
Happy Go Lucky Tae

Jihyun's POV

The stars swam in the deep black pool that was the sky. The moon shone brightly and highlighted the grey swirling mist layering the ground. As I pushed the gate into the church graveyard open, it squeaked so terrifyingly that my breath caught in my throat. The metal felt cold and dead beneath my hands. I walked cautiously, putting one foot in front of the other, slowly. Making no rash movements. Guided by the cobbled path that was still damp from the recent rain. My footsteps sounded so loud in the silent graveyard. How eerie.

A twig snapped some way behind me. I glanced over my shoulder. Nobody there.

Of course there wasn't.

I continued down the winding path, past great oak trees with silver leaves and crooked gravestones engraved with loving messages. The night air was cold and damp.

Over the sound of my footsteps, all I could hear was my own breath, shaky and unsteady.

I came to the end of the path. I turned away from the church door, grand and magnificent.

As I turned I hit something hard and cold. My scream pierced the air. Stumbling back, I looked up at the obstacle.


Dressed in a crisp black suit, he carried a single ruby red rose in his hands. His skin looked pale and translucent. His eyes were dark. A deep red liquid seeped from the corners of his mouth. Even in this state, he was flawless. Beautiful in the moonlight.

The pace of my heart quickened as he stepped towards me. My eyes widened.

"Don't be afraid of me," he whispered and pushed my hair behind my ear. His touch felt cold and dead against my cheek.

And then, he vanished.

"Jihyun? Jihyun!"

My eyes slowly opened and Jinki's face appeared above mine, wide eyed and flushed.


"Were you dreaming? Having a nightmare? You were mumbling stuff in your sleep and tossing and turning." He looked genuinely concerned. Odd.

"Uh, yeah, yeah I was. Did you wake me up?"

He nodded.

"Oh, thanks," I laughed. I didn't feel like laughing but it was better to let Jinki believe I was okay. And I was thankful to have been rescued from that awful dream. Why did Taemin keep appearing like this? I was almost scared of sleeping now yet strangely excited; I knew I'd meet Taemin, which was a good thing since I missed him so badly. But it wasn't the same. I didn't like the Taemin in my dreams. He was... different.

Jinki's POV

Phew. Thank god she was okay.

She kept having these terrible dreams but I couldn't help her. You can't control a persons dreams.

I wanted to help her in any other way possible so I brought more food for her and tried to stay with her as often as possible. I knew what they did when I was gone and it killed me inside. She shouldn't have to do that. She hid it from me pretty well but she forgot that the guys had done this before, she wasn't the first girl. It broke my heart every morning after, to see her lying there so frail and so exhausted. She was helpless.

But beautiful. Still beautiful. Even though her hair was dirty and she had huge rings under her eyes. Even though she didn't smile much anymore.

I loved her smile. I tried to make her laugh when I could and adored those sweet little smiles she gave me when I brought her food. And I didn't mind staying with her as much as I did. I liked talking to her and I wanted to protect her. They wouldn't pull me away from her until they wanted something from her. So I was pretty much left alone with her all day, every day. I was so lucky. And I was definitely going to try to help her escape.

Maybe then, after all this, I could still see her...


Author's Note~

Thank you so much for the recent comments! One in particular made me laugh my head off, calling Onew a 'mushball' for being on Jihyun's side xD Yeeeah he's pretty mushball..y ^^P He was the perfect character for this part :) Thanks for reading everyone!

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)