Chapter 7

With All My Heart






Why the house is dark? Has she gone to sleep already? But it’s just past 8 now… Curiously, Jaejoong parked his car at his usual spot. Her car is not here… Is she still out? Jaejoong walked inside the house and switched on the small lamp then made his way into his room.


“Ah… My body is aching… Should take more care.” Jaejoong sat on the bed and massaged his body. Soon, he fell asleep due to tiredness. He suddenly woke up at 2 AM and looked out the window. Her car is still not here. Jaejoong quickly made his way toward Joonhee’s room.


“Where is she?” Jaejoong looked around the room. There was no single trace of her inside the room. Jaejoong looked into the bathroom but there were no signs of her. Empty.


“What…” He then saw Joonhee’s wedding ring shone when the moonlight shined it. Why she left it here? Jaejoong questioned himself in curious. He recognized Joonhee always wore her wedding ring although he didn’t. And he knew Joonhee saw that too.


“Don’t tell me…” His heart suddenly throbbed faster. He felt curious and then checked the wardrobe. Her clothes were all gone. She didn’t leave any of her belongings at all.


“What should I do?” Jaejoong walked back and forth. He ran his fingers along his hair then sighed heavily. Where did she go? Jaejoong reached his pocket to take his phone to call her.Wait, I didn’t save her number. Again, he sighed more heavily.


What should I do? Ask the guys? No…no…they will kill me for sure. Jaejoong then lied on the bed tried to think a way to solve his problem.


“Wait!” He sat up. “Why I should be worried about her. Isn’t this good? She’s out of my life! I can be with Sori now.” Jaejoong talked to himself. “Yes, that’s right…” He tried to smile but his heart aching.


“I should sleep…” He was too tired from work and now, he didn’t bother to sleep in his room. Instead, Jaejoong pulled the blanket off Joonhee’s bed and covered himself with it. He could smell the lavender scent.


What a nice smell…


He moved around as he couldn’t sleep but suddenly his hand felt something under the pillow. “What is this…” He pulled it out. It was a photo album. Curiously, Jaejoong opened the album.


“This…” There were pictures of him and Joonhee. The album kept so many pictures of them and with his best friends. There was a picture of him kissing Joonhee’s cheek, a picture of him didn’t let any of his friends came near her and many more pictures that clearly showed how much he loved Joonhee when he lost his memories.


“Why can’t I remember you…” Jaejoong took a picture of Joonhee smiling. He caressed the picture and put away the album. With Joonhee’s picture close to his heart, Jaejoong drifted to sleep with Joonhee’s lullaby echoed inside his head.



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Chapter 19: I really like childish Jae.. you should write more childish and cute jae..kkkkk i have a thing for cute boys xD
anyway.. nice story :D so fluffy and refreshing kkkk.
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 19: owwwwwwwww ... that is so sweet ..
gosh! i cant imagine, jaejoong peeing on his bed? then act like a 3 year old boy? waahh! i wanna see him acting like that hehe!
Excited, just came I'm excited to start reading~
leehyuk #4
i keep on reading this over and over again<3
m0zarts0nata-- #5
woah~!!like it!
nar12345 #7
kyaaaa...sweet moment! cherish all u have...
cute joongie. I'll miss childish jae. cute story! keke~
heechulgirl4ever #9
yeaaah i loveee it. and i dunno why this time i cried :(