"You're in love with her."

Happy Go Lucky Tae

Jihyun's POV~

"She should be grateful she's even got a bed, Jinki. The last one had to sleep on the floor."

"I know that, I know. I think she really is thankful for that. I just think she might need a little bit more food. She's getting really skinny and I don't see how starving her is going to help us..."

I'd been listening to the men arguing outside the door for the last ten minutes. Jinki assured me he was on my side and wanted to help, but he had to pretend he wasn't. Recently he'd been worried about my wellbeing and had decided to try and help me out a bit.

"Okay, okay, whatever. If it will get you off my back. Take her some noodles or something."

Jinki stuck his head round the door, gave me the thumbs up and winked.

I guess I was losing weight. I'd always been slim and toned but now my ribs were becoming more prominent and my thighs were noticably thinner. On top of that, due to the squalor I was living in, my hair was dirty and hung in clumps around my face and I didn't feel... Clean. They let me shower but there was no soap or shampoo. Kinda pointless really.

I still didn't have any information about where I was or why I was there. I kept pleading Jinki to tell me but he wouldn't budge. He looked frightened everytime I even brought it up, as if just thinking about it would cause something terrible to happen. I didn't really care about that anymore though; I just missed being home.

Above all, I missed Taemin. He appeared in my dreams but it wasn't my Taemin that I saw in them. The boy in my dreams was scary and abusive and violent. He wasn't the loveable, comforting warmth that took care of me. That was the Taemin I missed. He was the reason I cried silently each night as Jinki sat on the edge of the bed and my hair to comfort me. I was grateful, but it wasn't the same. I missed Taemin so much.


Taemin's POV~

I just wanted to sleep. Sleep was the only thing on my mind. Until Jonghyun started pestering me about Jihyun.

"Do you love her?"

"Jonghyun, I don't-"

"You love her don't you! TAEMIN'S IN LUUUURV-"

I clamped my hand over his mouth.

"I am not in love," I said, defiantly.

"You are."

"I'm not."



"Okay, okay I'm sorry. But tell me about how you met her!"

"Jonghyun, please, I'm not going to tell-"

"Oh pleeeeease! I'm so BORED! Plus, I really wanna know."

"You do?"

"Yes," he blinked at me.

I gave in and sighed.

"Okay... Well I was actually in the park. I'd just been chased all around by some crazy puppy and fobbed off these kids with my last lollipops, which I was kind of annoyed about. And then I glanced up... I looked towards the school and I saw a girl staring at me. I noticed the way her hair framed her face perfectly and how her eyes twinkled. And then how her cheeks gradually turned pink as she noticed me looking back at her and she turned away. She looked so cute and funny and I couldn't suppress a little laugh. Her hair swung around then in the way of her features. I couldn't help thinking how much I wanted her to turn around again. So... I waited for her after school, I kept wanting to stop her and talk to her but I was too shy. Then the rain started pouring down soaking us and she sped up. I lost her but when I found her on a different street, she looked lost herself, like she didn't know where she was going. She started to run so I followed just to make sure I kept up with her and then she tripped and fell pretty damn hard. She out I think because she didn't get up. So in the end I managed to take her home. And I'm so glad that I did stay with her because otherwise who knows how long she could have been lying there. Who knows who might have found her?" My voice shrunk.

Jonghyun just stared at me with the biggest smile on his face ever.


He just kept smiling.


He burst then.


"I am NOT in love with Jihyun!"

He smirked, "Ha! It's written all over your face. Man, just accept it!"

I frowned.

I wasn't in love with Jihyun.

I wasn't.

I couldn't be.



... Could I?

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)