Oppa Oppa Oppa

Happy Go Lucky Tae

It was only 9 o'clock on Sunday morning but there was already a steady stream of people filing up and down the high street. I'd come here in hope of taking a relaxing walk through the city. However, I hadn't been here five minutes and yet the crowds were already causing me some annoyance. Spotting a quiet looking coffee shop, I made a beeline for the entrance. I was met with a wide mahogany counter, offering numerous exotic drinks and snacks. Where was this? Bewildered, I ordered a humble latte and took a seat by the window. This allowed me to privately onlook the busy city. Apparently Seoul didn't know the meaning of the word 'quiet' and I wondered why so many people enjoyed living here. Personally, I didn't like the masses of people but the city itself was beautiful. Especially at night. My coffee was brought to me by a skinny waitress who looked tired and over-worked. I gave her a look of sympathy and thanked her. I had no plans for the day so I sipped slowly at my latte, taking comfort in the knowledge that I had no need to rush off and be somewhere, like most other people around here.

A few minutes later I was in deep thought, so it took me a moment or two to realise Taemin was on the other side of the window, staring at me with his wide eyes. Once I looked back at him, he grinned sheepishly and bounced into the cafe.

"Hey! Jihyun!" He'd never shown any formality since we'd met, he was either incredibly rude or just over-estimated our relationship. I decided on the latter. Why was he shouting know though? I already knew he was here. For this time in the morning, he sure was excitable.

I frowned. "Yah, Taemin-ssi. What are you doing here? "

"Hey..." he whined and flopped into the opposite chair.

"What's wrong? "

"You keep asking me why I'm around. That's the second time you've questioned my whereabouts since we've met. Don't you want me around or something?" He looked up at me from underneath his long eyelashes and pouted, awaiting my response.

"Taemin-ssi, it's not that..."

"Then what?" He leant across the table.

"It's just that I don't really know you or anything about you. We've only met twice and last time, you flew off before I got the chance to ask you." I didn't know him but he seemed harmless and I guess I wanted to get to know him.

"Ah. You're right..." He looked puzzled as he stared hard at the table.

He beamed, "Well we should talk then!"

"Uh, okay. Then tell me about yourself."

He thought for a moment and then opened his mouth and began babbling on to me. He was vague about his home life but appeared to enjoy talking about everything else. He could talk all day, of that I was sure.

Surprisingly, we got on well and one hour and three cups of coffee later, Taemin was practically bouncing off the walls. I suggested we went outside. He looked delighted at the prospect of this and left me with barely enough time to leave the correct change for the coffees before he dragged me out of the coffee shop and through the busy streets of Seoul. I had to admit he was cute. Like an over-excitable young child.

We stopped at the riverside and Taemin pulled me onto the soft spongy grass sprinkled with an array of daisies.

"Ah! Jihyun! We didn't pay for the coffee!" A look of panic flashed across his face that left me with no choice but to giggle at him.

He pouted, "What? Why are you laughing?"

"Because I already paid and you looked so scared," I replied, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Oh! I didn't even realise... I'm sorry, Jihyun." His face wore a look of remorse that instantly made my heart melt. I giggled again.

"Don't worry, Taemin-ssi. It was just coffee!" I smiled.


"Forget about it," I reassured him and ruffled his hair.

"Yah!" he protested, cowering away. "Isn't it a beautiful day today?" It really was. It was a perfect day. The kind of summer day that you never wanted to end. A welcome change from the recent rain we'd been subject to.

"It sure is."

Taemin lay back on the grass, folding his arms behind his head.

"This is my favourite place, you know," he confessed.


He nodded. "Yeah. I feel most relaxed here." I could see his point, there was a beautifully tranquil atmosphere here.

"You just don't seem like a very relaxed person, Taemin-ssi. Always active." He sat up.

"Jihyun, you don't have to call me that."


"You don't have to call me Taemin-ssi. I'm only a year older than you."

"Yes... That and we've only just met really."

"Ne, but I like you Jihyun!" A warm smile spread across his face. "I've never had a friend like you before."

"What do you mean, like me? "

My question was ignored as Taemin spotted an ice-cream van. He leapt to his feet.

"Come on, Jihyun! I'll treat you!"

"Taemin-ssi, there's really no need-"

"Oppa! Call me oppa! And you paid for coffee so it's only fair. Lets go!" He left me with no choice as he set off straight away. Reluctantly, I followed him.

As the sun was setting, we were back by the riverside, joking and chatting light-heartedly.

"Jihyun, what time is it?"

"Er..." I looked at my watch. "Wow, half eight already." Taemin shot up.

"What? ! Shoot!"

"Hey," I laughed. "It's okay."

"No... I have to..." He started to turn away.

"Where are you going, Taemin-ah?" I asked indignantly. 'Oppa' seemed to informal, at least for now, so I settled for this new address. He turned to face me again.

"I have to go."

"Where?" I moaned. Choosing to ignore this, Taemin stepped forwards and put his arms round me. It was a brief but comforting hug.

"I had a really fun day with you, Jihyun."

"Ne, me too..." Before I finished my sentence, Tamin was out of sight. The way his mood had so suddenly changed unsettled me. The light was fading so I decided to head home.

What was with that boy?


Authors Note

Argh! You guys! I just realised something terrible! The name I chose for the main character! When I was thinking of a name, I kept putting two common Korean syllables together to create different names and I settled Jihyun. I just rememebred, literally this minute, that my favourite korean actress is Jun Jihyun. So yeah. Sub-conciously I must have come up with the name Jihyun for my character because of Jun Jihyun. Gahhhhh. I didn't mean to do that! So just remember that the girl in the story isn't supposed to be Jun Jihyun, mmkay?:)

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)