"Play nice."

Happy Go Lucky Tae

Authors Note~

Hello to all my wonderful readers!^^ If you didn't know, I've finally started up my second fanfic! Yaaaaaaay :D You guys should go check it out^o^ I'm guessing it'll take a few chapters to fully get going but if you stick with it I'm sure it'll be worth it :) I don't have the link but you can find it in my Stories.


Jihyun's POV

I wolfed down the noodles Jinki had brought me as though I hadn't eaten a proper meal for weeks. Which was half true, I guess. Truth be told, I wasn't even aware of the change from day to night anymore; one of the men had put a shutter over my window and my sleeping pattern was all over the place. Jinki told me that I'd been here for 10 days but he still couldn't tell me why.

"Thankyou so much, Jinki," I said as I handed the bowl back to him.

"No problem, I don't want to see you wasting away," he chuckled. It was light-hearted but his laugh was thick with the deep irony of what he'd said. The fact that I was infact on my way to wasting away and there wasn't that much he could do about it probably frightened him.

I liked Jinki, even if he was one of my captors. The fact was that he wasn't nearly as bad as the others.

They left me alone in the day, only really throwing a dirty look or a nasty comment in my direction. Harmless, really.

They liked to come in the night, whenever Jinki wasn't there. When I was alone.

The first time it happened, I smelt the man before I saw him. I could almost taste the alcohol in the air. I didn't know what he wanted at first, usually nobody but Jinki visited my room. But then he came closer. I screamed and cried but he covered my mouth so I couldn't make a noise. I was helpless. My tears rolled silently down my face and my body shook with terror. He didn't stay for long. He seemed to grow tired when he knew I wasn't co-operating.

Stale coffee and cigarette smoke lingered in the air when he was gone.


Taemin's POV

I was walking down the high street. The lights in the shop windows lit up the faces of delighted customers and tourists. Street markets bustled and my stomach growled when the smell of the food hit me. In the corner of my eye I saw a man. I thought I saw him dragging a girl.


He didn't stop, I ran after them. I followed them round a corner into a dark alley. The man was beating the girl.

"Hey! Stop that! Somebody help!"

The man didn't turn round. He only carried on. The girl was crying and pleading. Screaming with terror. And that's when I saw her face. I screamed out for her.


Two hands grabbed my arms and pulled me back, I couldn't help her. I was screaming her name and thrashing against the steel hands. I kept screaming and screaming but it was no use. I could see Jihyun's body lying on the floor but the man did not stop. Now he was doing something worse. I couldn't hear her anymore. And then I couldn't see her. My eyes filled with tears and I couldn't see past them to find her body. I was crying and thrashing and screaming and nothing I did could help her. It killed me inside.


"Yo. Tae. Get up. Hey. Hey! I said get up!"


I rubbed my eyes and saw Jonghyun a cup of hot coffee at me.

"I got you this."

"Oh. Um, thanks," I said, taking a sip.


"Yeah, its hot. I thought it might help wake you up though. Hey...Why are you all sweaty?"

"What?" And then I remembered my dream.

"You have a nightmare or something?"

"Or something..."


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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)