body was nice, so I let him stay.

"Thankyou, Jihyun."

In the gloom of the room I saw him smile sweetly. He stretched out his arms and clasped them around my waist. I knew better than to think this was anything more than innocent and friendly. I relaxed into his embrace and allowed myself to drift off to sleep. Perfect.

But would he still be there in the morning? 


Author's Note

I know guys and girls don't really get too affectionate in Korea unless they're like super close or in a relationship but I wanted to show just how close these two are already! xD

Obviously I have no way of knowing how Taemin really acts when he's not acting cute on variety shows or acting all yified in MV's... LOL :3 But all of this is too build up his character in this particular story so just roll with it ^^

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)