First Impressions

Happy Go Lucky Tae





"Maybe you'd like to explain why the author did not expand upon the lovers' reasoning in this chapter?"

My eyes flew open in alarm as I realised I'd not been paying the slightest bit of attention to the lesson.

"Um... well... maybe-"

"Don't waste our time, Jihyun. Do you even know what page we're up to?"

The blank expression on my face must have confirmed her suspicions. She let out an exasperated sigh.

"Page 116 and please, TRY to keep up."

It wasn't that I didn't try in class. I really did try my best to concentrate but it was just so difficult to focus on anything. I frequently landed myself in trouble for daydreaming. Truth be told, I'd been gazing out of the window this time, watching the world go by. From the classroom window I could see the stretch of grass leading up to the school gates, across the road and into the park. I loved staring out of this window, it was like peering into other peoples lives without them ever knowing. It often made me long to be outside, breathing in the city's air, feeling the sun's warmth fold around me.

Today I'd been watching two children being pulled along by a small dog. I only started to pay attention to the scene when the dog broke free from its lead and began running freely through the park. This caught my attention. I sat up to get a better view. As I leant towards the window pane, I noticed a young boy, around seventeen years old, running. He was infact running away from the tiny canine. The boy leapt over bushes and squeezed past strolling couples. He almost knocked over a small, rather plump business man due to his haste. I watched as the man shook his fist in the direction of the boy, who had long passed by now. Eventually the boy sprung onto a wooden picnic table, gaining refuge from the vicious creature, now baring his teeth. The boy caught his breath as two apologetic looking children scuttled over to collect their dog. I expected the boy to be angry and lash out at the children. To my surprise, however, he held up his hands and shook his head as if assuring the children no harm had been done. My eyes focused on the way his hair flew around his head as he did this, and then flopped back down perfectly in place. He dug around in his pocket for a moment and produced two lollipops. The delighted childen gladly accepted these from him. The exchange was apparently not over; the taller of the two children presented a carton of what looked like banana milk. The boy eagerly snatched this away, gulped it down, and tossed it over his shoulder into a nearby bin. The two parties parted ways and the boy began making his way towards the edge of the park. He dropped down onto a roadside bench and glanced at the school. His eyes met mine and my cheeks flamed as he winked at me then appeared to chuckle to himself. If it wasn't for my embarrassment, I wouldn't have turned away to hide in my hair, but would have happily watched the way his eyes crinkled as he smiled.

"Damn," I thought to myself. I'd made such a fool of myself. Not that the boy had done much better, but he didn't seem too bothered by his recent ordeal. I thought I could feel those golden eyes burning deep into me, scarring my skin. I wanted to brave a glimpse outside, just to check. I was pushing my hair out of my eyes and turning my head when my teacher's voice pulled me back into the classroom.

Who was that boy?


Authors Note:

Hey everyone! This is my first fanfic EVER! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Pleeease subscribe, it's about to get much more intriguing, don't miss out! Also, please don't be a silent reader! Comment ^___^ I'd love to hear your responses and any constructive criticism or ideas you might have :D

I have the next two chapters written out but I might extend them slightly... Taemin will make a full appearance soon so be patient!^^;

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 27: Finally had a chance to read this story and gosh it's so beautifully written! :)
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 24: New reader here thanks for the cool story i read all chapters in one night >_<
Oooh Me Gusta :D
Please update soon :)
I'm curious to see what happens :)