With All My Heart





Jaejoong kept stomped his feet on the floor continuously. Joonhee furrowed her eyebrows and stopped her reading. She took off her glasses and walked toward Jaejoong.


“It’s raining outside, Jae! You’ll get sick if I allowed you to play outside.” Joonhee stopped him by held his knee together. “I don’t care! I want to play outside!” He pouted at Joonhee.


“I said no!” Joonhee said with a firm voice. Jaejoong looked at her with a sad emotion. “Joonie bad…” He teared up. “Joongie,” Joonhee went closer to console him but Jaejoong quickly ran into his room.


“Jooniee bad…bad…” Jaejoong threw the pillows to Joonhee when she walked inside the room. “Joonie don’t like Joongie anymore…Joonie bad…” Jaejoong lied down with his face on the bed.


“Jaejoong…” Joonhee sat beside him while Jaejoong mumbled incoherently. “What if I call Junsu to play with you tomorrow?”


“Susu will come to play with me?” Jaejoong got up quickly and faced her with his big rounded eyes. Joonhee nodded with a smile and reminded herself to ask help from Junsu later.


“You’re not mad at me anymore?” Joonhee brushed his hair lovingly. “Joongie is still angry at Joonie.” He backed away from Joonhee. Joonhee smiling and went toward Jaejoong to embrace him.


“I’m sorry, okay? Joonie is bad…Joongie forgive Joonie, okay?” Joonhee cupped his cheeks. “Joonie is bad…but Joongie like Joonie, so Joongie forgive Joonie.” Jaejoong smiled brightly and hugged her.


Joonhee caressed Jaejoong’s face, wanted to remember every detail of him that she could. She suddenly leaned forward and kissed Jaejoong on his lips. Jaejoong’s eyes were widened by her sudden act but somehow, his heart let her.


Joonhee opened her closed eyes. Jaejoong was looking deeply into her eyes with a confused expression. She smiled lightly. “What’s wrong, Jae?” She pinched his cheek.


“Joongie like it when Joonie do it.” Jaejoong suddenly grinned. “Do what?” She tipped her nose with Jaejoong’s. “Kiss. Joongie saw a lot of people do that in movie. Then they lied on bed together and do something.” He said innocently.


“When did you watch it?” Joonhee furrowed her eyebrows. Their television only had cartoon channels as only Jaejoong watched television while she rarely sat in front of it.


“At Yunnie’s house. Chunnie, Susu and Minnie saw it too.” He replied. Joonhee slapped her forehead. Oh my God. “Joongie, next time when they tell you to watch it with them, hit them.” Joonhee reminded him. “Why?”


“Only bad boys watch movies like that. My Joongie is a good boy, right?” Jaejoong nodded at her words. “Joongie is a good boy.” He said to himself. Joonhee smiled while she cursed the guys for letting Jaejoong watched 'inappropriate' movie with them.


“Joonie…” Jaejoong suddenly lied on her laps. “Yes?” Joonhee was surprised at his act. “Joongie want to sleep.” He closed his eyes. “Sleep well...” Joonhee brushed his bang.


“Joonie don’t go anywhere, okay? Joongie want to see Joonie’s face when Joongie wake up.” Jaejoong’s words touched her heart. “Okay.” Joonhee kissed his forehead.


♥Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. ♥




i'll always be a cassie and pray for you guys...


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Chapter 19: I really like childish Jae.. you should write more childish and cute jae..kkkkk i have a thing for cute boys xD
anyway.. nice story :D so fluffy and refreshing kkkk.
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 19: owwwwwwwww ... that is so sweet ..
gosh! i cant imagine, jaejoong peeing on his bed? then act like a 3 year old boy? waahh! i wanna see him acting like that hehe!
Excited, just came I'm excited to start reading~
leehyuk #4
i keep on reading this over and over again<3
m0zarts0nata-- #5
woah~!!like it!
nar12345 #7
kyaaaa...sweet moment! cherish all u have...
cute joongie. I'll miss childish jae. cute story! keke~
heechulgirl4ever #9
yeaaah i loveee it. and i dunno why this time i cried :(